The Simmering Cauldron, America’s Right-wing Terror Groups…

Donald Trump is anti­thet­i­cal to what a nation that says it is a nation of laws is. Notice that I did not say ‘a leader that is anti­thet­i­cal’ because Donald Trump is not a leader by any mea­sure. On any pos­i­tive-o-meter, Donald Trump ticks a neg­a­tive. Morals, decen­cy, hon­esty, lov­ing, car­ing, law-abid­ing, patri­ot­ic, intel­li­gence, edu­cat­ed, con­scious, con­sci­en­tious, empa­thet­ic, on and on, the guy strikes out on every sin­gle one.
So what is Trump’s pull on the Republican par­ty and the 40 per­cent or so of the coun­try mes­mer­ized by him and all of the neg­a­tive quan­ti­ties that he would score on my positive-o-meter?
He can tap into many Americans’ deep-seat­ed hatred, and big­otry that oth­ers would rather lie does not exist.
Donald J Trump did not cre­ate racism and big­otry in America; being a grifter, Trump only cap­i­tal­ized on it. Don’t for one moment think that I am sup­port­ive of the guy; as far as I am con­cerned, this guy belongs in jail, nev­er to see the light of day again. He is a trai­tor, in my view, who betrayed the peace and order of the coun­try that was gra­cious enough or stu­pid enough to hand him the reins of pow­er and one of the world’s most dev­as­tat­ing nuclear arse­nal and mil­i­tary might.
In ret­ro­spect, there was noth­ing gra­cious about giv­ing a total­ly incom­pe­tent fool such awe­some pow­ers, but that is a con­ver­sa­tion for anoth­er time.

Trump and his Russian han­dlers had a lot to laugh about after he took office. Here he had Russians Lavrov and Kislyak in the Oval Office alone after fir­ing FBI Director James Comey. Kislyak seemed to be par­tic­u­lar­ly amused as he could hard­ly con­tain his glee.

The main­stream media employ talk­ing-heads who con­tin­ue to miss the point in their com­men­tary on what they char­ac­ter­ized as Trump’s hold on the Republican party.
So let me ask this ques­tion of the talk­ing heads, ‘what would have hap­pened if all of the elect­ed Republican offi­cials were hon­est patri­ots who said the 2020 elec­tions were free and fair and that Trump lost?
What would Trump do? he would have been on the out­side bark­ing like the car­ni­val bark­er Barack Obama labeled him.
No, he would be unable to mar­shall oppos­ing can­di­dates to defeat a coa­lesced Republican par­ty that stood for decen­cy, hon­or, and patri­o­tism over racism, pow­er, and graft.
Donald Trump could only cap­i­tal­ize on what was already there, a deeply racist under­bel­ly of big­otry that was always just beneath the sur­face; big­otry the left still refus­es to acknowl­edge out­right and one the right vehe­ment­ly denies.
Trump is no patri­ot, and nei­ther are the Republican elect­ed offi­cials nor the peo­ple who sup­port them. Trump col­lud­ed with Russia to influ­ence his vic­to­ry in 2016. Trump was not shy about sab­o­tag­ing Ukraine to ben­e­fit Vladimir Putin; nei­ther did he con­sid­er the con­se­quences of cre­at­ing a rift with­in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to ben­e­fit his spon­sor in the Kremlin. 

A man is detained fol­low­ing a mass shoot­ing in the park­ing lot of TOPS super­mar­ket in a still image from a social media video in Buffalo, New York, U.S., May 14, 2022. This racist lit­tle mur­der­er was not born this way; hatred was taught to him. (Courtesy of BigDawg)

So let us dis­pense with the lies and the nuances when we talk about the peo­ple who vote Republican. They are not patri­ots by any met­ric; they side with a man and a polit­i­cal par­ty that sides with America’s mor­tal enemies.
No, they are [not] good peo­ple- peo­ple who would betray their own coun­try are [not] good people.
People who hate their own fel­low cit­i­zens are [not] good. People who would rather upend 246 years of Democratic gov­er­nance because they believe that the plu­ral­is­tic soci­ety that America has become should not exist are not patri­ots; they are racists; they are [not] good people.
People who reflex­ive­ly sup­port every puni­tive mea­sure, includ­ing the death of their own fel­low cit­i­zens, are [not] good.
Let us dis­pense with the pleas­antries; these are evil peo­ple who want to mur­der inno­cent peo­ple because they have a dif­fer­ent skin color.

White Supremacists ter­ror­ists arrest­ed in Idaho intend­ed to cause harm to Gay pride parade-goers in that state. What should stand out to any­one pay­ing atten­tion is that when­ev­er these scums com­mit grave crimes, they are arrest­ed with­out a scratch while Police mur­der black peo­ple who break traf­fic laws. 

Despite warn­ings from the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) about the rise of neo-nazi groups in the United States, espe­cial­ly after Barack Obama was elect­ed pres­i­dent, noth­ing has been done about it.
In fact, those right-wing groups have become the unof­fi­cial mil­i­tary arm of the Republican par­ty-peo­ple Donald Trump told to ‘stand back and stand by.’
Writing for the New York Times in 2020, Jennifer Steinhauer said, Emboldened by President Trump’s cam­paign plat­form of law and order, mili­tia groups have bol­stered their strength before Election Day by attract­ing mil­i­tary vet­er­ans who bring weapons and tac­ti­cal skills viewed as impor­tant to the orga­ni­za­tions. The role of vet­er­ans in the new­ly pro­lif­er­at­ing mili­tia groups — which some­times are steeped in racism and oth­er times steeped sim­ply in antigov­ern­ment zealotry — has increased over the last decade, said a dozen experts on law enforce­ment, domes­tic ter­ror­ism, and extrem­ist groups.

Although only a small frac­tion of the nation’s 20 mil­lion vet­er­ans join mili­tia groups, experts in domes­tic ter­ror­ism and law enforce­ment ana­lysts esti­mate that vet­er­ans and active-duty mil­i­tary mem­bers may now make up at least 25 per­cent of mili­tia ros­ters. These experts esti­mate that there are some 15,000 to 20,000 active mili­tia mem­bers in around 300 groups.

These right-wing ter­ror groups now chal­lenge entire state governments…

Three Percenters, Oath Keepers, Light Foot Militia, Civilian Defence Force, American Contingency, Proud Boys, Patriot Prayer, Boogaloo Bois, and People’s Rights are just a few of the more well-known right-wing ter­ror groups of hun­dreds, maybe thou­sands oper­at­ing under the radar in the United States. It is dif­fi­cult to get a full read on these right-wing groups because the author­i­ties have [not] been as proac­tive as they should be in bring­ing down these groups for obvi­ous reasons.
These groups, though not oper­at­ing mono­lith­i­cal­ly, share the same over­ar­ch­ing phi­los­o­phy: an America that is a white eth­nos­tate. They have, by default, become a mil­i­tary wing of the Republican Party that no longer feigns patri­o­tism and wraps itself in the stars and stripes; but a par­ty will­ing to gain and hold pow­er by what­ev­er means necessary.
Republican lead­ers like South Carolina’s US Senator Lindsay Graham con­cedes that the Republican par­ty can no longer con­test elec­tions fair­ly as they would nev­er win anoth­er election.
It is not just about win­ning elec­tions; the idea is main­tain­ing Republican con­trol over the coun­try through minor­i­ty rule. America is already in the throes of white minor­i­ty rule due to the ridicu­lous idea of two Senators per state, a dys­func­tion­al Senate, and the elec­toral col­lege that put George Bush and Donald Trump in the white house even though they both lost the pop­u­lar vote. Nowhere in the civ­i­lized world is the los­er of an elec­tion reward­ed with the job of leader except in the United States. Both George Bush and Donald Trump are Republicans. If this ridicu­lous­ly fraud­u­lent sys­tem did not ben­e­fit the Republican par­ty, they would have long called out their mili­tias; there would be no stand back and stand by.

Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.

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