Milwaukee Sheriff New Black Benedict Arnold

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke
Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke

David Clarke, the African-American sher­iff of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, says it is time to for­give white soci­ety for the sins of slav­ery. Clarke, a fre­quent crit­ic of President Barack Obama, said Thursday on Fox News Channel’s “The Kelly File” that Obama has done noth­ing to heal race rela­tions after his elec­tion as the first black pres­i­dent in 2008.
“Who would have thought that after the elec­tion of the first black pres­i­dent in the his­to­ry of the United States that we would need a peri­od of Reconstruction to try to put this coun­try back togeth­er?” Clarke said.
Rather than try to heal racial rifts, Obama has tak­en sides, the sher­iff said.
He not­ed that Attorney Gen. Eric Holder has said the coun­try is too cow­ard­ly to talk about race.
“Well, I’m not, and I’m ready to engage him in that con­ver­sa­tion,” Clarke said. “We have to begin to ask when white soci­ety is going to be through pay­ing for the sins of slav­ery. We’re now pun­ish­ing peo­ple for sins they did­n’t commit.”[]

Clarke who is of course a reg­u­lar on FOX is mar­ried to a white woman. He has wide and dis­parag­ing views on President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, The Reverend Al. Sharpton, and now New York City Mayor Bill deBlasio.
Despite the Tea-Party type invec­tive being hurled by this new Benedict Arnold David Clarke, both he and the men he has a prob­lem with are all reg­is­tered Democrats.
The truth is that Clarke is a wolf in sheep cloth­ing, he runs as a Democrat but is fact a water-boy for the right against President Obama. David Clarke has tak­en on the role once held by van­quished Florida’s Tea-Party oper­a­tive Allan West . Look for a lot more from this black Uncle Tom to con­tin­ue mak­ing out­ra­geous state­ments as the Right-wing estab­lish­ment ele­vates him as their new mon­key and feed him scraps from their table.