This Publication Supports Rachael .…

This pub­li­ca­tion sup­port Rachael Dolezal.
RachelDolezalThis pub­li­ca­tion wish­es to reg­is­ter it’s sup­port for Rachael Dolezal for­mer head of the Spokane Washington NAACP.
We would like to reg­is­ter our dis­gust with the per­cep­tion that a dried up with­ered man twice mar­ried and divorced can declare he is now a woman and be award­ed the Arthur Ash medal for courage.
Conversely this edu­cat­ed young woman who may have been eth­i­cal­ly mis­guid­ed in declar­ing her­self black but who have done tremen­dous good as head of her NAACP chap­ter and as an edu­ca­tor is being demo­nized and pilloried.
In essence soci­ety is dic­tat­ing one can mar­ry whomev­er and soon whatever.
One may chose his her gen­der, but nev­er ever assume to be black.
Rachael’s sup­posed birth moth­er when asked whether one can be trans-racial remarked “No, ones race is part of ones genet­ic code”.
Wonder at what stage is one’s gen­der decided?
Ironically the per­son who posed the ques­tion to the senior Dolezals was Thomas Roberts a man who is mar­ried to a man.