Those Opposed To Holness Must Now To Shut Up Or Leave The Party..

Alexander Bustamante
Alexander Bustamante

Critical to Andrew Holness’s sur­vival as leader of Jamaica’s Opposition Jamaica Labor Party, is the fact that twen­ty of the JLP’s 21 MPs took part in the poll at the par­ty’s Belmont Road head­quar­ters in Kingston, with Holness being the only one with­out a vote. The result of the bal­lots showed that he had the sup­port of approx­i­mate­ly two-thirds of the MPs. Thirteen of the MPs sup­port­ed him remain­ing as their leader, while sev­en were opposed.
It is now time for the labor par­ty to unite and devel­op strat­e­gy on the best way for­ward for our country.
Those opposed to his lead­er­ship must now shut up sit down or find anoth­er party.
The labor par­ty as an enti­ty have been through these grow­ing pains before.
So too have the People’s National Party.

Donald Sangster
Donald Sangster

It was­n’t too long ago the nation was engrossed with the Spectacle of the Peter Phillips chal­lenge to Portia Simpson Miller’s lead­er­ship of that Party.
Unfortunately for Peter Phillips, Portia the pop­ulist had the back­ing of the par­ty’s old guard from the Michael Manley/​Percival Patterson wing

What dis­senters and detrac­tors of Andrew Holness’s lead­er­ship must now look at, is the rapid dis­patch with which the PNP fused around the lead­er­ship of Portia and once again became one party.
One par­ty which effec­tive­ly won a deci­sive victory.

As I wrote recent­ly pet­ty jeal­ousies and ego has been the JLP’s achilles heel, this has severe­ly affect­ed the par­ty’s abil­i­ty to win elections.
The time for that to end is now.

Robert Lightbourne
Robert Lightbourne

Those with­ing the par­ty who are con­sumed with their own agen­da must now sub­mit to his lead­er­ship or go join the PNP. It isn’t as if some haven’t already done so.
Of note is the incon­ve­nient lit­tle fact that Audley Shaw was absent from the Gospel event spon­sored by Evrald Warmington in Old Harbor St Catherine.
It may very well be that there were exten­u­at­ing cir­cum­stances which made it impos­si­ble for him to attend. 
However the optics were ter­ri­ble, par­tic­u­lar­ly at a time when Holness’s lead­er­ship was in question.
It is time now for Audley Shaw and oth­ers to be sup­port­ive of the leader of the par­ty or step aside.
The par­ty is big­ger than any one per­son or group of people.

Hugh Lawson Shearer
Hugh Lawson Shearer

It is time for the par­ty of Bustamante, Donald Sangster, and Hugh Lawson Shearer and Robert Lightbourne to step to the fore and offer lead­er­ship to our people. 
Leadership which will edu­cate our young people.
Take care of those who can­not take care of themselves.
Put our coun­try on a path to eco­nom­ic sustainability.
Develop strate­gies which will once again make the pri­vate sec­tor the engine of growth as opposed to bor­row­ing and mas­sive taxation.
Develop and main­tain our infra­struc­ture with a view to reduc­ing and elim­i­nat­ing urban sprawl.
Stop the whole­sale divest­ment of our coun­try’s vital assets.
Putting ade­quate laws in place which will reduce lawlessness,making our coun­try once again a place where peo­ple want to vis­it , invest in and a place where Jamaicans can be hap­py to call home.

These are some of the press­ing needs of our small nation.
The labor par­ty will not fix every­thing in one fell-swoop but it will indi­cate to the world that Jamaica is once again open for business.