The Players Coalition Creates Awareness With PSA About Police Violence (video Inside)

Philadelphia Eagle’s Malcolm Jenkins and oth­er pro ball play­ers release a video high­light­ing the death of col­lege foot­ball star at the hands of cops By Dawn Onley — November 6, 201 

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Police bru­tal­i­ty and gun vio­lence are being high­light­ed in a series of pow­er­ful pub­lic ser­vice announce­ments that launch today.

The first video unveiled tells the sto­ry of 20-year-old Danroy “DJ” Henry, a col­lege foot­ball star who was killed nine years ago by police near Mount Pleasant, New York. The PSAs are part of a new ini­tia­tive by Philadelphia Eagles safe­ty, Malcolm Jenkins, and the Players Coalition to raise aware­ness of police bru­tal­i­ty and racial inequities.

Several years after Colin Kaepernick drew atten­tion to police bru­tal­i­ty and racial injus­tice by tak­ing a knee dur­ing the National Anthem, Jenkins and the Players Coalition are pick­ing up the torch by launch­ing “The Responsibility Program” to inform foot­ball enthu­si­asts on these long­stand­ing and per­sis­tent issues.

Image result for police officer Aaron Hess
Murderer cop Aaron Hess for­mer­ly of the Mount Pleasant New York Police Department

Henry was gunned down by police on Oct. 17, 2010, while they were alleged­ly respond­ing to a dis­tur­bance. Somehow the stu­dent became their target.

They claimed that DJ was shot because the car he was dri­ving in sped up, and that he tried to run peo­ple over instead of stop­ping. Witnesses paint­ed a dif­fer­ent pic­ture, say­ing the offi­cer was the aggres­sor and shot DJ unjust­ly. This claim was ulti­mate­ly backed up by anoth­er offi­cer, who came for­ward and told the truth with video footage shot at the time of the incident.

At the time of his killing, Henry played foot­ball at Pace University with dreams of going pro.

DJ’s PSA is nar­rat­ed by his moth­er, Angella.

Never in a mil­lion years would we have thought this could have hap­pened to us, and it con­tin­ues to hap­pen to so many oth­er fam­i­lies,” Angella says in the video. “Our son is everybody’s son. We need to do more to cre­ate change.” The sto­ry orig­i­nat­ed here: https://​the​grio​.com/