The Raw Facts About The Republican Party’s Race Problem:

Tony Perkins President of the Family research Council and the entire length and breath of the Republican food chain has per­fect­ed the argu­ment of , ” DEFEATING BARACK OBAMA AND RESTORING AMERICA TO IT’S FOUNDING PRINCIPLES” Let’s talk about the cod­ed lan­guage being used in the elec­tion cam­paign, even as we cel­e­brate the life of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Newt Gingrich

The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

As a blog­ger and a news hound, I watch Television,(well most­ly lis­ten) as I am always busy, I vis­it web­sites, lis­ten to radio, and read blogs, all with a view of get­ting a feel for the essence of real­ly what’s hap­pen­ing in the world, and as much as pos­si­ble be able to free myself from the shack­les of the pack­aged prod­uct that pass­es for news the major media hous­es feeds us, under the assump­tion that we are unable to fig­ure things out for ourselves.

Cris Matthews host of MSNBC Hardball speak­ing to the issue of racial code words on Andrea Mitchell Reports on Tuesday January 17th , Matthews said suc­cinct­ly “it’s not some­thing you can sen­si­tize some­one to, either you see it or you choose not to see it because you don’t want to” Matthews point­ed to a cou­ple of instance where it was done in pre­vi­ous elec­tion cycles and even though it was there , some argue that oth­ers who men­tioned it were mak­ing much ado about noth­ing. So the ques­tion to you my read­ers is this , Is there a cod­ed lan­guage that is being used by white can­di­dates when they speak to cer­tain sec­tions of the vot­ing pub­lic, usu­al­ly all white audi­ences like the Lilly white audi­ence in Myrtle Beach South Carolina?

Well let’s take a look, There is a com­mon thread that runs through all in the repub­li­can par­ty when they refer to President Obama They call him ‘Barack Obama” Now as Cris Matthews said, one can choose to ignore this and pre­tend that it is nor­mal or one could see it for what it real­ly is a means of de-legit­imis­ing the pres­i­den­cy of This pres­i­dent . This has caught on with even some in the media who have delved, some of them unwit­ting­ly, into the Barack Obama new speak, with­out real­iz­ing that is exact­ly what those who are still fight­ing the civ­il war wants. This is part of a cam­paign aimed at de-legit­imiz­ing the president.


(1)Barack Obama:

(2)Food stamp President:

(3)The issue of the President’s birth certificate: 

(4) Election is for the soul of America:

(5) European social­ist:

Opponents of this pres­i­dent speak about get­ting rid of Barack Obama and restor­ing America to it’s val­ues, what val­ues are they talk­ing about ? Are they refer­ring to the val­ues on dis­play in that crowd in South Carolina on Monday night? that shame­ful dis­play shows once and for all a State that still couch­es it’s racial hatred in codes and rau­cous applause when Newt Gingrich stat­ed that in New York a jan­i­tor could be fired and many kids hired to fill their space , he stat­ed it would put mon­ey in their pock­ets. Of course this nean­derthal makes no ref­er­ence to how these stu­dents would han­dle work­ing and going to school, or maybe he does­n’t feel that poor minor­i­ty chil­dren should go to school,maybe Gingrich is actu­al­ly try­ing to cre­ate a per­ma­nent class of jan­ti­tors . Wasn’t that the rea­son blacks were exe­cut­ed if they were caught read­ing or learn­ing to read dur­ing slav­ery?

What is instruc­tive about Republican crowds is that they want a gay sol­dier to die because he did not have any insur­ance, they want pris­on­ers on death row to be fried. The demeanor of the crowd in South Carolina was par­tic­u­lar­ly telling when Juan Williams asked Gingrich whether he was­n’t seek­ing to belit­tle peo­ple, ref­er­enc­ing the issue of Gingrich’s pro­posed pol­i­cy of mak­ing minor­i­ty kids jan­i­tors, he said first of all “Juan” then wait­ed for applause from the igno­rant racist crowd, before he pro­ceed­ed into his dia­tribe about Barack Obama being the food stamp pres­i­dent. He used William’s name the way they used the name Barack Hussein Obama in a con­text that is intend­ed to demean, telling their white sup­port­ers he is not one of us , he is “oth­er”. That first part of the sen­tence ” first of all Juan”,( code speak) then wait­ing for the applause from the crowd that says to him, “we get it , you put him in his place”

On the day that the nation cel­e­brat­ed the life and work of the great­est icon for social jus­tice in many life­times Martin Luther King Jr. Republican can­di­date for pres­i­dent Newt Gingrich sought to demean and belit­tle black peo­ple by being open­ly hos­tile and dis­mis­sive of a black Journalist in the State of South Carolina. Despite this trag­ic affront and the con­tin­u­a­tion of it there are still blacks in this coun­try who feel that they should be defend­ers of these repug­nant vile crea­tures that parade as human beings who con­tin­ue to spread this tox­ic brand of hatred. Republican strate­gist Ron Christie a black Republican who worked in for­mer vice pres­i­den­t’s Dick Cheney’s office char­ac­ter­ized Gingrich’s vile behav­ior as quote “a clum­sy attempt to explain some­thing that is true”

Republican strate­gist and for­mer Cheney deputy assis­tant Ron Christie:See blog titled black repub­li­can­ism about how we feel about the Ron Christie’s of this world. 

Republican can­di­dates for pres­i­dent are not restrained this cycle in using overt racism in their quest for polit­i­cal pow­er, they want to get rid of this Democratic pres­i­dent, how­ev­er they want to get rid of the black pres­i­dent much more. They have been pre­pared from the inau­gu­ra­tion of Barack Obama to use what­ev­er tac­tics they see fit to remove Obama from office. This is not all they are using, it is just one tool in their tool kit of dirty tricks, to include, fraud­u­lent argu­ments of vot­er fraud in order to enact leg­is­la­tion in sev­er­al states that makes it dif­fi­cult for minori­ties to vote . Santorum nailed Mitt Romney on the ques­tion of why peo­ple who have paid their debt to soci­ety should not being allowed to vote, Romney stat­ed he does­n’t believe that peo­ple who com­mit vio­lent crimes should be allowed to vote, this got Romney thun­der­ous applause from the Lilly white St Carolina crowd. Never mind that as Governor of Massachusetts Romney did noth­ing to stop peo­ple on parole from voting.

It is instruc­tive that as we cel­e­brat­ed the birth­day of Dr. King the Confederate flag still flies over the cap­i­tal rotun­da in South Carolina, and as the Confederate flag flies over the rotun­da, A crowd of racist seces­sion­ists booed a black jour­nal­ist as he sim­ply sought to do his job. 

Rather instruc­tive about where the soul of this repub­li­can par­ty real­ly is, as if there was ever any doubt.


A woman con­grat­u­lat­ed Newt Gingrich at a cam­paign stop in St. Carolina today,here’s what she said “Speaker Gingrich I would like to con­grat­u­late you for putting mis­ter Juan Williams in his place last night“the crowd erupt­ed into thun­der­ous applause while Gingrich basked in the glow and adu­la­tion from the crowd, after the applause died down Gingrich nod­ded his head and told the woman smil­ing­ly “thank you, thank you.

Never once did he repu­di­ate the lan­guage, nev­er once did he repu­di­ate the notion , nev­er once did he say it was nev­er his inten­tion to put Williams in his place. Perry, Santorum, Paul, and Romney stood on that stage in South Carolina as Newt Gingrich dem­a­gogue black peo­ple, and dis­missed a black Journalist to sus­tained and rau­cous laugh­ter and applause, not one of them stopped Gingrich or object­ed to his vile and dis­re­spect­ful brand of pos­tur­ing, as such the nom­i­nee of this par­ty should be held respon­si­ble for Gingrich’s actions.