This Isn’t A Mystery’: Dayton Gunman Had Documented Obsession With Violence

Anne Branigin

Memorials now line the streets of Dayton, Ohio,’s his­toric Oregon District, just one day after a masked gun­man shot and killed nine peo­ple ear­ly Sunday morn­ing.
CNN reports the shoot­er 24-year-old Connor Betts wore a bul­let­proof vest and hear­ing pro­tec­tion the night he stormed the pop­u­lar nightlife dis­trict in down­town Dayton. In a span of 30 sec­onds, the gun­man fatal­ly shot his own sis­ter and injured at least 27 oth­ers.
Police killed Betts with­in 30 sec­onds of him open­ing fire, Dayton Police Chief Richard Biehl told reporters.

The offi­cers imme­di­ate­ly advanced toward the gun­fire and with­in approx­i­mate­ly 20 sec­onds, they engaged the sus­pect, who was active­ly fir­ing and attempt­ing to enter a crowd­ed liquor estab­lish­ment,” Biehl said, accord­ing to CNN. Most of the vic­tims, whose ages ranged from 27 to 57 years old, were black. They include Lois Oglesby, Saeed Saleh, Derrick Fudge, Logan Turner, Nicholas Cumer, Thomas McNichols, Beatrice Warren-Curtis, Monica Brickhouse, and Megan Betts, the shooter’s sis­ter.
Dayton police said they didn’t yet have suf­fi­cient evi­dence sug­gest­ing racial bias in the shoot­ing. CNN, cit­ing law enforce­ment sources, says offi­cials searched the gunman’s home and found writ­ings express­ing his inter­est in killing peo­ple. This was backed up by the Dayton Daily News, which inter­viewed sev­er­al of Betts’ for­mer class­mates and reports the gun­man was sus­pend­ed from his high school for cre­at­ing a “hit list” of stu­dents he want­ed to kill (CNN reports that this list was sep­a­rat­ed by gen­der into a “kill” and “rape” list).

From the Dayton Daily News:

[A]cquaintances say the warn­ing signs — signs of the shooter’s unusu­al obses­sion with killing and death — cropped up long ago.

This isn’t a mys­tery to me,” said one mid­dle school class­mate. “I’m furious.”

The class­mate, who spoke on con­di­tion of anonymi­ty, said the shoot­er once said he fan­ta­sized about tying her up and slit­ting her throat. The fetish was so macabre that even the shoot­er admit­ted he was scared of his thoughts, the woman recalled him saying.

… The woman said she and her par­ents told Bellbrook police about the bizarre admis­sion, but the woman said she felt she wasn’t tak­en seri­ous­ly, despite the would-be shoot­er includ­ing her on a hit list.

Despite this, the shoot­er was able to acquire an assault-style rifle from Texas, offi­cials say.

From CNN:

Police recov­ered the rifle that was used in the shoot­ing, [Chief] Biehl said. It was ordered online from Texas but trans­ferred to the sus­pect at a local firearms deal­er, the police chief said. Authorities also found a shot­gun in the shooter’s 2007 Toyota Corolla, which was parked near­by. That weapon was acquired from a sep­a­rate local firearms deal­er, Biehl said.

There’s noth­ing in this individual’s his­to­ry or record that would have pre­clud­ed him from pur­chas­ing that firearm,” Biehl said.

According to the Dayton Daily News, memo­ri­als now line East Fifth Street, where the mass shoot­ing took place. The largest one is out­side Ned Peppers Bar, where “can­dles, bal­loons, and hand­writ­ten notes” mark the place where the gun­man began and end­ed his short ram­page, the out­let writes. Other busi­ness­es on the street have post­ed the names of the vic­tims on let­ter boards, and “Dayton Strong” mes­sages were writ­ten on the side­walks. During a vig­il last night hon­or­ing the vic­tims, atten­dees began shout­ing at Ohio Governor Mike DeWine as he gave remarks, chant­i­ng, “Do some­thing! Do some­thing!”
According to the Gun Violence Archive, a non­prof­it which tracks every mass shoot­ing, there have been 251 mass shoot­ings in 2019 — more mass shoot­ings than days so far this year. Read more @