Three (3) Arkansas Cops Suspended Over Violent Arrest, (watch Video)

We could call these three ani­mals, but we love ani­mals, and they do [not]act this way, so we won’t even begin to describe it.
Sufficing to say that these are patrolling American streets pur­port­ing to be law enforce­ment officers.
If these are law enforce­ment offi­cers, we are in deep shit, and some would have you believe this is the exception.
This is the rule; this is how these tyran­ni­cal mon­sters oper­ate; this is American law enforcement.

Three Arkansas law enforce­ment offi­cers are sus­pend­ed fol­low­ing social media out­rage over a video that shows two coun­ty deputies and a Mulberry offi­cer strik­ing a sus­pect under arrest.

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Three Arkansas, law enforce­ment offi­cers, were sus­pend­ed Sunday fol­low­ing social media out­rage over a video that seem­ing­ly showed two deputies and an offi­cer strik­ing a sus­pect under arrest.

Crawford County Sheriff Jimmy Damante issued a state­ment Sunday evening, stat­ing two coun­ty deputies will be sus­pend­ed dur­ing the course of the Arkansas state police’s inves­ti­ga­tion into the inci­dent and the sheriff’s office’s inter­nal inves­ti­ga­tion. A Mulberry police offi­cer also was suspended.

Always record these mon­strous beasts…

I hold all my employ­ees account­able for their actions and will take appro­pri­ate mea­sures in this mat­ter,” Damante said.

In a state­ment released Sunday evening, Mulberry Police Chief Shannon Gregory said the offi­cer involved in the inci­dent is on leave pend­ing the out­come of the investigation.

The city of Mulberry and the Mulberry police depart­ment takes these inves­ti­ga­tions very seri­ous­ly,” Gregory said.

These are the actions of sadis­tic crea­tures who derive plea­sure from inflict­ing pain on oth­ers. Under no cir­cum­stances should these beasts be mis­tak­en for law enforce­ment officers.

According to police, a report indi­cat­ed that a man was mak­ing threats to a con­ve­nience store employ­ee in Mulberry on Sunday morn­ing. Mulberry is locat­ed about 137 miles (220.48 kilo­me­ters) north­west of Little Rock.

Police said when the offi­cers con­front­ed the man, he pushed a deputy to the ground and punched the back of his head, lead­ing to the arrest seen in the video. In the video, the three law enforce­ment offi­cers are seen on top of the sus­pect, some­times strik­ing him with clenched fists.

The uniden­ti­fied man was arrest­ed and tak­en to a local hos­pi­tal. He faces charges of ter­ror­is­tic threat­en­ing, resist­ing arrest, and oth­er assault charges, police said.

No fur­ther infor­ma­tion was imme­di­ate­ly available.