The Mongrel Judges Who Are Turning Mass-murderers Loose In Jamaica…

Every day we talk about these fuck­ing retard­ed ass­holes sit­ting as tri­ers of facts, pre­tend­ing to be judges in our country.
Let me first name this asswipe.
Bertram Morrison.

This is the fuck­ing retard Bertram Morrison who gave a dou­ble mur­der­er 12 years with eli­gi­bil­i­ty for parole after ten years… and I might add a mon­ster who was pre­vi­ous­ly arrest­ed on firearms charges. So it is safe to say the mag­got killed sev­er­al more peo­ple before he was caught.
These are the crim­i­nal-lov­ing shit­hous­es that are destroy­ing our country.
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Here is a report from the Jamaica Gleaner

The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) has revealed that the Westmoreland man today sen­tenced to 12 years in prison on two counts of mur­der had two pre­vi­ous con­vic­tions for ille­gal pos­ses­sion of a firearm.

Linden Powell, 21, was on August 21, 2019, sen­tenced to 18 months impris­on­ment at hard labor on each count of the firearm offenses.
Today, Justice Bertram Morrison sen­tenced him to 12 years in prison for the January 2017 mur­der of Oral McIntosh and anoth­er 12 years for the March mur­der of Ida Clarke, both in Westmoreland.
Both sen­tences are to run at the same time and Morrison ruled that Powell should become eli­gi­ble for parole after 10 years behind bars.
In a state­ment today, the ODPP revealed that after pass­ing down the sen­tence, the deputy direc­tor of pub­lic pros­e­cu­tions indi­cat­ed on the record that when the plea was being entered, the Crown had rec­om­mend­ed a sen­tence of life impris­on­ment on each count of mur­der with eli­gi­bil­i­ty for parole after 21 years “The learned judge respond­ed by say­ing he would be pro­ceed­ing with this sen­tence,” said a spokesper­son in the state­ment. The deputy direc­tor then told the court that the sen­tence of twelve years impris­on­ment would shock the pub­lic’s con­science giv­en the nature of these offens­es. However, Justice Morrison main­tained the sen­tence of 12 years impris­on­ment at hard labor with 10 years before the accused becomes eli­gi­ble for parole. The pros­e­cu­tion then decid­ed that it would appeal the sen­tence. In October this year, pros­e­cu­tors were giv­en a lim­it­ed right of appeal after Parliament passed the Judicature (Appellate Jurisdiction) (Amendment) Act 2021 and the Judicature (Parish Courts) (Amendment) Act 2021. The leg­is­la­tion came into effect on November 2, legal insid­ers dis­closed. Powell is one of six men who were found not guilty of var­i­ous breach­es of the anti-gang leg­is­la­tion dur­ing the Kings Valley gang tri­al in July last year.

What pos­si­ble ratio­nale could there be for a judge.….….any judge to pre­side over a dou­ble mur­der tri­al in which a defen­dant is found guilty, or plead guilty of mur­der­ing not one but two peo­ple and hand down a sen­tence of 12 years with the option for parole after ten (10) years?
These are the dirty, dirty, dirty, crim­i­nal sup­port­ing ass­holes that are destroy­ing our coun­try. These are the dirty left­ists who have tak­en it upon them­selves to sin­gle­hand­ed­ly sub­vert the will of the mass­es of the Jamaican people.
Am I mad?
No, not yet!!!




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.