
Here are a cou­ple of sim­ple facts: 1) If much more than 50% of the coun­try’s Gross domes­tic prod­uct (GDP) is used to ser­vice inter­est pay­ments on the nation’s immense debt, then there will and must be rev­enue short­falls .2) Under the same sce­nario, the Government looks for addi­tion­al rev­enues through the only source it absolute­ly should NOT, more tax­a­tion. 3) .

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Vale Royal res­i­dence of the Jamaican Prime Minister.

Why? Taxation may ini­tial­ly increase rev­enues col­lect­ed, but will invari­ably lead to a drop-off in eco­nom­ic activ­i­ty, as it inevitably will. Taxation con­stricts eco­nom­ic activ­i­ty which results in less rev­enue col­lect­ed. In the case of Jamaica this presents a mam­moth cri­sis as the nation is caught in a vicious cyclonic wave as a result of the par­tic­u­lars I just laid out. The nation will first have to come to grips with the real­i­ty that tax­a­tion and spend­ing is not the way to grow an econ­o­my. It must be through low crime, invest­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties, edu­ca­tion, elim­i­nat­ing cor­rup­tion and bureau­crat­ic imped­i­ments. I am not sure this Administration is capa­ble of fig­ur­ing this out. Part of any hope for eco­nom­ic sal­va­tion for Jamaica must be first to low­er crime , then ditch the (IMF). Ditching the IMF is imper­a­tive if Jamaica is to start on a path of eco­nom­ic growth, it must shed that par­a­sitic agency.


  1. With thir­teen more IMF tests to go on this Extended Fund Facility (EFF), it will be inter­est­ing to see what hap­pens going for­ward. I think the real pit­falls and obsta­cle cours­es are ahead re the IMF. To date, I have not seen a Third World coun­try that has been suc­cess­ful with the IMF con­di­tion­al­i­ties and aus­ter­i­ty pro­grams. So, I am of the per­spec­tive, like oth­er coun­tries that have not fared well, Jamaica will do the same. Also, where is the GROWTH PLAN of the government ?

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