The Jamaica Defense Force, long one of the nation’s last institutions of decency and decorum, (to the extent that decency and decorum still exist), has reportedly parted company with Captain Omaine Morgan, who has been linked to the controversial Pathways International Kingdom Restoration Ministries in St James.
You know the one, the church of the now deceased, ex-con Kevin Smith.
One wonders why members of the security forces are constantly expected to operate at a higher standard of decency and decorum than their civilian leaders?
Will the politicians and other highly-placed people associated with the controversial pastor and his church come out, self-identify, and step aside from whatever high-profile portfolios they hold as well?
I won’t hold my breath for that to happen, so there is that.
At the same time, I am wondering what is behind the secrecy with the Police department? Why has the JCF not followed suit with the policewoman who was also allegedly associated with Kevin Smith, provided uniformed escort along with Captain Morgan to Pastor Smith, and is reported to have allowed Smith access to her service pistol, clearly firing offenses?
Why is the JCF always last to the dance even when the dance is free?
Oh, wait .…..
A team from the Police high command is conducting a high-level probe. (sarcasm) I know this will take time as much as it is taking to determine whether or not a police officer did cut the locks of a woman at the Four Paths Police Station.(even more sarcasm)
Nzinga King, claimed police cut her locks at the Four Paths Police Station in Clarendon…
The JCF is bleeding approximately 600 members through attrition each year; it is probably not a bad idea for the force to use that process to force some of the bad apples from its ranks.
By moving steadfastly against officers like this female officer, the force would send a clear message that those kinds of associations will not be tolerated.
Bad recruiting and poor background checks by the JCF have done immeasurable damage to the force; additionally, like other women in the wider society, far too many female officers have fallen victim to the fast money lure of the criminal underworld.
If this officer left her service weapon in the care of KevinSmith or anyone else associated with the pathway church, there is certainly no reason for foot-dragging by the JCF.
Follow the lead of the JDF and save some face.
Mike Beckles is a former Police Detective, businessman, freelance writer, black achiever honoree, and creator of the blog