The Parallel Between Police And Predatory Animals Is Uncanny…

The images tell us a lot about our­selves; are we bet­ter than the oth­er animals?

As I think about the dai­ly killing of peo­ple of col­or by out-of-con­trol cops who are doped up on racism, big­otry, racial ani­mus, and God knows what else, a thought came to me that I would like to share with you.

Here we see three preda­tors sur­round and are about to kill a Wildebeest; more strik­ing­ly, a whole herd of Wildebeest stands pas­sive­ly and looks on as if their sheer advan­tage in size and num­bers mean nothing.
And so we ask the ques­tion, what is it that the Wildebeest believe about them­selves that keeps them from cap­i­tal­iz­ing on their advan­tages in size and numbers?

In the sec­ond image above, we see anoth­er group of preda­tors, albeit from a dif­fer­ent species, snuff­ing out anoth­er inno­cent life as the preda­to­ry cats killed the Wildebeest in the first image.
In the third image, we see a small crowd gath­ered; this crowd is syn­ony­mous with the Wildebeest herd that stood by while one of their own is being killed. These obser­va­tions are [not] a call to arms, but rather a call for reflection. 

Day by day, we see these images and videos of police com­mit­ting crimes against the pub­lic; unnec­es­sary assaults, griev­ous bod­i­ly harm, and death on the peo­ple, while oth­ers stand aside and look.
In this state of tyran­ny in which we as peo­ple of col­or exist, gov­ern­ment agents com­mit crimes that ordi­nary cit­i­zens are exe­cut­ed and impris­oned for, and they do it with impunity.
Some experts attribute this quote to Thomas Jefferson; oth­ers claim not so, I believe we have reached that tip­ping point.
When gov­ern­ment fears the peo­ple, there is lib­er­ty. When the peo­ple fear the gov­ern­ment, there is tyran­ny.“We, the peo­ple, now live in mor­bid fear of the Government, much the same way that the Wildebeest, though hav­ing the num­bers and supe­ri­or size, are pet­ri­fied of the much small­er preda­to­ry cats that prey on them.

Here a Texas cop tack­les a scant­i­ly-clad teenage girl and throws her to the ground at a pool party.
He then sits on top of her sub­dued semi-naked form, which was what he want­ed all along…
He then pulls his weapon and threat­ens to mur­der bystanders who dared to chal­lenge his inap­pro­pri­ate behavior…

The above image best sums up the car­nage of police vio­lence in America. We have the inno­cent Wildebeest being preyed on by the Lionesses, the Wildebeest, not know­ing their strength or wired to be vic­tims, runs away while the peo­ple who can effec­tu­ate real and mean­ing­ful change to the car­nage watch in delight.
It is what they designed all along. American Policing is [not] bro­ken; it works exact­ly as they designed it.





Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.