The Republican Party The Enemy Within

I am not sure if it is apa­thy, but it seems that there is a sense of res­ig­na­tion in America that the coun­try as it has been known in mod­ern times is past and unavoid­ably head­ing for a deep dark place.
I have not done a poll, nor have I trav­eled the coun­try and asked peo­ple along the length and breadth of the coun­try how come they are not out­raged at what Donald Trump and the Republican Party are doing to the country?
But one can feel it; one can feel that peo­ple on the polit­i­cal right want the coun­try to go back to pre-1865 when Blacks slaved on plan­ta­tions and were treat­ed worse than ani­mals. We have all heard the catch­phras­es, ‘make America great again,’ “take back America,” make America great again-again, an insane pre­sup­po­si­tion that America was great dur­ing Trump’s four years in office.
On the polit­i­cal left, peo­ple feel a sense of despair at their par­ty’s inabil­i­ty and some­times unwill­ing­ness to stand up to the Republicans even when they are in power.
That despair is not with­out mer­it; after all, the Democratic par­ty has failed to stand up for the major­i­ty of the vot­ers in this coun­try who elect­ed them to office.

No one is more respon­si­ble for the mess in which America finds itself than Mitch McConnell…

President Barack Obama nom­i­nat­ed Merrick Garland to fill the space vacat­ed by the deceased Antonin Scalia, a right-wing ide­o­logue. Senate Majority Leader at the time, Kentucky Republican US Senator Mitch McConnell, blocked Garland from the court almost a full year before the 2016 pres­i­den­tial election.
Mitch McConnell cre­at­ed a rule that had no con­sti­tu­tion­al basis-that rule is that the vot­ers should decide who the next supreme court jus­tice should be.
The American peo­ple should have a voice in the selec­tion of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacan­cy should not be filled until we have a new pres­i­dent,” McConnell said.
Democrats bowed to the pop­py-cock Mitch McConnell created.
Hillary Clinton would win the pop­u­lar vote by over 2.9 mil­lion votes. Still, the elec­toral col­lege sys­tem, which ensures white rule, gave Donald J Trump an immoral and cor­rupt mon­ster, the presidency.
Trump would appoint Neil Gorsuch, a right-wing ide­o­logue, to the court.
The immoral seat filler Donald Trump who lost the pop­u­lar vote by almost three mil­lion votes would go on to fill two more seats, that of Anthony Kennedy, which he filled with Brett Kavanaugh, anoth­er right-wing ide­o­logue who was accused of improp­er sex­u­al con­duct and the seat occu­pied by Ruth Bader Ginsberg who should have long retired allow­ing Obama to chose her suc­ces­sor but decid­ed to stay until she died in office. So much for the noto­ri­ous RBG; her actions were self­ish and devoid of consideration.
Immediately after the news hit the air­waves that Ruth Bader Ginsberg passed, Mitch McConnell announced that Donald Trump would fill her seat.
Antonin Scalia died on February 13, 2016; Neil Gorsuch was con­firmed Friday, 422 days lat­er, the longest vacan­cy in the 9‑member court’s history.
Amey Coney Barrett was con­firmed to the court just days before the 2020 pres­i­den­tial elec­tions. Mitch McConnell over­turned Mitch McConnell’s rule. No Democratic uS Senator vot­ed for her in a straight par­ty-line vote. It was the first time since the mid-1800s that a Supreme Court nom­i­nee had not received any votes from the oppos­ing par­ty. The final vote was 52 – 48. Can you say illegitimate?

Biden won the 2020 Presidential by almost 8 mil­lion votes over the los­er, one-term twice impeached Donald Trump. Trump would juice up a mas­sive nean­derthal horde of idiots using the lie that the elec­tions were stolen. For the first time in the nation’s his­to­ry, the halls of the con­gress were breached, des­e­crat­ed, and vandalized.
Some of the scum­bags defe­cat­ed on hall­way floors.
They assault­ed cops guard­ing the cap­i­tal and built a gal­lows to hang Mike Pence, Trump’s vice pres­i­dent, who did not do their bid­ding to declare the elec­tions for Trump. For the record, Pence had no such con­sti­tu­tion­al power.
Even though Mitch McConnell cre­at­ed a rule that had no con­sti­tu­tion­al basis and then upend­ed his own rule by putting Coney Barrett on the court, Joe Biden, who defeat­ed Donald Trump, and Democrats have failed to right Mitch McConnell’s wrongs by plac­ing at least four more jus­tices on the high­est court.
Despite the lies of Republicans and Donald Trump that the elec­tions were stolen, result­ing in the storm­ing of the Capitol, the major­i­ty of the coun­try seems to be stuck in a haze of do not care.
Republicans have coa­lesced around Trump’s lies; it has mor­phed into a deeply dan­ger­ous fas­cist, racist, xeno­pho­bic par­ty that hates peo­ple of col­or. On Tuesday, the United States Senate vot­ed to con­firm Lisa Cooke, the first Black woman to the Federal Reserve Board, and not a sin­gle Republican vot­ed for her confirmation.
We can­not brush aside these moments in his­to­ry with­out doc­u­ment­ing them.
On Wednesday, May 11th, a day lat­er, Republicans killed a Senate vote that would cod­i­fy into law the right of women to make their own deci­sions as it per­tains to their repro­duc­tive rights.
The coun­try still awaits the June Roe V Wade deci­sion even as it stews in the juice of Samuel Alito’s dark-age draft opin­ion that would do away with the 49-year-old deci­sion that gave women the right to choose an abortion.

People have every right to feel apa­thet­ic toward the coun­try’s future; amidst it, all vio­lent crimes are on the increase, and as is to be expect­ed, the so-called experts have con­clud­ed peo­ple are frus­trat­ed hav­ing being locked up in their homes as a result of COVID-19.
I am cer­tain­ly not an expert, but the course of the nation may have some­thing to do with the tra­jec­to­ry of vio­lent crime.
Voters over­whelm­ing­ly elect­ed Joe Biden, President of the United States; no one can rea­son­ably argue that Democratic vot­ers did not vote. Donald Trump’s threat to the nation’s order was so great that Biden, a tepid and luke­warm can­di­date, gar­nered the most votes ever in a pres­i­den­tial elec­tion. Including the pop­u­lar and dynam­ic Barack Obama.
No, they did not turn out because of Biden’s ener­gy or charis­ma; they turned out because they did [not] want anoth­er four years of Trump’s cor­rup­tion may­hem nor the threat he posed to world peace.
America is in deep decline; the prin­ci­ple of Democracy on which America has waged wars is being destroyed in America itself, not from out­side but from ene­mies within.
That ene­my is the Republican party.