The Threat Level Was Very High..(DCP) Blake

Deputy Commissioner of Police Clifford Blake
Deputy Commissioner of Police Clifford Blake

Deputy Commissioner of Police Clifford Blake tes­ti­fied yes­ter­day that police per­son­nel would have been mas­sa­cred if they had gone into Tivoli Gardens with­out the aid of the Jamaica Defense Force.

This is a crit­i­cal and use­ful assess­ment by Blake, how­ev­er in the inter­est of clar­i­ty it is impor­tant to expand on what that means. The police need­ed the assets of the Military not just it’s man­pow­er but the armor need­ed for force protection.
Blake spoke to that under ques­tion­ing, stat­ing that the police’s focus was the safe­ty of its offi­cers and law-abid­ing cit­i­zens, and cor­rect­ly so.
It is par­tic­u­lar­ly dif­fi­cult to min­i­mize casu­al­ty in what was a war when the ter­rain is against you. In war­fare the forces which occu­py the high ground always has the tac­ti­cal advantage.
Tivoli Gardens like some oth­er Government built hous­ing devel­op­ments are high rise struc­tures , when peo­ple liv­ing in these enclaves are allowed to flirt the rules and thumb their noses at the rule of law what we get is what hap­pened there in 2010.
As a front line cop I took fire in sev­er­al of Jamaica’s Garrisons, Tivoli Gardens included.
What real­ly piss­es me off is pre­ten­tious know-noth­ings who have vary­ing ideas of how the police and mil­i­tary should have han­dled, what was clear­ly an act of war declared on the authen­tic­i­ty of the Jamaican state by forces loy­al to Coke.
It is very easy for peo­ple who wet their pants at the sound of a car back-fir­ing to get on their com­put­ers and be arm-chair generals.
One thing Jamaican cops nev­er lack is bravery.
What they lack are resources , sup­port from their polit­i­cal lead­ers and a nation deserv­ing of their sacrifice.
Deputy Commissioner of police Glenmore Hinds cap­tured it exact­ly when he said “the Jamaican peo­ple are for­ev­er indebt­ed to the secu­ri­ty forces”. Many laid down their lives so that the pre­ten­tious Monday morn­ing Quarter-Backs can con­tin­ue to have the free­dom to grandstand.
Without their sac­ri­fice Jamaica would be a total­ly dif­fer­ent place..