I am not sure if it is apathy, but it seems that there is a sense of resignation in America that the country as it has been known in modern times is past and unavoidably heading for a deep dark place.
I have not done a poll, nor have I traveled the country and asked people along the length and breadth of the country how come they are not outraged at what Donald Trump and the Republican Party are doing to the country?
But one can feel it; one can feel that people on the political right want the country to go back to pre-1865 when Blacks slaved on plantations and were treated worse than animals. We have all heard the catchphrases, ‘make America great again,’ “take back America,” make America great again-again, an insane presupposition that America was great during Trump’s four years in office.
On the political left, people feel a sense of despair at their party’s inability and sometimes unwillingness to stand up to the Republicans even when they are in power.
That despair is not without merit; after all, the Democratic party has failed to stand up for the majority of the voters in this country who elected them to office.

President Barack Obama nominated Merrick Garland to fill the space vacated by the deceased Antonin Scalia, a right-wing ideologue. Senate Majority Leader at the time, Kentucky Republican US Senator Mitch McConnell, blocked Garland from the court almost a full year before the 2016 presidential election.
Mitch McConnell created a rule that had no constitutional basis-that rule is that the voters should decide who the next supreme court justice should be.
“The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president,” McConnell said.
Democrats bowed to the poppy-cock Mitch McConnell created.
Hillary Clinton would win the popular vote by over 2.9 million votes. Still, the electoral college system, which ensures white rule, gave Donald J Trump an immoral and corrupt monster, the presidency.
Trump would appoint Neil Gorsuch, a right-wing ideologue, to the court.
The immoral seat filler Donald Trump who lost the popular vote by almost three million votes would go on to fill two more seats, that of Anthony Kennedy, which he filled with Brett Kavanaugh, another right-wing ideologue who was accused of improper sexual conduct and the seat occupied by Ruth Bader Ginsberg who should have long retired allowing Obama to chose her successor but decided to stay until she died in office. So much for the notorious RBG; her actions were selfish and devoid of consideration.
Immediately after the news hit the airwaves that Ruth Bader Ginsberg passed, Mitch McConnell announced that Donald Trump would fill her seat.
Antonin Scalia died on February 13, 2016; Neil Gorsuch was confirmed Friday, 422 days later, the longest vacancy in the 9‑member court’s history.
Amey Coney Barrett was confirmed to the court just days before the 2020 presidential elections. Mitch McConnell overturned Mitch McConnell’s rule. No Democratic uS Senator voted for her in a straight party-line vote. It was the first time since the mid-1800s that a Supreme Court nominee had not received any votes from the opposing party. The final vote was 52 – 48. Can you say illegitimate?
Biden won the 2020 Presidential by almost 8 million votes over the loser, one-term twice impeached Donald Trump. Trump would juice up a massive neanderthal horde of idiots using the lie that the elections were stolen. For the first time in the nation’s history, the halls of the congress were breached, desecrated, and vandalized.
Some of the scumbags defecated on hallway floors.
They assaulted cops guarding the capital and built a gallows to hang Mike Pence, Trump’s vice president, who did not do their bidding to declare the elections for Trump. For the record, Pence had no such constitutional power.
Even though Mitch McConnell created a rule that had no constitutional basis and then upended his own rule by putting Coney Barrett on the court, Joe Biden, who defeated Donald Trump, and Democrats have failed to right Mitch McConnell’s wrongs by placing at least four more justices on the highest court.
Despite the lies of Republicans and Donald Trump that the elections were stolen, resulting in the storming of the Capitol, the majority of the country seems to be stuck in a haze of do not care.
Republicans have coalesced around Trump’s lies; it has morphed into a deeply dangerous fascist, racist, xenophobic party that hates people of color. On Tuesday, the United States Senate voted to confirm Lisa Cooke, the first Black woman to the Federal Reserve Board, and not a single Republican voted for her confirmation.
We cannot brush aside these moments in history without documenting them.
On Wednesday, May 11th, a day later, Republicans killed a Senate vote that would codify into law the right of women to make their own decisions as it pertains to their reproductive rights.
The country still awaits the June Roe V Wade decision even as it stews in the juice of Samuel Alito’s dark-age draft opinion that would do away with the 49-year-old decision that gave women the right to choose an abortion.
People have every right to feel apathetic toward the country’s future; amidst it, all violent crimes are on the increase, and as is to be expected, the so-called experts have concluded people are frustrated having being locked up in their homes as a result of COVID-19.
I am certainly not an expert, but the course of the nation may have something to do with the trajectory of violent crime.
Voters overwhelmingly elected Joe Biden, President of the United States; no one can reasonably argue that Democratic voters did not vote. Donald Trump’s threat to the nation’s order was so great that Biden, a tepid and lukewarm candidate, garnered the most votes ever in a presidential election. Including the popular and dynamic Barack Obama.
No, they did not turn out because of Biden’s energy or charisma; they turned out because they did [not] want another four years of Trump’s corruption mayhem nor the threat he posed to world peace.
America is in deep decline; the principle of Democracy on which America has waged wars is being destroyed in America itself, not from outside but from enemies within.
That enemy is the Republican party.