This Is What Police Are Doing In Trump’s America(video Inside)

This is what’s hap­pen­ing in Lancaster coun­ty Pennsylvania, while in Maryland a white mass shoot­er killed five peo­ple yes­ter­day and was tak­en into cus­tody with­out a shot fired.
He was not assault­ed or tased, they sim­ply took him into cus­tody with­out incident.

The FBI has long warned that police depart­ments all across America are being infil­trat­ed by neo-nazis and white suprema­cists. As far as we know noth­ing has been done about it. In fact, it appears that pros­e­cu­tors and the courts have gone out of their way to both avoid charg­ing these mur­der­ous fas­cists for the crimes they com­mit, or con­vict them on the rare occa­sion that they have mur­dered maimed and seri­ous­ly assault­ed peo­ple of color.

Despite these warn­ings, the FBI itself has gone out of its way to report on a fic­ti­tious straw­man which exists only in their minds.
Black iden­ti­ty extrem­ists” a term coined by the FBI to legit­imize law-enforce­ment attack on Black peo­ple whom it says are like­ly to attack law enforce­ment officers.

Not only is there no such group, all attacks against police are by white shoot­ers. All of the mass shoot­ings being car­ried out in schools and oth­er work­places across the coun­try are being done by white ter­ror­ists not peo­ple of color.
This kind of esca­la­tion, in order to abuse cit­i­zens through the use of unwar­rant­ed force. It is a direct result of what Donald Trump told them to do.

NYPD mur­der­ous cop Daniel Pantaleo

This is not hap­pen­ing in the abstract, it is hap­pen­ing right here in New York State. Eric Garner was bait­ed and harassed sim­ply for sell­ing loose cig­a­rettes before he was mur­dered by NYPD cop Daniel Pantaleo on Staten Island.
The then dis­trict Attorney destroyed the case by hav­ing a cor­rupt and fraud­u­lent grand jury decide that the mur­der­ous Pantaleo would face no charges despite what we all saw with our own eyes, mur­der in real time.
The dis­trict Attorney Dan Donovan is now a mem­ber of Congress, Pantaleo has not faced jus­tice and Eric Garner is still dead.