The PNP Is Like Little Mongrels Barking At Passing Cars, They Have No Solution For Jamaica’s Problems…

I am hap­py to see that PrimeMinister Andrew Holness has arrived at the frus­tra­tion lev­el that the Jamaican peo­ple have been at for over four decades on crime. It has been a long slow climb for Holness, but he began see­ing the light after the Haitian President was assas­si­nat­ed in his own home. Influential peo­ple in Jamaica have been insu­lat­ed from the ram­pant vio­lence that plagues oth­er Jamaicans. As such, they have lofty and even Utopian ideas about the laws passed in Jamaica and the penal­ties met­ed out to dan­ger­ous and vio­lent offenders.
The con­se­quences to Jamaicans who want peace is that the poor are vic­tims of vio­lence while the priv­i­leged are pass­ing observers to the carnage.
The result on the International stage is that Jamaica is the most vio­lent coun­try in the Caribbean and the entire Latin-American region, sur­pass­ing dan­ger­ous coun­tries like Ecuador, Colombia, Mexico, Guatemala, and others.
There is seri­ous oppo­si­tion to mean­ing­ful laws that would help to cau­ter­ize the vio­lence; essen­tial­ly, vio­lence is a way of life in Jamaica from which many sec­tors make mon­ey, or as we say in Jamaican ver­nac­u­lar, ‘eat a food”.
Now I do under­stand that the Kumreds will be pissed at this arti­cle. The Laborites hate me when I speak out against their par­ty. Frankly, any­one who knows me knows that I do not give a shit. And, oh, by the way, if my lan­guage offends you, this is not for you take your fake ass some­where where they care because I don’t give two shits.

Some vocal groups include the tri­al lawyers who depend on crim­i­nals to eat; (the coun­try can go to hell). Others include the par­a­sites human rights lob­by that has tak­en up res­i­dence in Jamaica like flies take to shit.
Of all the groups push­ing against reform on the tiny Island nation, none is more offen­sive than the Opposition People’s National Party (PNP), on whose 2212 year unbro­ken reign the nation den­i­grat­ed from a pros­per­ing and grow­ing nation to a nation whose peo­ple are shunned, reviled, and deemed per­sona non gra­ta in oth­er coun­tries includ­ing our Caribbean neighbors.
This polit­i­cal par­ty has done so much harm to the coun­try that it is incom­pre­hen­si­ble that the elec­torate does not force it to dis­solve and disband.
I lis­tened to one of the local radio sta­tions on Friday morn­ing at the prompt­ing of a friend; on the pro­gram was the PNP’s so-called shad­ow cab­i­net mem­ber on Justice, Donna Scott-Mottley. To be hon­est, I did not want to waste my time lis­ten­ing to any­thing any­one from the PNP had to say; I should have fol­lowed my gut.
The sad real­i­ty is that the PNP has noth­ing to offer Jamaica out­side more of the same, which is more fail­ure, pover­ty, hyper­bole, and non­sen­si­cal gib­ber­ish wrapped and pack­aged in flow­ery bullshit.
It was more of the same, pol­i­tics, pol­i­tics, more craven hunger for pow­er and no solu­tion. The People’s National Party has not reformed. Therefore, it has noth­ing to offer Jamaica; it is still the same old Manley par­ty of fail­ure that it offered Jamaica in the 70s and the unfor­tu­nate 221/​2‑year peri­od of dis­as­ter that has stunt­ed Jamaica’s growth and devel­op­ment to this day.

The PNP is a par­ty that cares noth­ing about crime and vio­lence; what mat­ters to them is that the whole thing is burned to the ground so they may gov­ern over the ash­es. It is the same take no pris­on­ers par­ty influ­enced by Cuban com­mu­nism that cloaks itself in pop­ulism ‑dan­ger­ous pop­ulism that the poor believe is in their inter­est. That has been how left-wing pop­ulist par­ties through­out the Caribbean, Latin America, and Africa man­age to cor­ral the votes of the lumpen and keep them in pover­ty. At the same time, they line their pock­ets at the poor’s expense.
Both polit­i­cal par­ties are hard­ly worth shit, but on the sem­i­nal issue of crime, the PNP must cease and desist from play­ing pol­i­tics with peo­ple’s lives and sup­port the Government’s push to bring seri­ous pain to the murderers?
When asked whether the view that crim­i­nal rights take prece­dent over the rights of crime vic­tims, Donna Scott-Mottley stam­mered her way through a long litany of non­sen­si­cal argu­ments, includ­ing the point that Jamaica has been plagued with vio­lence for over forty years.
Criticizing leg­is­la­tion that would make it a manda­to­ry 15 years for an offend­er caught with a gun Donna Scott-Mottley, the mouth­piece for the crim­i­nal-cod­dling PNP, argued that it is gross­ly unfair because a per­son can bor­row a car from a friend and had no idea that a gun was in the bor­rowed car.

Arguably, this rein­car­na­tion of Albert Einstein has no idea that those issues are sort­ed out in a tri­al in a court of law…
But what the Jamaican peo­ple [must] con­sid­er is that like so many before her in both polit­i­cal par­ties, this grifter, Donna Scott-Mottley is a tri­al lawyer who earns a liv­ing from crim­i­nals hav­ing their way. These are the con­flicts of inter­est that are allowed to flour­ish in Jamaica. Grifters like Donna Scott-Mottley do not give a shit about dead Jamaicans. What they care about are the illic­it dol­lars that flow into their bank accounts from the killers who employ them to get them out of jail. These grifters have zero care for where those monies come from.
But the People’s National Party nev­er cared about the safe­ty of the Jamaican peo­ple; the par­ty has always been about gain­ing and hold­ing onto state pow­er. The par­ty always tried to cur­ry favor with the mass­es, posi­tion­ing itself as the par­ty of the poor. Its poli­cies keep peo­ple poor; that’s by design so that it may manip­u­late them. But it is the poor who are get­ting killed, day in and day out.
The PNP is sell­ing more of the bull­shit it has been sell­ing for decades, noth­ing new but the same old snake oil.
Fortunately, the Jamaican peo­ple saw through the bull­shit and rel­e­gat­ed them to the out­side, where the small incon­se­quen­tial group, like lit­tle mon­grels, bark at pass­ing cars. That is where they should remain.




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.

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