These Officers Were Not Threatened They Were Murdered.….…..We Honor Their Service.

Constable Curtis Lewis Of the Westmoreland Division mowed down by a motorcyclist who ignored his command to stop . The motorcyclist accelerated hitting Constable Lewis severing his leg from his body . Constable Lewis died in Hospital. Rest in Peace Constable Lewis..
Constable Curtis Lewis Of the Westmoreland Division mowed down by a motor­cy­clist who ignored his com­mand to stop . The motor­cy­clist accel­er­at­ed hit­ting Constable Lewis sev­er­ing his leg from his body . Constable Lewis died in Hospital.
Rest in Peace Constable Lewis..

I was nev­er ever an admir­ing fan of the Police High Command, those famil­iar with my rants are aware of my dis­dain for them. One of the rea­sons I quit the force after only ten(10) years was that I was­n’t par­tic­u­lar­ly inter­est­ed in aspir­ing to be a mem­ber of that fra­ter­ni­ty. I was not inter­est­ed in being any­one’s tool. I was not inter­est­ed in tak­ing orders which was anti­thet­i­cal to my oath. I was not inter­est­ed in being any­one’s yard-boy. I was not inter­est­ed in polit­i­cal affil­i­a­tions for pro­mo­tions. I was not inter­est­ed in fol­low­ing behind Jamaica’s cor­rupt politicians(of either par­ty) like a domes­ti­cat­ed Mutt. And I was cer­tain­ly not inter­est­ed in bit­ing my tongue when some­one pissed me off.

Oh in case you are won­der­ing about the Police High Command those were the char­ac­ter­is­tics which defined the Police High Command and they still are today. Promotions and plum assign­ments are tied to polit­i­cal alle­giance and servi­tude. It is easy to under­stand why Rank and file Police offi­cers get no respect on the streets when the top-tier of the force are mere tools of servitude.

In a report yes­ter­day Terrence Williams made unsub­stan­ti­at­ed alle­ga­tions that Police offi­cers are involved in mak­ing threats against his staff. Williams is the com­bat­ive pow­er-hun­gry Commissioner of (inde­com) the police over­sight agency. In what was a shock­ing dis­play of reck­less­ness Williams assert­ed that Police offi­cers were involved yet pro­duced no evi­dence to back up his claim. At the same time Williams made the claims, he assert­ed that he had a chum­my rela­tion­ship with the Police high com­mand . Of course why not ? The police high com­mand was always a bunch of cow­ard­ly rum bel­ly lack­eys who nev­er had a prob­lem sell­ing out their sub­or­di­nates for a pat on the back and a drink of Rum. I am still nau­se­at­ed think­ing about the sub­mis­sive nature of some of them twen­ty four years later.

Constable Crystal Thomas murdered on a bus as she heads home from work..
Constable Crystal Thomas mur­dered on a bus as she head­ed home from work..

Neither the so-called high com­mand nor the Federation is worth a damn as far as the inter­est of the rank and file are con­cerned. It was always the young offi­cers, gung-ho and full of brava­do, who brought vital­i­ty to the force. The old­er mem­bers of the Federation and the high com­mand are only inter­est­ed in cur­ry­ing favor for pro­mo­tions and spe­cial assignments.
Williams assert­ed unequiv­o­cal­ly, that Police offi­cers were involved in mak­ing threats against his staff, he went as far as to nail down the age group of those he sus­pect­ed. The only thing miss­ing from William’s wild and fan­tas­tic alle­ga­tions was the most impor­tant thing .…..Proof !!!
Williams and his lack­eys were crafty enough to pla­cate the High com­mand with sweet plat­i­tudes in order to win their silence ‚while he lam­bast and lam­poon the offi­cers who place their lives on the line for an ungrate­ful repro­bate nation. Quote : The threats have been brought to the atten­tion of the Police High Command, and (INDECOM) has bol­stered its inter­nal secu­ri­ty frame­work and risk assessment.
Williams’ assis­tant Hamish Campbell said quote: ” Making the inci­dents known to the High Command is one of the best ways to pro­tect (indecom’s) inves­ti­ga­tors and staff. “There is coöper­a­tion with the senior police offi­cers about it. We have dis­cussed it, we have engaged with them,” .
Of course the sell outs who head the Force nev­er both­ered to request that Williams pro­vide proof if he intend­ed to go pub­lic with his wild claims. And real­ly why would they ask him to pro­vide proof? They nev­er cared about the younger offi­cers and they don’t now.

Constable Lyndon Barrett.. We still do not know how this young officer lost his life and the Police high command doesn't seem to understand his family deserves answers.
Constable Lyndon Barrett.. We still do not know how this young offi­cer lost his life and the Police high com­mand does­n’t seem to under­stand his fam­i­ly deserves answers.

In prepar­ing for this Article I decid­ed to look at the web­page of the JCF . I also looked at the page of the Police Federation. as well as their Facebook pages. Despite the trag­ic loss of life of four (4) offi­cers over a peri­od of just days nei­ther of the web­sites have a memo­r­i­al for these offi­cers. In fact nei­ther their web­sites nor their Facebook pages pro­vide a link to a sto­ry which speaks to the offi­cers who fell both in the line of duty or oth­ers who died nat­u­ral­ly or under cloudy and yet to be deter­mined cir­cum­stances .There is no memo­r­i­al in the coun­try which hon­ors their sac­ri­fice but it is incom­pre­hen­si­ble and uncon­scionable that nei­ther the Police Department nor the Federation has enough com­mon sense to hon­or offi­cers with a sim­ple memo­r­i­al on their web­site, or on their Facebook pages.

Police corporal Tyrone Thompson... Died from supposed suicide.. To date the Police has not said definitively what the actual cause of death is. From another photograph of Corporal Thompson's dead body many officers past and present theorized that he was murdered... The family still do not know how their loved one lost his life...
Police cor­po­ral Tyrone Thompson…
Died from sup­posed sui­cide..
To date the Police has not said defin­i­tive­ly what the actu­al cause of death is. From anoth­er pho­to­graph of Corporal Thompson’s dead body many offi­cers past and present the­o­rized that he was mur­dered…
The fam­i­ly still do not know how their loved one lost his life…

As a sign of my sup­port for the fall­en offi­cers who give their lives for an unde­serv­ing pop­u­la­tion. As a sign of my sup­port for the fam­i­lies from all across the Island who so will­ing­ly give up their sons and daugh­ters in ser­vice to our Country this pub­li­ca­tion hon­ors your sac­ri­fice and com­mit­ment to our Country. As a small token of that com­mit­ment we will, start­ing today, begin by high­light­ing the last four offi­cers who gave their lives recently.
I hon­or and cel­e­brate the sac­ri­fice of all of these heroes whether the Police High Command and the Federation real­ize their sac­ri­fice or not .
Rest in Peace .….…
It is time for mem­bers of the Jamaica Constabulary Force to refuse to car­ry the coffins of Ministers of Government and those the Government lift up as stal­warts with­in the Jamaican soci­ety. Frankly I have nev­er seen any of those soci­ety big-wigs at the funer­als of Police Officers.
These are the peo­ple who clam­or for (inde­com) let (inde­com) car­ry their coffins.
There are many ways to opt out of those duties you are police offi­cers. If the Country demon­stra­bly decide it does not appre­ci­ate you then it’s time that you look out for yourselves.

2 thoughts on “These Officers Were Not Threatened They Were Murdered.….…..We Honor Their Service.

  1. I feel ener­gized here ‚the author shares my views hav­ing watched cer­tain mem­bers of civ­il soci­ety who projects them­selves as stand­ing up for jus­tice but mI say jus­tice for a select few of which the police is not account­ed for bunch of hypocrites

    • As ex-police offi­cers we have a duty to stand up and sup­port not just the police but the rule of law. Without the rule of law there is no soci­ety, thanks for vis­it­ing and shar­ing your views here Mister Hutchinson we appre­ci­ate it please come back …

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