This Time The Senate And Caesar Are One

One scan­dal was gen­er­al­ly enough to doom a pri­ma­ry or gen­er­al elec­tion can­di­da­cy, ren­der­ing that can­di­date a side­line spec­ta­tor for the remain­der of his life.

Senator Gary Hart
The Democratic sen­a­tor from Colorado “was as close to a lock for the nom­i­na­tion — and like­ly the pres­i­den­cy — as any chal­lenger of the mod­ern era” in the 1988 election,.
But sus­pi­cions of Hart’s mar­i­tal infi­deli­ty and an inves­ti­ga­tion by the Miami Herald led to the media fren­zy. Hart with­drew from the race. A few months lat­er, he re-entered the cam­paign to “let the peo­ple decide.” But after three months, he quit again.

Spiro Agnew
Richard Nixon’s first vice pres­i­dent became the sec­ond in American his­to­ry to resign after accu­sa­tions of tax eva­sion and bribery. Despite declar­ing in September 1973 that he “will not resign if indict­ed,” Agnew resigned in October in exchange for a plea bar­gain that kept him out of jail.

John Edwards
The Senator from North Carolina was a ris­ing star in Democratic Party after run­ning on John Kerry’s pres­i­den­tial tick­et in 2004. During his pres­i­den­tial run four years lat­er, Edwards faced tabloid alle­ga­tions of an extra­mar­i­tal affair with Rielle Hunter, a film­mak­er hired to work on his cam­paign. He lat­er admit­ted that the alle­ga­tions were true and that he fathered a child with Hunter. Three years lat­er, Edwards faced a fed­er­al grand jury on charges of using cam­paign mon­ey to hide his affair. He was acquit­ted on one count and received a mis­tri­al on the others.

The list of can­di­dates who have been dam­aged by scan­dals is long and varied.
That is all gone now, there is a gen­er­al feel­ing of res­ig­na­tion, a feel­ing of being over­whelmed by the dai­ly scan­dals. It is as if lies have become truth and that even where the lies are so pro­nounced they can­not be denied, peo­ple cre­ate alter­na­tive truths, rather than face and call out the lies.
But the lies are only a small part of it. The crimes, and the acts that would have got­ten pre­vi­ous pres­i­dents kicked out of office.

Kids locked in cages, Unidentified Federal offi­cers beat­ing law­ful pro­test­ers so Julius Caesar could have a pho­to-op. Over 200,000 Americans dead as a result of COVID-19, all while cae­sar lied and conspired
War on Health care. Abuse of cit­i­zen’s rights. Assault on the envi­ron­ment. Rolling back civ­il and vot­ing rights. Destroying what cred­i­bil­i­ty Federal agen­cies had pri­or. Beaking from International treaties. Breaking from International com­mit­ments while dis­re­spect­ing old friends and hug­ging up mon­strous dictators.
Yea .…. you got the picture.

There is no hon­or among thieves, but once upon a time, not long ago, the thieves would shroud their lack of hon­or by wash­ing off the blood, then hid­ing their hands under their long white robes .……Some even wore hoods, now they wear suits.
They have learned that there is no need to side­step the lies that dis­hon­or them. Who cares about hon­or when I get to be the world’s num­ber one golf caddie?
Truth is what you say it is boss.
It is a con­stant bar­rage of scan­dals, an out­ra­geous abuse of pow­er, lies, decep­tions, and egre­gious assaults. Not just on our bod­ies but on our men­tal state of mind, it is designed to wear us down until we lose the will to care.
It is the strat­e­gy of com­mu­nists & Fascists alike.

It is as old as Communism; A con­cept advo­cat­ing class war and lead­ing to a soci­ety in which all prop­er­ty is pub­licly owned and each per­son works and is paid accord­ing to their abil­i­ties and needs.
As old as Fascism. (Britannica​.com) explains Fascism; Some see it as an extreme form of con­ser­vatism inspired by a 19th-cen­tu­ry back­lash against the ideals of the Enlightenment. Others find fas­cism deeply irra­tional, where­as oth­ers are impressed with the ratio­nal­i­ty with which it served the mate­r­i­al inter­ests of its supporters.

Regardless of the angle from which you view this slow tick­ing time bomb, one thing is cer­tain what­ev­er you thought about the American Democracy was wrong.
Whatever you thought when you heard peo­ple talk about patri­o­tism and pride in their coun­try, you were wrong. Today the American Democratic exper­i­ment is not at a cross­roads as John Kasich allud­ed. The American exper­i­ment is tee­ter­ing on the brink of the precipice, threat­en­ing at any moment to top­ple over into the dark abyss of totalitarianism.
This time the Senate will not save Rome from Ceasar, the Senate and Ceasar are one.
Rest in peace John McCain.…..

Mike Beckles is a for­mer police Detective cor­po­ral, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, he is a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog mike​beck​les​.com. 
He’s also a con­trib­u­tor to sev­er­al websites.
You may sub­scribe to his blogs free of charge, or sub­scribe to his Youtube chan­nel @chatt-a-box, for the lat­est pod­cast all free to you of course.