The Ugly Truth About The Supreme Court

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The found­ing fathers, often hailed as genius­es, may have over­looked a crit­i­cal aspect of judi­cial over­sight. The Supreme Court, with its heav­i­ly slant­ed polit­i­cal deci­sions, sets a dan­ger­ous prece­dent for American democ­ra­cy. Mike responds to the action tak­en by jus­tices like Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, who have been accused of uneth­i­cal prac­tices and accept­ing lav­ish gifts from wealthy benefactors.

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These actions under­mine the court’s integri­ty and ques­tion the founders’ inten­tions. Mike also delves into the impact of the Supreme Court’s recent con­tro­ver­sial deci­sions, such as the destruc­tion of the 1965 Voting Rights Act and the over­turn­ing of Roe vs. Wade. These rul­ings strip away rights that gen­er­a­tions of Americans have tak­en for grant­ed, rais­ing seri­ous con­cerns about the court’s role in expand­ing or restrict­ing cit­i­zens’ rights.