Associate Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s dissenting opinions on the US Supreme Court’s decisions on the police and the broader problems of qualified immunity, is probably the best place to look for what America is doing at the highest levels, to ensure the present system of white supremacy.
Justice Sotomayor has eloquently argued that the court by its rulings, has acted as a literal barrier against police accountability.
Make no mistake about it, fish rots from the head, the US Supreme Court in 1967 created the doctrine known as (qualified immunity). That decision resulted in the rise of the warrior cop, it effectively ensured that the Government could stand up a different army than the one prohibited by the constitution from turning their guns on the people.
That army is the combined new police department, replete with full military hardware.
Apart from providing a rock-solid ceiling which ensures that police and other government workers are insulated from accountability(except in pretty extreme circumstances), it gave lower courts cover to protect police and by extension allows police the latitude to act with absolute impunity.
This is a deeper, darker more systemic problem than the black community is understanding.
It was designed to usher in another era of white supremacy after the civil rights accomplishments of the early 1960s.
The selling of this doctrine was that it is intended to stop citizens from suing government workers, of course, the courts have always been able to sort through frivolous lawsuits without a problem and still are today.
This period is ushering in another dark period of white supremacy as whites in America become increasingly threatened as their numbers begin to dwindle and the populations begin to reflect a more racially diverse society.….….……
So these mercenaries are heavily armed , they are wearing no masks, and they are defying every order the Michigan Governor has issued.
In fact , they entered the capitol building and created terror in the Democratic lawmakers deliberating there.
Do you see any police with tanks and guns? Do you see any police kneeling on anyone’s neck?
Of course not?
You get the picture! A picture speaks a thousand words of the two Americas.
Mike Beckles is a former Jamaican police Detective corporal, businessman, researcher, and blogger.
He is a black achiever honoree, and publisher of the blog
He’s also a contributor to several websites.
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