The images tell us a lot about ourselves; are we better than the other animals?
As I think about the daily killing of people of color by out-of-control cops who are doped up on racism, bigotry, racial animus, and God knows what else, a thought came to me that I would like to share with you.
Here we see three predators surround and are about to kill a Wildebeest; more strikingly, a whole herd of Wildebeest stands passively and looks on as if their sheer advantage in size and numbers mean nothing.
And so we ask the question, what is it that the Wildebeest believe about themselves that keeps them from capitalizing on their advantages in size and numbers?
In the second image above, we see another group of predators, albeit from a different species, snuffing out another innocent life as the predatory cats killed the Wildebeest in the first image.
In the third image, we see a small crowd gathered; this crowd is synonymous with the Wildebeest herd that stood by while one of their own is being killed. These observations are [not] a call to arms, but rather a call for reflection.
Day by day, we see these images and videos of police committing crimes against the public; unnecessary assaults, grievous bodily harm, and death on the people, while others stand aside and look.
In this state of tyranny in which we as people of color exist, government agents commit crimes that ordinary citizens are executed and imprisoned for, and they do it with impunity.
Some experts attribute this quote to Thomas Jefferson; others claim not so, I believe we have reached that tipping point.
“When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.“We, the people, now live in morbid fear of the Government, much the same way that the Wildebeest, though having the numbers and superior size, are petrified of the much smaller predatory cats that prey on them.

The above image best sums up the carnage of police violence in America. We have the innocent Wildebeest being preyed on by the Lionesses, the Wildebeest, not knowing their strength or wired to be victims, runs away while the people who can effectuate real and meaningful change to the carnage watch in delight.
It is what they designed all along. American Policing is [not] broken; it works exactly as they designed it.
Mike Beckles is a former Police Detective, businessman, freelance writer, black achiever honoree, and creator of the blog