The Kind Of F****** Leadership, Missing In Jamaica.…

Is there a rea­son that the Government of Jamaica can­not step for­ward and say unequiv­o­cal­ly to crim­i­nals,” there will be no sanc­tu­ary or respite we will hunt you down and we will find you,” out­side the mealy-mouthed plat­i­tudes we hear of course?

Is there a rea­son the Opposition Party can­not do the same?
Is it pure­ly because the Government does not want to push too hard con­sid­er­ing that the coun­try is such a crim­i­nal lov­ing sanctuary?
Is it that the Opposition par­ty knows there is always trac­tion to be gained by par­rot­ing the worn out line about their con­cern for human rights?
Is this all there is to it or is there some­thing else at play here in Jamaica as it relates to the crime wave which makes it impos­si­ble for the polit­i­cal lead­ers to come out with one voice against the inces­sant bloodshed?

Prime Minister Dr.Keith Rowley

A friend recent­ly called my atten­tion to the state­ment of the Prime Minister of Trinidad who told his nation that his admin­is­tra­tion would not allow for law­less­ness in Trinidad and Tobago, instruct­ed the police and the secu­ri­ty forces to take “any and all resources’ to ensure law and order.
Responding to a spe­cif­ic inci­dent of law­less­ness in his coun­try and in a thin­ly veiled swipe at Jamaica, Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley warned he would not allow Trinidad and Tobago to go down the road that exists in some Caribbean coun­tries where cer­tain peo­ple believe that they must be in con­trol of areas and even try to pre­vent mem­bers of the law enforce­ment agen­cies from enter­ing those areas.

The inci­dent in ques­tion saw res­i­dents block­ing the roads and the high­way lead­ing in and out of the cap­i­tal Port of Spain fol­low­ing the arrest of two “com­mu­ni­ty lead­ers” who were released hours lat­er. But the action by the res­i­dents led to bumper to bumper traf­fic for hours as motorists fled the cap­i­tal in droves to escape being trapped dur­ing the after­noon rush hour.
Some car own­ers report­ed that their vehi­cles were hit by stray bul­lets and police said they received reports that motorists were robbed as they remained stuck in traf­fic. Some report­ed that their win­dows were dam­aged while some deliv­ery trucks were report­ed­ly looted.

Dr. Rowley told reporters that his admin­is­tra­tion’s sup­port for law enforce­ment is “unwa­ver­ing” and that all nation­al secu­ri­ty agen­cies “have the full sup­port of the state to enforce the law in Trinidad and Tobago regard­less of who you are, where you are and what your sta­tus is in this country”.
“I am here­by let­ting the cit­i­zen­ry know that this is the time when all good men, all good women, should stand on the line of law enforce­ment and let all those who have crim­i­nal intent in this coun­try know that they stand alone where these mat­ters are concerned.

That state­ment from the Trinidadian Prime Minister is f****** lead­er­ship! That’s the kind of lead­er­ship which is miss­ing from our discourse.
It is cer­tain­ly not the first time our CARICOM neigh­bors have swiped at us on the issue of crime and lawlessness.
Unfortunately for the sec­tion of the Jamaican soci­ety which is the most vocal on top­i­cal issues when­ev­er oth­ers crit­i­cize us for our stu­pid­i­ty on crime rather than fix our prob­lem we dou­ble down on stupid.

Errol Alexander

In 2015 Acting Police Commissioner Errol Alexander of Saint Lucia told crim­i­nals who chose to attack Police offi­cers quote: “I am send­ing a mes­sage out there that if the crim­i­nals think that we are in Jamaica, we are not in Jamaica, we are in Saint Lucia, and we will take what­ev­er mea­sures nec­es­sary to pro­tect the safe­ty of our police officers.”

That’s f****** lead­er­ship, not equiv­o­cat­ing, not mealy-mouthed crim­i­nal cod­dling bullshit.
Every day the news­pa­pers and online pub­li­ca­tions are flood­ed with the sto­ries of the wan­ton bloodshed.
Will that kind of talk end criminality?
No, but it sends a strong mes­sage to the force of anar­chy and may­hem that we the peo­ple are com­ing after them.
That there are more of us than there are of them, well in Jamaica’s case that may be hard to reconcile.

I am sick to my stom­ach at the killing in the coun­try, the pre­ten­tious bull­shit nature of many in the soci­ety who talk about human rights as if dead peo­ple can enjoy rights, and a gov­ern­ment which pre­tends that it’s sup­posed good inten­tions will solve this problem.
Let’s be clear-eyed about this killing spree, it is not about to get bet­ter until the Government and oppo­si­tion par­ty gets their heads out of their col­lec­tive ass­es and rec­og­nize that this is not mere­ly crime anymore.
We have a seri­ous prob­lem here which will not be solved by try­ing to bring these blood-thirsty scums to jus­tice, they will have to be ter­mi­nat­ed and ter­mi­nat­ed with dispatch.
It is only then that they will get the mes­sage that the nation is not fuck­ing around any­more and think long and hard about their own mor­tal­i­ty when they decide to ter­mi­nate someone.

Much of what is hap­pen­ing in Jamaica has hap­pened before, in Colombia.
In the process of the shame­ful blood­let­ting in that nation, no one was blame­less, politi­cians, par­sons, police, judi­cia­ry too many had bloody hands, they dirt­ied them­selves as they dived into the caul­dron of blood grasp­ing for the dirty dol­lars, the by-prod­uct of anguish and pain.

In the end, it took cit­i­zens who decid­ed that they did not want their coun­try to be a nar­co-state (meth­ods aside) and they took action.
That time is here that time is now for decent law-abid­ing Jamaicans (what­ev­er is left if any) to band togeth­er and take action.
To hell with the mealy-mothed pre­ten­tious par­a­sites who bray about human rigts.
The most impor­tant right a per­son has is the right to life.