The More Things Change The More They Remain The Same

Despite what many will tell you about change in America regarding race relations not much has changed structurally.
Despite what many will tell you about change in America regard­ing race rela­tions not much has changed structurally.


The more things change the more they remain the same.
Many Americans white and black are quick to point to what they see as a seis­mic shift in race rela­tions in America.
The best barom­e­ter they believe is the fact that a half-white man sits in the white house as pres­i­dent of these unit­ed states.
Obama him­self seem to believe that his ascen­dan­cy to the high­est elect­ed office sig­ni­fy that Americans are more decent and good that peo­ple think they are.

To some in the black com­mu­ni­ty any form of liv­ing will do. 
They are quite con­tent with being sec­ond class cit­i­zens, as long as they can go to their jobs, go shop­ping then find some form of enter­tain­ment afterwards.
In fact enter­tain­ment seem to typ­i­fy their very existence.
So it real­ly does­n’t mat­ter how bad things are in their neigh­bor­hoods, they still claim the dilap­i­dat­ed and squalid con­di­tions, pro­fess­ing their love for the run-down deprived communities.
Many of them do not want the apple cart dis­turbed , so any form of social upheaval is greet­ed with the strongest con­dem­na­tion from them, even though they are the vic­tims of state abuse.
Hundreds of years of phys­i­cal and psy­cho­log­i­cal abuse has left the American black bro­ken and con­tent with any life their white coun­ter­parts allows them to live.

It is sad to watch their pathet­ic accep­tance of this sec­ond class des­ig­na­tion, being told what to say and do in their own country.
I have always mar­veled at black Americans will­ing­ness to cede America to their white coun­ter­parts. Every white in America takes own­er­ship of America.
They speak of America as their country.
Blacks don’t.
Blacks are quite will­ing to cede ground to whites which defies log­ic and com­mon sense, at least as far as a am concerned.
On that basis it is inher­ent­ly dif­fi­cult for oth­ers to side with and help blacks in their plight in a land they have not yet claimed.
It appears that a hun­dred years from now they will still be run­ning away from get­ting their spines sev­ered and their lar­ynx crushed at the hands of agents of white own­ers of America[sic]