The Race Issue Part 2 !

President Obama spoke on race again on Friday July 19th in impromp­tu remarks from the Brady brief­ing room. Obama said that before becom­ing a sen­a­tor, he him­self expe­ri­enced walk­ing across the street and hear­ing the locks click on doors, among oth­er sim­i­lar sit­u­a­tions. It’s that set of expe­ri­ences, he said, that informs how many black Americans inter­pret what hap­pened in Sanford, Fla.

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The President’s com­ment was par­tic­u­lar­ly reveal­ing , even as it was sin­cere. That the most pow­er­ful man on Planet Earth, the leader of the free world was not unscathed or un-scarred by America’s intrin­sic racism is telling. It brings into focus just how at risk black men are in America.

What the President for­got is the racism did not stop when he became a Senator.

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1) It was Racism which made them demand his birth cer­tifi­cate. Despite his accom­plish­ments at Occidental College to Columbia University, and onto Harvard Law school, where he went on to becom­ing the President of the Prestigious Harvard Law Review. First black elect­ed to that posi­tion, the high­est stu­dent posi­tion at Harvard Law School. The igno­ra­mus­es who kept the non­sen­si­cal birther issue alive are noth­ing but present day show me your paper vig­i­lantes. Interestingly when they are all lined up their com­bined IQ amounts to that of a jackass.

images (20)2) It was race which made imbe­cile con­gress-man Joe Wilson of South Carolina infa­mous­ly shout, ‘You lie” as the the pres­i­dent deliv­ered the State of the Union address. A crass ‚uncouth act of dis­re­spect, nev­er before seen in that body when a sit­ting pres­i­dent vis­its to deliv­er the state of the union address.

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The instances of dis­re­spect and racism hurled at this pres­i­dent should have been a wake up call to all men of col­or, yet as I point­ed out in the first arti­cle in this series, we have fall­en down on the job. There is an argu­ment being made on this issue of race, the cen­tral tenet of that dis­cus­sion is that whites are afraid of black peo­ple. Well I won­der why? Now if whites are afraid of blacks it bears exam­in­ing why they feel com­pelled to project their fears onto the sub­ject of their inse­cu­ri­ties. Are these ratio­nal fears Genised in 4 hun­dred years of geno­cide vis­it­ed on black peo­ple in the west­ern world? Or are these fears based on new and per­ceived emerg­ing threats from black men like our president?

Literally every day Police in these United States con­front black men with raw aggres­sion, aggres­sion born out of fear they assault and kill them and they are not held to account. Secret grand juries exon­er­ate cops , no trail, busi­ness as usu­al. A San Francisco Bay Area (BART) cop pulls his gun and sim­ply shoots and kill a hand-cuffed young African-America male sit­ting on the ground, pos­ing no threat to the cow­ard­ly mur­der­ers in uni­form. The cop’s sto­ry ? I thought I was pulling my taser. Even if that creep was to be believed , tas­ing a hand­cuffed per­son pos­ing no threat or risk is undue, exces­sive force, he took that young man’s life.

On November 5, 2010, the cop Johannes Mehserle was sen­tenced to two years, minus time served. He served his time in the Los Angeles County Jail, occu­py­ing a pri­vate cell away from oth­er pris­on­ers. That is the price of a black man’s life. He was released on June 13, 2011 and is now on parole.[1Oscar Grant was mur­dered by a jack-boot­ed thug in uni­form.http://​www​.youtube​.com/​w​a​t​c​h​?​v​=​e​o​0​d​6​Q​4​R​Vno.

Trayvon Martin was just one of thou­sands of young men who are being killed in this coun­try, black men are killing each oth­er at alarm­ing rates, but the police remains one of the great­est threat to the lives of black men. Not just young black men, men of all ages are at risk . One may view hours upon hours of police abuse on YouTube. They are gen­er­al­ly nev­er held account­able, the sub­ject of their rage is almost always black men. That is hate.