This Pair Of Elitist Should Not Be Allowed To Hold Public Office…



Recently I com­ment­ed on a Letter an aspir­ing Jamaica Labor Party Politician wrote to a media house in Jamaica as an open let­ter to the Commissioner of Police com­plain­ing about what he per­ceived to be police mis­con­duct met­ed out to him at the Half Way Tree Police station.

The aspir­ing politi­cian is Kent Phillip Gammon deputy spokesper­son on Justice and a mem­ber of the Labor Party.
I will allow him to speak for himself.

This is an open letter to the commissioner of police, Dr Carl Williams.

Re: (1) The func­tion­ing of the Half-Way-Tree Police Station on Saturday, May 23, 2015; (2) attor­neys-at-law required to pro­duce iden­ti­fi­ca­tion cards from the General Legal Council.

I wish to share my expe­ri­ence with your con­sta­bles on Saturday, May 23 at approx­i­mate­ly 4 p.m. at the Half-Way Tree Police Station.

(A) Facts

(1) That day, I was called ear­ly in the after­noon by a con­cerned cit­i­zen with respect to the tak­ing into cus­tody of Glenroy Ricardo Walker on Friday, May 22, along Anderson Road in Woodford Park in St Andrew by Jamaica Constabulary Force con­sta­bles. I was told he was being held at the Half-Way Tree Police Station.

(2) I was asked to attend upon the Half-Way Tree Police Station to ascer­tain: (i) whether Mr Walker was actu­al­ly in cus­tody there and (ii) what he was being charged for.

(3) On arriv­ing at the Half-Way Tree Police Station, I parked by the hold­ing area to the back of the said sta­tion. I went to the two plain-clothes per­sons seat­ed at the desk and intro­duced myself. No one seat­ed intro­duced them­selves as would be com­mon courtesy.

(4) I was asked by the two seat­ed per­sons to show iden­ti­fi­ca­tion. I told them I didn’t have any iden­ti­fi­ca­tion from the General Legal Council (GLC) to iden­ti­fy myself as an attor­ney-at-law. I was told by the man and the woman that I had to pro­duce an iden­ti­fi­ca­tion card.

(5) I stat­ed that lawyers didn’t get IDs from the GLC and repeat­ed that I didn’t have any such ID. I pro­ceed­ed to ask if they had in their cus­tody one Glenroy Ricardo Walker.

(6) The two plain-clothes con­sta­bles told me they didn’t know that name and that I was to go to the front of the Half-Way Tree Police Station for more infor­ma­tion. Another female cor­po­ral then sat on the bench by the female plain-clothes con­sta­ble and in an unpleas­ant tone asked me my name. I gave my name again and she, too, asked me for identification.

(7) I repeat­ed to her that I didn’t have any iden­ti­fi­ca­tion from the General Legal Council to prove I was an attor­ney-at-law. She then told me I was not allowed in that area and I had to leave now.

(8) I then went to the front of the Half-Way Tree Police Station, where­upon I called back the con­cerned cit­i­zen who had called me ear­li­er that after­noon about Mr Walker to ascer­tain if he had his infor­ma­tion in fact cor­rect. The con­cerned cit­i­zen gave me a tele­phone num­ber for one Superintendent Bailey and told me that that was where Mr Walker had been tak­en into custody.

(9) After call­ing but not get­ting through to the num­ber, Supt Bailey called me on my cel­lu­lar with­in a very short peri­od of time. I told him who I was, he had no clue who I was either, and after explain­ing all in para­graphs (1), (2) and (5) above, I asked him if he could help. He was quite unhelpful.

(10) I then pro­ceed­ed to ask for the super­in­ten­dent in charge of the sta­tion at the front desk and was told that that offi­cer was not there.

(11) I was then direct­ed to a sergeant seat­ed in a room by the front desk and I again told him who I was and asked if he had Mr Walker in cus­tody. He, too, asked me for iden­ti­fi­ca­tion and I had to repeat I didn’t have any iden­ti­fi­ca­tion from the General Legal Council (GLC) to iden­ti­fy myself as an attorney-at-law.

(12) He then told me I had to check with the con­sta­bles at the back of the Half-Way Tree Police Station to ascer­tain if Mr Walker was actu­al­ly in their custody.

(13) Obviously get­ting nowhere with any con­sta­ble at the sta­tion, I left hav­ing wast­ed approx­i­mate­ly 30 min­utes at the said station.

(14) On Tuesday, May 26, I then spoke to the con­cerned cit­i­zen who had called me ear­li­er the after­noon on Saturday, May 23. He told me that Mr Walker had been released from cus­tody that same day.

(B) Issues

(1) Are attor­neys-at-law now required to pro­duce iden­ti­fi­ca­tion cards at the Half-Way Tree Police Station, or any oth­er police sta­tion, for that mat­ter, when they attend upon police sta­tions to see clients or poten­tial clients.

(2) How is it that per­sons tak­en into cus­tody at the Half-Way Tree Police Station are not record­ed in your cus­tody book so that attor­neys-at-law can know if their clients and/​or poten­tial clients are in the cus­tody of the State, i.e., a police station?

© Submissions

(1) Attorneys-at-law should not be told they have to leave any area of the police sta­tion unless they pose a threat to the safe­ty of police con­sta­bles and/​or indi­vid­u­als in custody.

(2) Attorneys-at-law should not have to pro­duce any iden­ti­fi­ca­tion cards from the General Legal Council to prove they are attor­neys-at-law to any police con­sta­ble when an attor­ney-at-law attends upon a police sta­tion seek­ing infor­ma­tion about cit­i­zens who are in cus­tody of the State/​police sta­tions and who are clients and/​or poten­tial clients of those attorneys-at-law.

(D) Closing Comments

(1) The breach­ing of con­sti­tu­tion­al rights of Jamaican cit­i­zens by mem­bers of the Jamaica Constabulary Force and their dis­re­spect­ful behav­iour towards attor­neys-at-law will not only make your job and those of your con­sta­bles extreme­ly dif­fi­cult, but will under­mine trust and con­fi­dence in the whole admin­is­tra­tion of jus­tice in Jamaica.

– Kent Gammon is an attor­ney-at-law and deputy oppo­si­tion spokesman on justice.

Clearly this guy is a law onto him­self, he could have pro­duced his driver’s licence he did not think the police should demand one.
Secondly he stat­ed quote: Attorneys-at-law should not be told they have to leave any area of the police sta­tion unless they pose a threat to the safe­ty of police con­sta­bles and/​or indi­vid­u­als in custody.
♦ (1) Does Kent Gammon have his name and title imprint­ed on his stu­pid fore­head? If not why should the police believe he is who he say he is.
Guaranteed, had they allowed him the access he demand­ed with­out ID, his let­ter would have been about sup­posed lax in the sys­tem of security .
♦(2)  Attorneys-at-law should not have to pro­duce any iden­ti­fi­ca­tion cards from the General Legal Council to prove they are attor­neys-at-law to any police con­sta­ble when an attor­ney-at-law attends upon a police sta­tion seek­ing infor­ma­tion about cit­i­zens who are in cus­tody of the State/​police sta­tions and who are clients and/​or poten­tial clients of those attorneys-at-law.
What a Jackass , you damn well bet­ter believe you must pro­duce Identification , who the hell do you think you are that every­one should know who you are?
♦ (3) What I find most dis­turb­ing was this state­ment by Kent Phillip Gammon : The con­cerned cit­i­zen gave me a tele­phone num­ber for one Superintendent Bailey and told me that that was where Mr Walker had been tak­en into cus­tody. (9) After call­ing but not get­ting through to the num­ber, Supt Bailey called me on my cel­lu­lar with­in a very short peri­od of time. I told him who I was, he had no clue who I was either, and after explain­ing all in para­graphs (1), (2) and (5) above, I asked him if he could help. He was quite unhelpful.

I had a few choice words for Gammon on see­ing the post, I also had a few words of advice for Andrew Holness the leader of the Labor Party then.
Here are the com­ments I made then.…

Gammon’s petu­lant lit­tle out­burst is not about police being a law onto them­selves, by his very own admis­sion, he threw a hissy-fit because none of the cops knew who he was or want­ed to kiss his ass.
Not the Constable, Not The Commanding Officer Fitz Bailey.
Gammon’s let­ter is cer­tain­ly not about any­thing the police did wrong .
It’s all about try­ing to make sure more peo­ple know who he was.
An epic fail .
This guy, by his atti­tude will be a drag on the par­ty . Elections are com­ing up pret­ty soon, the par­ty does not need to have the likes of Kent Phillip Gammon drag­ging it down.
It cer­tain­ly does not need him mak­ing ene­mies with the Police department.
I sug­gest Gammon hum­ble him­self and get his behind off his high horse, if he doesn’t, Andrew Holness should do it for him by show­ing him the door pronto.


Citizens’ Action for Principles and Integrity (CAPI) is warn­ing that a pro­posed over­sight body for the Independent Commission of Investigation (INDECOM) will dimin­ish the intend­ed inde­pen­dence of the inves­tiga­tive body and may ren­der its effec­tive­ness. The joint-select com­mit­tee of Parliament exam­in­ing the INDECOM Act pro­posed an over­sight body for the inves­tiga­tive and pros­e­cu­to­r­i­al body as its zeal­ous pros­e­cu­tion of mem­bers of the secu­ri­ty force is hav­ing a demor­al­is­ing effect. In a news release Friday, CAPI’s co-con­venor Dennis Meadows argued that INDECOM as a com­mis­sion of Parliament already has par­lia­men­tary over­sight in addi­tion to judi­cial scruti­ny. He added that, INDECOM’s finances and oper­a­tions are over­seen by the Auditor General and the Office of the Contractor General. “The gen­e­sis of INDECOM was out of an urgent need for an inde­pen­dent body to inves­ti­gate the mis­con­duct of police and oth­er agents of the State”, Meadows insisted.

CAPI rejects any effort on the part of the joint-select com­mit­tee and the min­is­ter of nation­al secu­ri­ty to dimin­ish the inde­pen­dence of INDECOM in [ful­fill­ing] its intend­ed man­date under the Act. “The real dan­ger is Parliament pan­der­ing to the wish­es of the police at the expense of the pro­tec­tion of the rights of Jamaicans, whose cries for jus­tice occa­sioned the cre­ation of INDECOM”, said
If this is the atti­tude of the new Jamaica Labor Party, Andrew Holness and these jok­ers can expect to be ban­ished to the Siberia of polit­i­cal obliv­ion for a very long time.
Clearly these obnox­ious self-cen­tered Jerks have over-val­ued their own impor­tance to the detri­ment of the Party.
No won­der the Labor Party is not in the elec­tion win­ning busi­ness anymore.
Just today I wrote about the effects the atti­tudes of new­ly edu­cat­ed blacks has had on our coun­try begin­ning around the 1970’s . Give some­thing to some­one who nev­er had it and they go crazy.
A lit­tle knowl­edge can be a dan­ger­ous thing to some.
Many new­ly edu­cat­ed Jamaicans claw­ing their way out of the cold of pover­ty and post colo­nial caste seg­re­ga­tion, used their edu­ca­tion to the detri­ment of the coun­try. Many adopt­ed ide­olo­gies which were anti­thet­i­cal to the well-being of our coun­try . We are feel­ing the effects of that today.
These two are car­ry­ing on the tra­di­tion, under­min­ing law enforce­ment and the rule of law in their quest and desire to achieve high office.
I believe it is impor­tant that even if these two are good men that they be allowed to live their lives as pri­vate citizens.
They ought not be entrust­ed with pub­lic office in the inter­est of Jamaica.
It is vital­ly impor­tant that any­one seek­ing pub­lic office, under­stand the dan­gers police offi­cers face.
It is also impor­tant that they under­stand that when we ask offi­cers to defend us we must defend them.
For the record I don’t care how many mem­bers of their respec­tive fam­i­lies are cops.
On this issue both of these aspi­rants have dis­played a shock­ing lack of under­stand­ing on the one end and on the oth­er a craven attempt to climb on the backs of police offi­cers to fur­ther their polit­i­cal ends.
On that basis they should not be allowed to shape pub­lic policy.

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