The Republican Party Is America’s Greatest National Security Threat.…

Many years ago, I opined that I fun­da­men­tal­ly believe that the United States is poised for anoth­er bloody con­flict on the scale of the civ­il war of 1861.
My opin­ion is not based on a wish to see the world’s old­est democ­ra­cy implode, God for­bid. The United States has been my adopt­ed home since 1991, and she has been good to me.
My con­cern then, as it is height­ened now, is derived from the fact that democ­ra­cy can only work when all polit­i­cal play­ers share the com­mon goal that the process of Democracy is sacrosanct.
The first world war start­ed in 1914; it was a bloody war that last­ed for four years; the total num­ber of mil­i­tary and civil­ian casu­al­ties in World War I was around 40 million.
The sec­ond world war began a mere twen­ty-one (21) years lat­er, in 1939. That con­flict was even more bloody; esti­mates sug­gest that some 75 mil­lion peo­ple died in World War II, includ­ing about 20 mil­lion mil­i­tary per­son­nel and 40 mil­lion civil­ians.

Foundationational pil­lars were cre­at­ed after 1945 when the allied forces defeat­ed Hitler’s nazi axis, i.e., the United Nations (NATO), The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and oth­ers. Those pil­lars have been instru­men­tal in ensur­ing world peace and have pre­vent­ed anoth­er glob­al conflagration.
As a result of America’s push, dic­ta­tor­ships col­lapsed around the world save and except for a few places, mak­ing way for thriv­ing new democracies.
The Berlin wall came down, reuni­fy­ing East and West Germany into one pow­er­ful and wealthy Germany.
In Eastern Europe, the Soviet influ­ence col­lapsed, result­ing in Democracy tak­ing hold in for­mer Soviet satellites.
Even Communist China opened its doors and allowed the free mar­ket to thrive to a cer­tain extent, result­ing in tremen­dous wealth pour­ing into China, lift­ing huge sec­tions of the Chinese pop­u­la­tion out of pover­ty, and mak­ing China a mighty pow­er on the world’s stage.

As a con­se­quence of west­ern nations mov­ing most of their man­u­fac­tur­ing to China and that coun­ty’s mis­ap­pro­pri­a­tion of west­ern intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty, China has become very rich. However, China has not changed its total­i­tar­i­an ten­den­cies; it is now flush with cash to export its totalitarianism.
On July 1st, 1997, sov­er­eign­ty over the British colony of Hong Kong was for­mal­ly trans­ferred to China. Since then, China’s heavy com­mu­nist hand has turned the thriv­ing for­mer colony into a place of fear for the cit­i­zens of that coun­try who pre­vi­ous­ly enjoyed pros­per­i­ty and the rule of law.
Russia too has emerged from the embar­rass­ment of the Soviet col­lapse; arguably not a rich nation, Russia is still a nuclear-armed pow­er that has solid­i­fied itself as a plu­to­crat­ic state that still seeks to exert its influ­ence out­side its own borders.
In Turkey, total­i­tar­i­an­ism has tak­en a stran­gle­hold, effec­tive­ly chok­ing off the dis­sent of pres­i­dent Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, and all across Europe, right-wing nation­al­ism is on the rise.
All of these events could not come at a worse time for the forces of democ­ra­cy, as forces in the United States that once hon­ored the idea of democ­ra­cy as now eschewed that idea because it now feels hold­ing on to pow­er is more in its interest.

The Republican par­ty has there­fore become the great­est threat to America’s nation­al secu­ri­ty. To make mat­ters worse, the Democratic par­ty is a weak bewil­dered polit­i­cal par­ty that wants to play by the rules, but there is no one to play with.
Between January 2017 and January 2021, America has lurched errat­i­cal­ly to the right under the lead­er­ship of a mad unso­phis­ti­cat­ed, unlearned, immoral, and amoral sociopath.
The harm done to the world’s most pow­er­ful nation would have tak­en decades to clean up even if the Republican par­ty was a will­ing partner.
Not hav­ing the Republican par­ty as a will­ing gov­ern­ing part­ner fur­ther bewil­ders and con­fus­es the democ­rats on what to do to stop the onslaught against demo­c­ra­t­ic rule launched by Republicans in red states.
Donald Trump and his under­lings, includ­ing William Barr, set out to dis­as­sem­ble the struc­tures of demo­c­ra­t­ic rule in the United States.
Even though the infan­tile Trump is no longer in office, Republicans across the coun­try have main­tained a scorched-earth approach to dis­man­tling the rule of law. They have enact­ed vot­er sup­pres­sion laws aimed at chang­ing the way Americans, par­tic­u­lar­ly Black & Brown peo­ple, vot­ed at the state lev­els, while in Washington DC, they have blocked the H.R.1 (For the People Act, and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Acts that would pro­tect the fran­chise for all Americans.

This is a house-on-fire moment for American democ­ra­cy; if the Democratic Party can­not mount a defense of democ­ra­cy while it has the house sen­ate and the exec­u­tive, what chance is there for demo­c­ra­t­ic rule when the Republicans take over the reins of governance?
As dire as it seems for American democ­ra­cy, it is just as dire for the rest of the world when America has giv­en up on the noble idea of demo­c­ra­t­ic rule.
Outside of com­plain­ing on MSNBC, it appears that the Democratic par­ty has no idea how to counter Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, Donald Trump, and oth­ers as they con­tin­ue the decon­struc­tion of the American demo­c­ra­t­ic process.
Dark clouds are rising.




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.