This Time It’s Attempted Murder-suicide,

Residents of the Mountain View com­mu­ni­ty of East Kingston were left stunned after a near sim­i­lar event as the one on Waltham Park Road yes­ter­day, in which a Corrections offi­cer killed his estranged wife and then him­self, played out in their community.

According to the police, a man known only as “Suddy” used a rock to blud­geon his com­mon-law wife’s head, believ­ing she was dead he then hung him­self.
Neighbors told police the cou­ple was qui­et peo­ple who were not a both­er to any­one. They expressed shock that the deceased could have car­ried out such an act.
On the arrival of the police, the elder­ly woman was found lying in a pool of blood but still alive.
She was rushed to the hos­pi­tal where she is in seri­ous to crit­i­cal condition.

Neighbors told police the man did not hear or see very well and would some­times walk into light-posts.
They allege that the woman moved out of a house they shared and he would vis­it her where she stayed occa­sion­al­ly to help with house­hold chores and pro­vide finan­cial sup­port to her. According to neigh­bors, he could be heard yelling before the inci­dent,” after 19 years yu nuh want me”?
She report­ed­ly had planned on leav­ing him.