♦ Patrick Bailey is a promi­nent attor­ney who eas­i­ly fits into the cat­e­go­ry of the prover­bial big man accord­ing to Jamaican culture.
♦ Was mis­ter Junior there as his guest, if not his, then whose?
♦ Who else lives in the home of attor­ney Patrick Bailey if anyone?
♦ Police report­ed that Bailey stum­bled upon the body about 4:30 am in his own house as he was asleep despite the fact that mis­ter Junior was alleged­ly shot.
♦ If the homi­cide hap­pened in a sec­tion of the res­i­dence out­side mis­ter Bailey’s earshot, (assum­ing the res­i­dence is large enough that Bailey would not have heard a gun­shot), nev­er­the­less who gets up and walk around the house at 4:30 am?

♦ How could Bailey sleep through what must have been a strug­gle much less the sound of a gun­shot in his house?
♦ The state­ment that he stum­bled upon the body at 4:30 am could only have come from Bailey him­self which gives it lit­tle cred­i­bil­i­ty under the circumstances.
♦ A prop­er coroner’s inquest should nail down approx­i­mate­ly what time was mis­ter Junior killed as against Patrick Bailey’s assertions.
♦ The Police report­ed that there was no forced entry to Bailey’s house.This is absolute­ly crit­i­cal evi­dence as it demon­strates that who­ev­er killed mis­ter Junior had access to the residence.
♦ A knife believed to be the one used to stab mis­ter Junior was alleged­ly found beside his body, was it checked for fingerprints.

♦ If Mister Junior was liv­ing abroad at the time and was only vis­it­ing the Island why would the police and oth­ers allege that he was a care­tak­er of the residence?
♦ The fact that mis­ter Junior’s body was found with mul­ti­ple stab wounds sug­gest a crime of pas­sion cou­pled with the fact that he was also shot.
♦ Was Patrick Bailey’s per­son checked for marks which would indi­cate whether he was involved in a strug­gle, or did the police sim­ply take his word that he slept through a stab­bing and a shoot­ing? If not why was it not done?
♦ Why was Patrick Bailey ruled med­ical­ly unfit to give state­ments to police at the time by Doctor Jeptah Ford?
♦ According to the Jamaica Observer report­ing Following the inci­dent, attor­ney Patrick Bailey’s doc­tor and client Jephthah Ford instruct­ed that he be con­fined to bed after he report­ed­ly exhib­it­ed signs of being unwell. Ford also said he was not fit to give a state­ment at the time.

♦ Why was Bailey giv­en spe­cial priv­i­leges when even police offi­cers trau­ma­tized by instances of fatal encoun­ters are forced to give a quick account­ing as to what occurred?
♦ Who else had access to the res­i­dence if any­one and what was their rela­tion­ship to mis­ter Junior?
♦ Did the police check Patrick Bailey’s house for bloody clothes or clothes recent­ly washed?
♦ Did the Police check out­hous­es (if applic­a­ble) and garbage recep­ta­cles for poten­tial bloody clothes?
♦ If the police deter­mined there was no forced entry to Bailey’s house how could they sum­mar­i­ly rule him out as a suspect?