The Worst Supreme Court Decisions Of All Time

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The Dread Scott Decision: America’s Darkest Hour is an in-depth polit­i­cal analy­sis by Mike dis­cussing the most con­tro­ver­sial Supreme Court deci­sions in US his­to­ry. Mike points out how the Supreme Court, orig­i­nal­ly intend­ed as the final arbiter of jus­tice for all Americans, has some­times set a dan­ger­ous prece­dent with its rul­ings. Starting with the infa­mous Dread Scott v. 

Dread Scott.

Sanford deci­sion, which denied African-Americans cit­i­zen­ship, Mike delves into how this rul­ing and oth­ers like Plessy v. Ferguson and Korematsu v. United States have shaped America’s dark­est hours. He responds to the action tak­en by the Court over time, high­light­ing the impor­tance of the 13th and 14th Amendments in over­turn­ing such deci­sions. Through a seri­ous and ana­lyt­i­cal lens, Mike empha­sizes the need for a fair and just Supreme Court. Share your thoughts below, hit the sub­scribe but­ton for more analy­sis, and don’t for­get to like this video to sup­port our dis­cus­sions. #mike­beck­les