The Tale Of Two Peters And Jamaica’s Murder Dilemma.…


Listening to Peter Bunting and Jamaica’s would be Prime Minister Peter Phillips, I was con­vinced that the seri­ous and nev­er end­ing state of mur­der on the Island is not about to get bet­ter any­time soon.

The Island’s Prime Minister Andrew Holness has ques­tions to answer on the gal­lop­ing mur­der rate .
Despite this, he has been omi­nous­ly silent on the con­tin­ued blood letting.
Holness, in cam­paign mode, did promise that Jamaicans would be able to sleep with their doors open if his par­ty was elect­ed to replace the PNP.
In fair­ness to him ‚the for­mer Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller nev­er seemed to care about the mur­der sta­tis­tics either , she nev­er both­ered to speak about them.

Peter Bunting is a man I am not opposed to.
Of the bunch of sil­ly lit­tle ide­o­log­i­cal dem­a­gogues run­ning around with clenched fists dressed in orange cloth­ing ‚and played out beret’s , he seem to be one of the more sane practitioners.

However lis­ten­ing to Peter Bunting it would be hard to imag­ine that just over a year ago he had the port­fo­lio for nation­al security.
I recall it was­n’t too long ago that then min­is­ter Bunting , in utter exas­per­a­tion was call­ing for divine inter­ven­tion to the nation’s mur­der and ter­ror­ism statistics.

In the first instance Minister Bunting said his Party had sta­bi­lized the mur­der num­bers around the 1100 mark, give or take 10 %.
In the strange press con­fer­ence , in which Peter Phillips kept butting in as Bunting addressed the issue, Phillips went on to make an even greater ass of him­self by remark­ing that what is need­ed is not a leg­isla­tive agen­da which is designed to divert atten­tion from the fact that there is no plan.

The fact of the mat­ter is that there needs to be a vig­or­ous leg­isla­tive agen­da with laws ema­nat­ing which puts mur­der­ers in prison and keep them there for the rest of their lives.

The fol­low­ing is a press con­fer­ence giv­en by the PNP shad­ow min­is­ter of nation­al secu­ri­ty Peter Bunting of the oppo­si­tion People’s National Party,(PNP) along with leader of the PNP Dr Peter Phillips .

Bunting rat­tled off sta­tis­tics which he said indi­cat­ed that the num­ber of mur­ders, 137 in the month of May was not seen after the entry of the secu­ri­ty forces in the Garrison of Tivoli Gardens.
This is crit­i­cal­ly impor­tant infor­ma­tion which needs to be expound­ed upon with clarity .
Peter Phillips , and the PNP and I dare­say the Jamaican Labor Party Government still believe that the way to deal with crime is to soft ped­al on crime.

The idea as far as they are con­cerned, is to beg, cajole, and throw mon­ey at crime .
Phillips stat­ed that the idea is to elic­it opin­ions from the UWI, PMI, PSOJ, and others .
The fact of the mat­ter is that it was actors from these very same insti­tu­tions that has got­ten the coun­try into this mess to begin with.
It was these very far left lib­er­al voic­es which told the coun­try that the coun­try must con­cen­trate on human rights of criminals.
INDECOM was born out of advo­ca­cy from JFJ, FAST, the Bar Ass, The Inter American Commission on Human Rights and the pletho­ra of so called advo­ca­cy groups which mil­i­tates on behalf of crim­i­nals while ordi­nary law abid­ing Jamaicans are left to fend for themselves.

Murders and oth­er vio­lent crimes did not go down because of some­one wav­ing a mag­ic wand.
They went down because the secu­ri­ty forces put their boots on the necks of crim­i­nals, Period.
Not because of a non­sen­si­cal strat­e­gy cooked up in the intel­lec­tu­al ghet­to , not because of any­thing the crim­i­nal lawyers came up with , not because of the noise from the eat a food crim­i­nal rights crowd that Phillips is sub­scrib­ing to.
Murders went down because crim­i­nals caught a case of the shakes.
When mur­der­ous gang­sters know that cer­tain police offi­cers are com­ing after them they law low , real low.

Andrew Holness, PM

That’s what is miss­ing from the equa­tion in Jamaica today .
Jamaica got way too bourgeoisie , .
No one gave a rats ass about what law enforce­ment felt , they lis­tened to the peo­ple up at the University of the West Indies and their oth­er cliques on how crime should be addressed ‚.
They con­verged in their sil­ly lit­tle cir­cles where they con­vinced them­selves that their idio­cy were actu­al­ly good policy.
Peter Phillips wants to dou­ble down on stupid.

The shit has now hit the fan and it’s only going to get much worse .
They had tough , hard work­ing cops and they sab­o­taged them . many walked away , the oth­ers retired early.
The JCF is a huge paper tiger with no teeth.
Hold onto your seats …