Three Sent Home To Their Maker In Westmoreland On Wednesday

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Let’s talk
One of the things you know I talk about all the time is crime, I do so because there’s too much of it in our country.
Crime and gangs have tak­en over the coun­try because of cor­rupt politi­cians who pan­der to crim­i­nals and entire com­mu­ni­ties of mal­con­tents in order to secure votes and an every increas­ing larg­er swath of the three mil­lion peo­ple on the Island who want Jamaica to become a place where any­thing and every­thing is a go.
They have allowed this this prob­lem to fes­ter, as a result, a whole cot­tage indus­try have devel­oped around crime. Little indus­tries have devel­oped around the may­hem, a‑la a mas­sive increase in funer­al par­lors, some­thing some peo­ple whis­per are also con­tribut­ing to the crime sta­tis­tics, Bands, vend­ing, etc etc. There are now peo­ple depend­ing on oth­ers to die so they can eat. 
Death has become some­thing to cel­e­brate because a dead body means that peo­ple can eat at the dead yard and oth­ers can make mon­ey from sell­ing things that the deceased fam­i­ly needs to bury their loved ones. Others sim­ply pull up their vend­ing carts at the deceased house and sell their wares.
It is a dog eat dog Serengeti that rivals the ani­mal king­dom in every way.
None of this is some­thing to be cel­e­brat­ed, rather the sanc­ti­ty of life should inspire all of us to find ways to pre­serve it. Certainly not this macabre ver­sion of our­selves we have become…