This Is The Beginning Of The Persecution Of The Christian Church.

Celebration outside the Supreme Court
Celebration out­side the Supreme Court

The United States Supreme Court today ruled, Homosexual cou­ples may now mar­ry any­where in the United States, In a 5 – 4 rul­ing the Court decid­ed that Marriage in the United States is no longer an Institution between one man and one woman.
In oth­er words Gay mar­riage is now the law of the land.
This rul­ing is a huge win for pro­po­nents of the issue they defined as mar­riage equality.The Gay , Lesbian and trans-gen­der com­mu­ni­ty have suc­cess­ful­ly argued that mar­riage equal­i­ty is human rights.
♦The ques­tion then becomes “where will this end will a man or woman be able to legal­ly mar­ry their dog, cat , cow or horse?
♦ Will it now be against Federal law to refuse to offer ser­vice to homo­sex­u­als if that ser­vice is anti­thet­i­cal to their faith?
♦ Will mem­bers of the Clergy now be forced to per­form mar­riage cer­e­monies for Gay cou­ples in con­tra­ven­tion of their faith?
♦ Will min­is­ters who refuse to do so be pros­e­cut­ed as break­ing the law?
♦ Will con­gre­ga­tions which refuse to mar­ry homo­sex­u­als now lose their tax exempt status?
I believe we all know what the answer to these ques­tions will be . This is an issue which has swept the United States and the World like a mas­sive brush fire on a parched prairie. Opposition to mar­riage equal­i­ty has crum­bled and fold­ed like a wet blanket.
This rul­ing will have sweep­ing and far reach­ing con­se­quences for peo­ple under the influ­ence of the United States of America, not just in the United States but across the Globe.
In writ­ing for the major­i­ty Justice Kennedy a Herbert Walker Bush appointee, wrote that the Constitution guar­an­tees a right to same-sex mar­riage.Justice Anthony M. Kennedy wrote the major­i­ty opin­ion in the 5 to 4 deci­sion. He was joined by the court’s four more lib­er­al jus­tices, Ruth Bader Gingsberg,Stephen Breyer , Helena Kagan, and Sonia Sotomayor.

We fundamentally agree with this message, just not the way they believe. This is the real beginning of the persecution of the Christian Church...
We fun­da­men­tal­ly agree with this mes­sage, just not the way they believe.
This is the real begin­ning of the per­se­cu­tion of the Christian Church…

Smaller Nations steeped in Religious prin­ci­ples and opposed to homo­sex­u­al­i­ty will lit­er­al­ly be choked to death. Loans , grants and aid will be tied to com­pli­ance. Jamaica is one such nation which has been under tremen­dous pres­sure to repeal it’s bug­ger law. In the 4 years since Prime Minister Bruce Golding stepped down for dar­ing to sug­gest he would not have Gays in his Cabinet, in response to a British Journalist’s ques­tion, atti­tudes have also changed on the issue.
As part of that sea-change I spoke about ear­li­er, Jamaicans too, once vehe­ment­ly opposed to Homosexuality, have now soft­ened their atti­tudes sig­nif­i­cant­ly on the issue.
In the African American com­mu­ni­ty, once stri­dent­ly opposed to Homosexuality the walls of oppo­si­tion have crum­bled like a dried-mud-hut in a 7.0 earthquake.
So what has brought about this Biblical-like capit­u­la­tion to Homosexuality?
Here in the United States African Americans and oth­er eth­nic minori­ties have strug­gled for hun­dreds of years for human rights, civ­il rights, and dig­ni­ty. Yet the strug­gle rages some­times with­out any vis­i­ble traction.
Juxtapose our racial strug­gle with the Homosexual strug­gle and we must ask our­selves how come the strug­gle which has been waged for cen­turies is yet to gath­er the appro­pri­ate trac­tion once and for all, yet the strug­gle which hitched itself to the wag­on is close to being won?