The Republican Party Is An Out-in-the-open White Supremacist Party…

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban

Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is slat­ed to speak at the Republican KKKlan Rally many call CPAC.
Viktor Orbán is a vile white suprema­cist who speaks of his coun­try being at risk of becom­ing a mixed-race one.
One of Viktor Orbán’s advis­ers, Zsuzsa Hegedüs, has resigned and cas­ti­gat­ed Orban for his state­ments on race.
I sin­cere­ly regret that such a dis­grace­ful stance has forced me to sev­er our rela­tion­ship,” said ms — Hegedüs in her res­ig­na­tion let­ter to Viktor Orbán.
This is the type of speak­er the Republican par­ty is bring­ing to America to speak at their KKK-lan rally.

They are not hid­ing any­more; the Republican Party is an out-in-the-open white suprema­cist party.
Its fight to force white women to have more babies on the one hand and its xeno­pho­bic attack on immi­gra­tion are cen­tral to their belief that America should not be a plu­ral­is­tic soci­ety but a white ethnostate.
One major pub­li­ca­tion char­ac­ter­ized Orban’s speech in which he spoke about race mix­ing as one wor­thy of Joseph Goebbels”.

They called them­selves the Tea-Party dur­ing the Obama years

2010 Tea Party crowd | Minneapolis, Minnesota March 3, 2010 … | Flickr
Here they were in Minnesota.

Viktor Orbán is due to trav­el to Dallas, where he will open CPAC Texas, a gath­er­ing of US con­ser­v­a­tives. Orbán counts for­mer US pres­i­dent Donald Trump among his many admir­ers on the American right.
Of course, he does!!!
In the United States, there has been a wild swing to the right that has left many com­men­ta­tors and prog­nos­ti­ca­tors dumb­found­ed. Television talk­ing heads wring their hands as they use mis­lead­ing and nuanced terms to describe what is real­ly hap­pen­ing in the country.
In the mean­time, the Republican par­ty is mov­ing full tilt ahead, tear­ing down the old bul­warks rep­re­sent­ing America’s ver­sion of Democracy.
Since its incep­tion, America’s idea of democ­ra­cy was built on the premise that whites would always be in con­trol of it and decide what it looked like.
The premise of what that democ­ra­cy looked like was great until the num­ber of Hispanics, Black, and oth­er races inside the United States start­ed to be tout­ed among media talk­ing heads as becom­ing a com­bined majority.
Long before minor­i­ty pop­u­la­tion data was being talked about and writ­ten about as a force at the bal­lot box, there were built-ins inside the United States Constitution designed to ensure white rule regard­less of racial makeup.
Two US Senators per state tout­ed as a rem­e­dy to pre­vent­ing the drown­ing out of the voic­es of small­er states. The result, a flip, the voic­es of six hun­dred thou­sand plus peo­ple in the state of Wyoming drown­ing out those of 40 mil­lion peo­ple in California and 30 mil­lion in New York state.

Tea Party Idiots Exposed By Boston Globe! - YouTube
Here they are.…

The Electoral col­lege, In the pres­i­den­tial elec­tions of 2000, Former Democratic Vice President Al Gore won the pop­u­lar vote and most of the votes in the elec­toral col­lege, which would make him the 43rd pres­i­dent of the United States.
Unfortunately for Al Gore, the results of the elec­tion rest­ed on the vote count in the state of Florida.
Al Gore’s oppo­nent, George Bush, a for­mer Governor of Texas, was the son of for­mer Republican one-term President Herbert Walker Bush, Ronald Reagan’s for­mer Vice President.
But that was not all; the state of Florid had as its Governor Jeb Bush, the younger broth­er of George Bush and the younger son of Herbert Walker Bush.
An inter­est­ing twist con­sid­er­ing that America came into exis­tence because the founders did not want to acqui­esce to the demands of kings, so we end­ed up with dynasties.
US Supreme court with a right-wing major­i­ty was more lethal to Al Gore’s chances of becom­ing pres­i­dent. The Supreme court ordered the count­ing of bal­lots stopped.
George Bush was sworn in as America’s 43rd pres­i­dent; his pres­i­den­cy was an abject fail­ure which saw the war in Afghanistan launched, the ille­gal war in Iraq, water­board­ing of POWs in Guantanamo, the Patriot Act, and a whole slew of rights reduc­tion mea­sures that Americans are forced to live with today. George Bush appoint­ed Samuel Alito to the US Supreme court, and we have seen how con­se­quen­tial that has been.
In 2016 Hillary Clinton won the pop­u­lar vote by a wide mar­gin over super-moron Donald Trump; the elec­toral col­lege gave the win to Trump. Trump was impeached twice in his sin­gle term.
Donald Trump appoint­ed Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amey Coney-Barrett to the court. As a result of these three addi­tions to the court-all from the right-wing Federalist Society, Roe V Wade, the almost fifty-year prece­dent giv­ing women the right of auton­o­my and agency over their own bod­ies was struck down by Alito and the oth­er right-wing Federalists on the court.

Here they are , ‘very fine peo­ple’ as char­ac­ter­ized by Donald Trump.

For all intents and pur­pos­es, the elec­tion of Barack Obama was the straw that broke the Camel’s back. Out of Obama’s ascen­den­cy emerged a full-fledged white suprema­cist move­ment couched as legit­i­mate grass­roots oppo­si­tion to left­ist Obama policies.
Those move­ments were fund­ed large­ly by large donors who referred to them­selves as Libertarians; Charles and David Coch, bil­lion­aire broth­ers who inher­it­ed bil­lions from their father, used their wealth to fund rightwing oppo­si­tion to Obama.
Charles and David Coch were not alone; most of the major cor­po­ra­tions in the coun­try that ben­e­fit from the dol­lars of all Americans sup­port­ed and still fund Republicans and their white suprema­cist agenda.
Companies we rou­tine­ly spend our mon­ey with.
Home Depot, Walmart, Amazon, Morgan Stanley, AT&T, Boeing, UPS, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, General Dynamics, The American Bankers Association, The National Beer Wholesalers Association, Banking group Regions Financial, Chevron, Eli Lilly, FedEx, General Motors, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, and Pfizer, to name a few. 

The result

There is hard­ly any rea­son for any­one to be unin­formed these days; indi­vid­u­al­ly, we may think we can­not change the tra­jec­to­ry of the future. I dis­agree; his­to­ry is replete with instances of the grit and tenac­i­ty of indi­vid­u­als who have shaped world his­to­ry for the better.
Collectively, we can make a dif­fer­ence if only we choose to inform our­selves. The aver­age cit­i­zen walks around with a pow­er­ful com­put­er on their per­son each day. Unfortunately, some are unwill­ing to set aside that device they call their phone even to use a cross­walk or while oper­at­ing a motor vehicle.
Whether that device is Android or IOS, sim­ply press­ing a smart key and ask­ing a ques­tion pro­duces an answer that, even if not 100 per­cent accu­rate, gives the ques­tion­er a gen­er­al idea of any subject.
There is absolute­ly no rea­son to be stu­pid while walk­ing around with a smart device.
Every action tak­en by the right is designed to sup­press the demo­c­ra­t­ic process because they believe they are los­ing the white num­bers game.
Democratic vot­ers refuse to show the same lev­el of tenac­i­ty as white Republicans when it comes to under­stand­ing the elec­toral land­scape. Democrat vot­ers tend to believe they only have to show up dur­ing pres­i­den­tial elections.
The threats to American democ­ra­cy, flawed though it is, are grave.
Voters fail to under­stand this at their own peril. 





Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.