The Wanton Killing Of Black Men Will Stop When We Stop Being Victims.….

Freddie gray's spine severed while in the custody of Baltimore Police...
Freddie gray’s spine sev­ered while in the cus­tody of Baltimore Police…

There is a war going on in America.
It’s not the war on ter­ror they tell you about, it is the war on black men by their own Government.

The American Civil Liberties Union reports that over 100 Americans were killed at the hands of police in just the month of January.
Digest that just for a minute.….…

Every time there is a police killing, the police and their sup­port­ers, includ­ing elect­ed offi­cials move the goal-post on the lat­i­tude cops have under the laws o kill black people.
We have seen an unarmed Michael Brown killed and left in the streets of Ferguson like a piece of road-kill.
We are told that the cop had every right to fire those bul­lets into him because he was a thug who deserved to die.
Now we know that it’s okay for the police to exter­mi­nate those in soci­ety white peo­ple do not like, what bet­ter way to do it than under the cov­er of the law?

We watched as Eric Garner had the life squeezed out of him by Daniel Pantaleo ‚a Staten Island cop.
The sys­tem tells us there was no crime com­mit­ted , despite Garner repeat­ed­ly telling the bunch of sav­ages on top of him that he could­n’t breathe.
Garner had com­mit­ted no crime, and cer­tain­ly had a right to resist being harassed and or arrest­ed. Long Island Congressman Peter King a Republican tells us if some­one can’t breathe they can’t speak.
King is not a Doctor, nei­ther is he qual­i­fied to speak on med­ical issues.
It did not pre­vent the igno­rant jack­ass from open­ing his pie-hole and mak­ing him­self look even more stu­pid than his appearance.

What hap­pened to telling some­one “you are under arrest”?
Why do cops go out look­ing to abuse and kill people?
Don’t you dare tell me they do not go out look­ing to kill people!!
many of them do.
Let’s cut the bull..
They do not serve the inter­est of the pub­lic, well not the black segment.
Which may argue why so many whites have no prob­lem with the mass police slaugh­ter of blacks in America.
Every lit­tle jack­ass of a cop now sees himself/​herself as a Rambo super-cop.
The most incon­se­quen­tial , triv­ial sit­u­a­tions are imme­di­ate­ly esca­lat­ed in order that they may show they have the pow­er to take life and inflict pain.
Just how much longer do they believe they will get away with this.

Why does every sim­ple arrest always have to be about 6 guys pil­ing onto a sin­gle suspect?
In many cas­es con­fronta­tion could eas­i­ly be avoid­ed if offi­cers sim­ply ask sus­pect to turn around and sub­mit to being arrested.
Why does every arrest have to be esca­lat­ed into a Rambo style take-down?
The sim­ple truth is many of these guys run­ning around as cops see some sec­tions of the pop­u­la­tion as the enemy.
Many have returned from wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
They have been giv­en homes in Police depart­ments all across the country.
In many instances the hard­ware at their dis­pos­al are the same as that which they had on the battlefields.
Everything is in place.
They need an ene­my and a war.…..

This is not to say every sol­dier who returned and became a cop is a dan­ger to the pub­lic, but many are.
Neither does it mean that there aren’t many non-mil­i­tary psy­chopaths wear­ing police uni­forms who get to act out their aggres­sion on America’s most hat­ed race, while hid­ing behind a badge.
Since Barack Obama was elect­ed President there has been a mas­sive rise in white groups all across the country.
So too has there been more and more instances of white suprema­cists in America’s police departments.
It is no coin­ci­dence that there are more slaugh­ter of blacks by whites dressed up in police uni­forms than at any oth­er time.

Whether it’s mul­ti­ple rounds into the bod­ies of the unarmed Michael Brown , Tamir Rice, John Crawford,and the scores of face­less others.
Whether it’s the chok­ing death of Eric Garner as he pleads with them to release their death grip.
Or whether its the sev­ered spine of Freddie Gary, the list of police atroc­i­ties go unabat­ed while states do noth­ing to har­ness the wan­ton waste of life by their Agents.
This car­nage did not start yes­ter­day, it won’t end tomorrow.
It will end when black peo­ple make it end.
It did not begin with 41 bul­lets which snuffed out the life of Amado Diallio , nei­ther did it begin with the sav­age bar­bar­ic act of sodomy on Abner Louima by a NYPD mon­ster named Justin Volpe.
It con­tin­ue to hap­pen because pro police racist dem­a­gogues con­tin­ue to spread the lie that America’s police are the best in the world.
Nothing could be fur­ther from the truth.