The Putrid Stench Of The Rot That Passes For Policing In The United States.…

The trag­ic real­i­ty at this time is that there is an acute epi­dem­ic of anti-Black racism world­wide. Tragic because actu­al liv­ing, breath­ing peo­ple are being killed by gov­ern­ment agents.
In his Washington Post arti­cle in 2020 after the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police, Nana Osei-Opare wrote, “Throughout the last cen­tu­ry, the United States has pro­ject­ed itself as a glob­al leader of lib­er­ty, democ­ra­cy, and free­dom. But on ques­tions of race, America has con­sis­tent­ly been on the wrong side of his­to­ry — and the world has noticed.

Occupying the perch it does on the world stage, the United States is unavoid­ably looked at with a keen­er eye than oth­er coun­tries on the ques­tion of human rights than oth­er pow­er­ful nations like Russia, China, Iran, etc.
It is not that peo­ple are more caus­tic in their crit­i­cisms of the US on human rights abus­es but because of the US’s his­to­ry and its con­tin­ued pos­tur­ing and pon­tif­i­cat­ing on the issue while ignor­ing the glar­ing abuse of police vio­lence in its own streets.
Aided by the courts’ police and their unions have become so pow­er­ful that the United States is now a ver­i­ta­ble police state. 

The stan­dard for the use of lethal force over the last sev­er­al decades has dete­ri­o­rat­ed, the bar low­ered so low by the courts that the mere belief in a cop’s mind that some­one may pose a dan­ger to them is jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for killing that per­son gun or not.
Opare went on; the U.S. sup­port­ed racist European colo­nial regimes like apartheid South Africa until the 1980s when domes­tic pres­sure led by African Americans pushed it to change course. Additionally, at dif­fer­ent points in its his­to­ry domes­ti­cal­ly, like apartheid South Africa, the U.S. has unleashed the state’s machin­ery — dogs, water hoses, batons, and rub­ber bul­lets or worse — to stymie civ­il rights protests, black anger, and activism against anti-black vio­lence. Images of this police vio­lence cir­cu­lat­ed across the globe, clear­ly con­tra­dict­ing America’s Cold War rhetoric. It showed how total­i­tar­i­an­ism and sup­port for white suprema­cy exist­ed in the U.S.‘s own back­yard.

Anti-Black racism is not con­fined to the United States. However, the sto­ries of state agents bla­tant­ly abus­ing black peo­ple are well doc­u­ment­ed in France, London, and even in war-torn Ukraine. In the United States, as in England, France, and places in between, Police act­ing with the acqui­es­cence of white racist cit­i­zens con­tin­ue to use racist vio­lence against Black peo­ple on racial grounds with dev­as­tat­ing consequences.
In the United States, police Unions donate to the cam­paigns of politi­cians who end up in their pock­ets when they are elect­ed. Worse yet, many local Mayors and pros­e­cu­tors are for­mer cops, which makes it dou­bly dif­fi­cult for the vic­tims of police vio­lence to get a fair inves­ti­ga­tion, much less an indict­ment of killer cops.
If you are won­der­ing why we are try­ing to bring these events to your atten­tion, please take a look at this inci­dent that occurred in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

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Would this have hap­pened to a white woman? You decide.