The Primary Actor Not Talked About In America’s Wretched Policing: The Supreme Court…

The chal­lenge for small­er news agen­cies and pri­vate blog­gers to get the facts before the larg­er pop­u­la­tion was always a steep climb. However, with Donald Trump’s actions on net neu­tral­i­ty, that chal­lenge became a mount- Everest.
Large tech giants like Google and Facebook get to decide what view­ers get to see. Hosting plat­form Hostgator had this to say about net neutrality.
(If net neu­tral­i­ty ceas­es, we could be look­ing at an inter­net bogged down by fees, where users must pay to access cer­tain types of con­tent. The var­i­ous stream­ing ser­vices avail­able today, from NetFlix to Amazon, would impose addi­tion­al tolls that would then be passed onto the end-users of their ser­vices. This would not affect just stream­ing ser­vices but all content).
The FCC has hard­ly done any­thing to cur­tail the desires of big-tech to con­trol the infor­ma­tion super­high­way like truck­ers con­trol the I‑84.


So even though pri­vate blog­gers like your hum­ble ser­vant have been warn­ing about the Supreme Court’s actions in solid­i­fy­ing and main­tain­ing police vio­lence in America, those facts hard­ly get to the larg­er read­ing pub­lic because of what large cor­po­ra­tions like Facebook, Google, Amazon, and oth­ers are allowed to get away with by decid­ing what you are allowed to see, even though the idea of the inter­net was sup­posed to be a place where infor­ma­tion should flow freely with­out, dis­crim­i­na­tion, block­ing or throt­tling inter­net usage by all ISPs (Internet Service Providers) or any gov­ern­men­tal intervention.‑glimpse-at-the-astonishing-amount-of-unarmed-black-people-police-have-been-killing/

Having said that, I must be can­did by adding that among the Black pop­u­la­tion in the United States, there is a cer­tain seg­ment that stub­born­ly refus­es to seek out and find infor­ma­tion that informs and educates.
At the risk of attract­ing incom­ing fire- I ven­ture to add that African-Americans, to a large extent, seem to be read­ing averse.
Sure, a size­able per­cent­age of the African-American female com­mu­ni­ty is earn­ing col­lege degrees but we are yet to see the data on how this pos­i­tiv­i­ty impacts the younger gen­er­a­tion one way or the other.
By and large, the focus appears to be on enter­tain­ment and preen­ing of feath­ers, except for a few stand­outs like Stacey Abrams et al.
Large News Agencies have a duty to inform and not engage in fluff report­ing, but fluff gets eye­balls on tele­vi­sion screens these days, not sol­id news reporting.
So I was sur­prised to read an arti­cle by CNN’s Brando Tensley titled (The Supreme Court has sided with the police at the expense of Black Americans).
You think?


In his arti­cle post­ed on CNN’s web­site on August 26th, 2021, Tensley wrote; Mostly, civ­il rights activists have laid the respon­si­bil­i­ty for curb­ing police abuse at the feet of nation­al law­mak­ers, whose efforts have so far yield­ed noth­ing. For all the fero­cious debate about the US’s racist polic­ing régime, there’s been min­i­mal dis­cus­sion about an actor that deserves a lot of the blame for the wretched state of present-day polic­ing: the US Supreme Court.
Tenley’s short but bril­liant arti­cle was a breath of fresh air, for me at least, in that as a local blog­ger con­strained by the lack of neu­tral­i­ty on the web, I felt like a lone voice cry­ing out in the wilder­ness —at least before Tensley’s article.
But in fair­ness, I have not been silent in point­ing to the real cause of police vio­lence in America today: the US Supreme.



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It isn’t that this is news; every sin­gle step that America takes, in what­ev­er direc­tion it goes, stitched in those steps are threads that pro­tect white supremacy.
Every yard of the American body fab­ric is inter­twined with racist pro­tec­tions for whites that are anti­thet­i­cal to the inter­est of Black & Brown Americans.
The Supreme Court is the chief archi­tect of white suprema­cy in America; it will not pro­tect Black and Brown peo­ple from police violence.
Police are the enforce­ment arm of American Fascism, and that’s the bot­tom line.




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.