The Rule Of Law A Mirage For The Majority.…

The rule of law is the guiding principle on which democracies are built. Fair, equitable, and just laws, their enforcement, and application give confidence to citizens that will be treated fairly; no one is more important than the other.
It is a noble concept, but even those who claim to be the best at formulating such concepts of fairness and justice have failed miserably, not just in the enforcement and application of such laws; they fail at the very conceptual stage because they are unjust, immoral and hateful.

That said, absent God’s laws, we are stuck with the rule of man-made laws as the best sys­tem of gov­ern­ment to date.
Even when the for­mu­la­tion process is exten­sive and exhaus­tive, if the objec­tive of the laws is immoral and nefar­i­ous, the con­se­quences are severe­ly inju­ri­ous to those they are intend­ed to hurt.
For those rea­sons, despite hav­ing more laws than any oth­er nation, the United States falls woe­ful­ly short of being a just and free soci­ety because its laws have gen­er­al­ly been for­mu­lat­ed to exclude seg­ments of the American peo­ple from cer­tain benefits.
Americanbar​.com writes; Even before the United States was a nation, there was talk among colonists that laws should gov­ern a new nation, not indi­vid­u­als, includ­ing kings or queens, as they’d seen in Britain and oth­er coun­tries. One colonist, Thomas Paine, pro­duced a book­let in 1776 called Common Sense, and it became a best­seller by today’s stan­dards. In it, he detailed how, “in America, law is king.
That rosy assess­ment was not exact­ly true, as the laws were designed not only to be exclu­sion­ary to Black Americans but in many cas­es to be delib­er­ate­ly inju­ri­ous to them.

Mitch McConnell

Joe Biden will get his chance to nom­i­nate his first Justice to the supreme court; not a fan of the supreme court myself because of how much it has got­ten wrong through­out its his­to­ry and how much harm it has brought to Black Americans as a result of its rul­ings. Nonetheless, dur­ing his pres­i­den­tial cam­paign in 2020, Joe Biden was report­ed­ly con­vinced by South Carolina African-American Representative James Clyburn to pledge to nom­i­nate a Black Woman to the high­est court as a means of reviv­ing his fledg­ing, or should I say dying campaign.
Biden even­tu­al­ly did so, and Black Women turned out in droves to give him the win In the Palmetto State, a win that cat­a­pult­ed him into becom­ing the nom­i­nee for his par­ty and beat­ing Donald Trump for the pres­i­den­cy of the United States Of America.
Biden will get a chance to name a jus­tice to the court because cen­trist Stephen Bryer, the old­est jus­tice at 83-years-old has decid­ed to step aside. Whether Breyer decid­ed to retire because of pro­gres­sive pres­sure or he made the deci­sion because of his age, we may nev­er know. However, it may be a safe bet to imag­ine that Breyer was pushed to the door because pro­gres­sives demand­ed that he step aside and allow the pres­i­dent to choose a younger lib­er­al successor.

Brett Kavanaugh, Trump, and Anthony Kennedy at the white house

(1)To under­stand exact­ly why it is cru­cial­ly impor­tant that jus­tice Bryer step aside now, one has to go back to two events that occurred sur­round­ing the nation’s high­est court and how those two events shift­ed the bal­ance of the high­est court arguably for gen­er­a­tions to come. It is also impor­tant to under­stand that when you hear the term “con­ser­v­a­tive” used in the American con­struct, be remind­ed that it irrefutably means “Racist.”
During the pres­i­den­cy of Barack Obama, one of the most conser­v­a­tive Justices on the court passed away. Antonin Scalia’s death would allow Democrat Barack Obama to choose his suc­ces­sor, flip­ping the court’s 5 – 4 con­ser­v­a­tive major­i­ty to a 5 – 4 lib­er­al one.
Scalia died more than ten (10) months before the 2016 pres­i­den­tial elec­tions. Although the pres­i­dent had a right to replace him with his choice for the court, Republican sen­ate major­i­ty leader Mitch Majority declared that the pres­i­dent would not replace Scalia.
Constitutionally the pres­i­dent is empow­ered to nom­i­nate a jurist to the court. The Senate is sup­posed to advise and con­sent-mean­ing hold hear­ings and give the nom­i­nee an up or down vote.
Mitch McConnel cre­at­ed a new rule that it was close to an elec­tion, and so the peo­ple should decide which pres­i­dent selects the next jus­tice to the court.
This was nev­er a rule, just one cre­at­ed by McConnell, and so the seat was held vacant for the bet­ter part of a year. Brack Obama did absolute­ly nothing.


Donald Trump was elect­ed pres­i­dent in 2016, and he quick­ly nom­i­nat­ed Neil Gorsuch to the Court, main­tain­ing the court’s 5 – 4 con­ser­v­a­tive majority.
Trump would replace mod­er­ate Anthony Kennedy, who abrupt­ly announced his retire­ment in June 2018 with Brett Kavanaugh. Many insist there was some­thing fishy about Kennedy’s retire­ment and sur­mise that Donald Trump held some kind of trump-card (pun intend­ed) over Kennedy that forced his retirement.
Mitch McConnell would lat­er reverse his own rule to ram Amy Coney-Barrett through the process weeks before the 2020 pres­i­den­tial elec­tions slant­i­ng the court dan­ger­ous­ly to the right, which will have dev­as­tat­ing con­se­quences for the coun­try in lit­er­al­ly every area of life.
Mitch McConnell’s maneu­vers so cor­rupt­ed the process that many now look at the high­est court with a less than a favor­able eye. How the court is ulti­mate­ly viewed may be tame to the true real­i­ty of what hap­pens behind the scenes.

Ruth Bader-Ginsberg

(2) Liberal jus­tice Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s deci­sion not to retire even though her health was fail­ing will be one of the most con­se­quen­tial deci­sions of our lifetime.
Added to the mon­u­men­tal wrong that a sin­gle US sen­a­tor could stop a pres­i­dent from putting his choice of a jurist on the court-and the murky cir­cum­stances under which Anthony Kennedy stepped down allow­ing Donald Trump to place Brett Kavanaugh on the court; Justice Ginsberg’s deci­sion will for­ev­er neg­a­tive­ly impact the country.
On September 18th, 2020, Ruth Baader Ginsberg died six weeks before the pres­i­den­tial elections.
Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell who pre­vi­ous­ly declared that Obama should not replace Antonin Scalia ten (10) months before a pres­i­den­tial elec­tion, imme­di­ate­ly declared that Trump’s pick Amy Coney-Barrett would be quick­ly added to the court, and so they did.
A sin­gle cor­rupt United States Senator was able to sub­vert the process and change the coun­try’s tra­jec­to­ry for generations.
So much for the rule of law when the ones with pow­er who are sup­posed to ensure its equi­table appli­ca­tion are cor­rupt to the core.





Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.