The Only Issue Which Would See Jamaicans Criticize Ninja And Bounty Is That They Offered Some Support To Law Enforcement.…


Two of the Islands most pop­u­lar dance-hall lumi­nar­ies Rodney Pryce o/​c Bounty-kil­la and Desmond Ballentine o/​c Ninjaman teamed up in an event designed to lift the morale and pay a lit­tle com­pli­ment to the Island’s law-enforce­ment offi­cers recently.

In a ses­sion orga­nized to lift the spir­its of the cops the two, whom many believe are unlike­ly sup­port­ers of law enforce­ment ‚declared that fight­ing crime was every­body’s business.
Speaking at the Jamaican con­fer­ence cen­ter both disc jock­eys paid trib­ute to the police , label­ing them “slaves”, because they did not receive the remu­ner­a­tions they deserve for their work.,
Most impor­tant­ly Ninjaman blast­ed the agency “indecom“for it’s aggres­sive per­se­cu­tion of police offi­cers when they go after killers.


Said Ninjaman:

I’m com­ing from a bad man point of view. No bad man nuh inna Jamaica again; unuh have a set of crim­i­nals and mur­der­ers deal­ing with. Some peo­ple just tek up gun and turn it on any­one they feel, and if the police catch one of dem and deal wid dem, INDECOM charge dem for it,”.

Said Bounty: “Fighting crime is everybody’s busi­ness and not just the busi­ness of those with direct respon­si­bil­i­ty”.


Neither of these two men are with­out sin.
In fact Ninjaman recent­ly did time in prison ‚and Bountykilla have been arrest­ed I believe more than once for domes­tic abuse of one live in lover or another.
What I find instruc­tive is that these two men, both of whom have con­tributed immense­ly to the pop­u­lar cul­ture, now have the vision and insight to see that the cul­ture is bad­ly flawed.

Dance-hall lyrics are not the rea­son there are so many homi­cides on the Island but they do con­tribute to the so called bad-man culture.
That these two are able to rec­og­nize that law-enforce­ment deserves the sup­port of every sin­gle Jamaican ele­vates them expo­nen­tial­ly in my view over many who pur­port to be educated.

The back­lash against the two by trolls on social media, depicts in real ways the mind­set of Jamaicans when it comes to crime in our country.
Lets be clear, there is noth­ing that these two men could have said, out­side their sup­port for law enforce­ment of course,which would not have elicit­ed tens of thou­sands of blan­ket likes and raves.
But the minute they decide to become good respon­si­ble cit­i­zens , using their plat­forms to save lives, the vil­lage lawyer cock­roach­es are out with smart ass dissent.

Vybz Kartel


Carolyn Cooper

What both­ers me is that these trolls had no prob­lem when Carolyn Cooper had Adijia Palmer (Vybs Kartel )at the University of the West Indies lec­tur­ing stu­dents on the mer­its of dance-hall in our pop­u­lar culture.
Might I remind them that Kartel is now doing a life sen­tence for cap­i­tal murder.
By the strangest real­i­ty Kartel is allowed to con­tin­ue to per­pet­u­ate on the pop cul­ture, the same putrid mur­der music for which he is heav­i­ly responsible.

Lets under­stand some­thing here.
There was a strong argu­ment to be made that the poor boys in the ghet­to are unable to afford the high pow­ered weapons, and un-end­ing sup­ply of ammu­ni­tion they have in their possessions.

That was in the past, Here’s how they make mon­ey today
Murder for hire.
South American cocaine and guns com­ing into Jamaica, a trans­ship­ment hub .
The Haitian con­nec­tion which exchanges Ganja and stolen meat for guns.
The huge amounts of cash com­ing into the Island as a result of the scam­ming trade.
Jamaicans liv­ing in the dias­po­ra send­ing back mon­ey to pur­chase guns and ammunition.
Jamaicans send­ing back guns in bar­rels and every oth­er recep­ta­cle rivals only the inge­nious meth­ods they employ in try­ing to get mar­i­jua­na into the United States and oth­er countries.
These boys have cash.

Those of us who have ever had any­thing to do with law enforce­ment are clear-eyed about the var­i­ous ways guns enter into our country.
So when we ask that there be a mind­set among all of our rea­son­able cit­i­zens regard­ing the crime mon­ster , we must com­mend these dance hall artiste when they step for­ward to lend their voic­es toward the cause of sav­ing lives and our coun­try in the long run.

At the same time we should nev­er lose our focus as it relates to those who active­ly encour­age, fund, and oth­er­wise sup­port crim­i­nal­i­ty in Jamaica even as they live as decent law abid­ing cit­i­zens in oth­er countries.
Their bel­li­cose rhetoric and ham­ster-wheel argu­ments are the same as those who do live in Jamaica who essen­tial­ly encour­age, fund, and oth­er­wise sup­port crim­i­nal­i­ty, but are shield­ed from it’s con­se­quences by virtue of their posi­tions in society.
The oth­er mon­grels only yelp because those in pow­er tell them when to yelp.
Ignore those !!!