Threatening Cops Lives Is Serious/​not In Jamaica…

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Following an intel­li­gence memo roam­ing around the pub­lic, in which close rel­a­tives of a deceased gang­ster threat­ened the lives of police offi­cers, I asked the ques­tion, why isn’t this pun­ish­able by seri­ous prison time?

I have con­sis­tent­ly main­tained that since the state refus­es to pro­tect police offi­cers with leg­is­la­tion that sends a clear mes­sage that this will result in seri­ous prison time, the police must learn to defend themselves.
The late Colin Powell, a son of Jamaican immi­grants and for­mer US Secretary of State, Army General, and Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs, once said, ’ If you are con­tem­plat­ing war and there is a pos­si­bil­i­ty you can lose, don’t fight.
But if you must fight, take all your weapons to war, use them, win, and go home.
How a police depart­ment inter­prets this is up to it.
The best defense is to attack, not sit around and wait for your ene­my to come to you; find the ene­my and root it out.
Daily, we see video record­ings of law­less ele­ments fight­ing police offi­cers exe­cut­ing their duties; the stooges who com­mand the offices see these videos, and so does the commissioner.
The politi­cians from the two crim­i­nal gangs all see them, and so do the so-called police com­man­ders, and still, there is no change in the leg­isla­tive approach to these acts against the men and women we ask to pro­tect us.
It is time for the police to pro­tect them­selves, to hell with the system.

But I’m sor­ry, Houston. We have a prob­lem.….…..We have a police chief who is not a police offi­cer but a mil­i­tary offi­cer with­out under­stand­ing the nuances of police work. We have a police com­mis­sion­er who has no idea what to do with water, sug­ar, and no lemon. 
Additionally, he is sur­round­ed by a bunch of pre­tenders, many of whom nev­er made an arrest, but they are senior police com­man­ders, schooled at, you guessed it, the intel­lec­tu­al ghet­to.
This is a total farce, they do not know their heads from their ass­es, and they stead­fast­ly refuse to accept that they don’t.
Worse yet, the Commissioner and his lack­eys are usu­al­ly too busy preen­ing for their polit­i­cal boss­es to care about imple­ment­ing effec­tive polic­ing strate­gies. Our police offi­cers need to unlearn every­thing they learned at the acad­e­my about how to phys­i­cal­ly be police offi­cers and be trained effec­tive­ly in deal­ing with the ele­ments they face on the streets. It’s all about train­ing, train­ing, training.
As a mat­ter of fact, they have no idea what that looks like. This bunch of so-called lead­ers have total­ly adopt­ed the notion that polic­ing is about secur­ing the rights of vio­lent mur­der­ers, not find­ing them and bring­ing them to jus­tice where pos­si­ble or bring­ing jus­tice to them where it’s not.





Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.