The Rules Have Changed And No One Bothered To Tell Us

Images in black communities when they dared stand up for their rights...
Images in black com­mu­ni­ties when they dared stand up for their rights…

Despite mas­sive street protest and retal­ia­to­ry vio­lence against Police in 2014 the rash of police killing of unarmed civil­ians con­tin­ue unabated.

Jan.23rd , 2015 .-An Oklahoma cop wear­ing a body cam record­ed him­self shoot­ing and killing a man who was run­ning from him after the sus­pect stopped to pick up an object he had dropped dur­ing the pur­suit before con­tin­u­ing fleeing.

PASCO, Wash. — Residents angry that police shot and killed an orchard work­er accused of throw­ing rocks at offi­cers are plan­ning more protests in an agri­cul­tur­al area of south­east­ern Washington. Some of the dozens of peo­ple who saw the shoot­ing at a busy inter­sec­tion Tuesday evening video­taped the con­fronta­tion in Pasco, a city of about 68,000 peo­ple where more than half the res­i­dents are Hispanic.

March2nd 2015 .-Three Los Angeles police offi­cers fired at and killed a man on the city’s Skid Row dur­ing a strug­gle over one of the offi­cers’ guns, and author­i­ties said they planned to use video cap­tured by a bystander in their investigation.

The killings hap­pen almost dai­ly, yet Authorities turn a blind eye to what is clear­ly a pan­dem­ic of exces­sive police use of force. In shoot­ing after shoot­ing, police brass declare that the shoot­ings are jus­ti­fied and done with­ing police use of force guidelines.
Politicians jump on the police band-wag­on and declare that they stand with police , even when the actions of police are clear­ly beyond the pale.
Those who do not auto­mat­i­cal­ly default toward the police, remain in duplic­i­tous silence. New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo read­i­ly comes to mind.

So what is behind the con­tin­ued and unabat­ed killing by police, despite nation-wide protest? The answer is sim­ple. They are not being held account­able. In some cas­es the killings don’t even make sense.
A for­mer Florida A&M foot­ball play­er was shot and killed as he approached police offi­cers, look­ing for assis­tance after get­ting into a car accident.
Jonathan Ferrell, 24, crashed his car ear­ly one Saturday morn­ing, and approached a home, look­ing for help. The res­i­dents, unsure of who was out­side, called the police. When the offi­cers arrived, Ferell ran towards them, only to be shot sev­er­al times. Ferell, who might have been bad­ly shak­en up by the acci­dent, died on the scene.
Police said in a state­ment. “Our inves­ti­ga­tion has shown that Officer Kerrick did not have a law­ful right to dis­charge his weapon dur­ing this encounter. ”
How does a man get killed run­ning toward the peo­ple who are paid hand­some­ly to pro­tect and pro­vide help?
As I have said it is becom­ing increas­ing­ly evi­dent that the police have no inter­est in serv­ing cer­tain seg­ments of the pub­lic. In most if not all cas­es where exces­sive lethal force was employed the vic­tim is black or brown and the cop is white.

If as police say when these shoot­ings occur , that “offi­cers fol­lowed pro­ce­dure” then the pub­lic must be told that the police have a right to kill you whether you are armed or not. The cop only need to say he/​she was in fear for his/​her life and that fear is no longer based on rea­son­able­ness , but is total­ly left up to the poten­tial­ly irra­tional mind of the cop.

As a police offi­cer I would nev­er con­tem­plate un-hol­ster­ing my weapon to sub­due a sin­gle unarmed indi­vid­ual if I was in the com­pa­ny of one or more officers.
How four offi­cers end up using lethal force on one unarmed indi­vid­ual is galling , uncon­scionable and frightening.
What is even more fright­en­ing is the cal­lous dis­patch with which peo­ple deal with these wan­ton acts of mur­der because the vic­tims do not look like them nor live like them.
Have the police now become exter­mi­na­tors of those soci­ety deem disposable?
If so who are the dis­pos­able dregs and who decide when they die?
It is incred­i­bly scary that so many cit­i­zens unwit­ting­ly cede their free­doms to the state, through their cold uncar­ing dis­re­gard for oth­ers they deem less than them or other.

Police offi­cers are issued batons, taz­ers, pep­per-spray, hand-cuffs, and yes guns.The Gun was sup­posed to be the last weapon an offi­cer uses.
It’s use has always been con­tin­gent on the life of the offi­cer or that of anoth­er being in immi­nent dan­ger. The threat to life and limb was once sup­posed to be real and rea­son­able. It was nev­er sup­posed to be con­coct­ed or contrived.

Today cops tell cit­i­zens I will F*****g shoot you as they walk up to them, they then make good on their threats and they are not held accountable.
These are the new real­i­ties, the rules have changed and nobody both­ered to tell us.
Welcome to the new world order.