In response to an inter­view he gave to the Jamaica Observer Published in the Sunday Observer, I called my friend Dadrick Henry before I wrote a fol­low up to what was pub­lished in that Jamaican paper :http://​www​.jamaicaob​serv​er​.com/​n​e​w​s​/​F​o​u​r​-​y​e​a​r​s​-​w​i​t​h​o​u​t​-​e​a​r​n​i​n​g​-​a​-​c​e​n​t​_​1​4​7​6​3​7​9​5​#​i​x​z​z​2​b​7​f​8​8​rdI.

Dadrick Henry
Dadrick Henry

I want­ed to hear from the hors­es mouth, what exact­ly was going on, with­out the fil­ter of Editorial cut­ting and dic­ing. I also called his broth­er, a friend of mine, to learn from him what he knew. Having lis­tened to Dadrick explain what occurred, I was left with the impres­sion that he feels let down by the very peo­ple with whom he served at the Constant Spring CIB office, Some of those peo­ple are now in senior posi­tions with­in the JCF. I con­clud­ed our con­ver­sa­tion feel­ing that my entreaties over the years to him, to save some of him­self for him­self went unheed­ed.

He spoke long, emo­tion­al­ly and nos­tal­gi­cal­ly about what he and I accom­plished. I lis­tened as he vent­ed, he spoke at length about indi­vid­ual cas­es we worked on , from house break­ing to recov­ery of stolen prop­er­ty, recov­er­ing guns, to mur­der cas­es. My friend seemed stuck in the emo­tion­al exploits of our youth­ful exhuber­ance. Totally obliv­i­ous to the risks we took, unable to rec­on­cile the Constabulary force we served then with the JCF two decades lat­er. Ironically he believes some of the very peo­ple who were win­dow dress­ings at that CIB office of the mid 80’s to the ear­ly 1990’s are now some of the peo­ple who are twist­ing the dag­ger in his back.

Tony Hewitt
Tony Hewitt

Dadrick Henry the crime fight­er, was no dif­fer­ent than Altamoth (Parra) Campbell the crime fight­er, whose house was ran­sacked by mem­bers of the JCF on false infor­ma­tion that he was involved with a cer­tain sus­pect. Dadrick Henry rem­i­nisced about the night I was shot yet man­aged to recov­er a .357 Magnum bleed­ing pro­fuse­ly, my shoes filled with blood. He spoke about the Detective Corporal and a mem­ber of the Auxiliary, who were with me that night. They ran away, we laughed about that.

Cornwall (bigga) Ford
Cornwall (big­ga) Ford

That Detective Corporal lat­er rose to the rank Of Senior Superintendent. I saw the new JCF com­ing two decades ago. Not a JCF which was more informed, bet­ter equipped, smarter, more effi­cient. No, I saw a JCF where it would be each man for him­self, where esprit de corps would be a dirty Latin term. Some of the peo­ple now in lead­er­ship were sec­ond rate Police Officers, they were peo­ple who were on a mis­sion of self, and they would do any­thing to get to where they thought they need­ed to be.

Altamoth (parro) Campbell
Altamoth (par­ro) Campbell

Dadrick Henry and a few oth­ers did not receive that memo, they are pay­ing the price. He had his demons but he loved his coun­try, he swore nev­er to live any­where else but Jamaica, he loved the Force. I won­der whether the force ever loved him. Some of my friends point to a new JCF, they say when this force takes shape it will be bet­ter. Others speak of the cour­tesy of offi­cers today, I always believed offi­cers should be cour­te­ous, I was cour­te­ous. I believed that offi­cers should be tough, I was tough, the two are not mutu­al­ly exclu­sive. The JCF is not get­ting more cour­te­ous as my friends insists, the force is get­ting less effec­tive, less com­pe­tent, less wor­thy of men­tion. The crime stats speaks volumes.

Until the JCF presents crime sta­tis­tics which are bet­ter than the sta­tis­tics of the 1980’s, Officers like Dadrick Henry, Parra Campbell, Bigga Ford and oth­ers will con­tin­ue to be larg­er than life, unfor­tu­nate­ly for these men and oth­ers like them the JCF rewards lethar­gy and incom­pe­tence not mer­i­to­ri­ous ser­vice. Merely being bet­ter able to com­pile crime data more effi­cient­ly, does not a more com­pe­tent force make.


  1. Mike, I am sure Dadrick was aware of the nature of his supe­ri­ors in the Force and I am not being spec­u­la­tive about this at all. He has expressed, in the past, that all they want­ed was the work done, and if in the exe­cu­tion of such work ‚if one gets into prob­lems, often times he is left on his own, so in light of this posi­tion he should not have been sur­prised at the present sit­u­a­tion . We must be can­did too about Dadrick’s sit­u­a­tion , despite the fact that he is a dec­o­rat­ed cop it does­n’t mean cer­tain pro­cliv­i­ties that he has that might put him into trou­ble ‚he should engage in such activ­i­ties then expects to be exon­er­at­ed because of his past achieve­ments . Perhaps I am read­ing too much into what he is say­ing ‚but some how there is some valid­i­ty to this per­spec­tive . He has to take respon­si­bil­i­ty for his actions, the Force has changed , per­haps for the bet­ter , but it seems Dadrick had loose site of this fact ‚still liv­ing in the nos­tal­gic years , the reign of the name brand cops and the exe­cu­tion of force on sus­pects to acquire infor­ma­tion, which is an anachro­nism . Don’t get me wrong , I am not and will nev­er sug­gest that Dadrick was not an excel­lent cop , it would have been disin­gen­u­ous of me to sug­gest oth­er­wise . I think he was an excel­lent cop , but he might have messed up his lega­cy by his own action . Hope all goes well in his favour .

    • You and I know him well, as such, my com­ments have been mea­sured. I dis­agree that the force is chang­ing for the bet­ter, with each pass­ing day there are more accu­sa­tions of impro­pri­ety on the part of mem­bers, some crime cops com­mit nowa­days are jaw dropping.
      One may argue there are bet­ter mech­a­nisms in place to catch crooked cops, I would say maybe. If you argue that more peo­ple with degrees mean the force is get­ting bet­ter , I invite you to look at the image of the force, I also say to you and every­one else , look at the crime sta­tis­tics, do these num­bers reflects a force that is get­ting bet­ter. The peo­ple in the force with degrees are there large­ly because they can­not get the jobs they are look­ing for. They are ;large­ly parked there look­ing out for el número uno, them­selves, are they arrest­ing crim­i­nals? Are they gain­ing con­vic­tions? The con­stab­u­lary you sur­mise may be get­ting bet­ter ‚may actu­al­ly be bet­ter at pre­sent­ing dis­mal numbers(crime stats.I ask you again does this make a bet­ter force? The image of the force is a sham­bles, I have lis­tened to the com­plaints of peo­ple in Jamaica ‚and here in the United States. They claim 30% clear up of seri­ous crimes, what com­pa­ny could exist , I ask you with 30% suc­cess rate? And even if we were to be sat­is­fied with arrest­ing only 3 of every 10 mur­der­ers, do you know what per­cent­age of them are actu­al­ly con­vict­ed in a court of law? Try 7% of those arrest­ed, “SEVEN”, Even then, some of that 7% con­vict­ed are over­turned on appeal.
      No that is not get­ting bet­ter sir that is get­ting worse.

  2. this force has changed for the worse n thats a fact the good good jcf is no more

  3. Mike , Concerning Dadrick ‚I am hop­ing that he was not the one who had ini­ti­at­ed the inter­view with the Observer . Personally , I think he should qui­et­ly seek a res­o­lu­tion through the courts than pub­li­cize his sit­u­a­tion. If the mat­ter was being tried before a jury of his pears ‚per­haps this would have been an excel­lent strate­gic posi­tion to uti­lize the media to human­ize him in the hope the court of pub­lic opin­ion , of which the jury is a part ‚would have been sym­pa­thet­ic to is cause . The mat­ter is being heard by judges only on appeal , who are far removed from incon­se­quen­tial influ­ence as that of the observers interview .

    • The mat­ter is being heard by judges only on appeal , who are far removed from incon­se­quen­tial influ­ence as that of the observers interview” .
      Come on Mac, Jamaica is 4’411 square miles, how far are they removed real­ly? There is not that much in the way of infor­ma­tion medi­um that it would be out of the realms of pos­si­bil­i­ties that these clowns on the Appeals courts are removed from the Observer.Anyway I asked the very same ques­tion, he seemed at peace with his decision.
      For the record, I have zero respect for Jamaica’s crim­i­nal cod­dling courts, I know this won’t sit well with you but … oh well my friend.

  4. Mike , The improve­ments of what I speak in the Force is not restrict­ed to edu­ca­tion but extends to logis­tics and admin­is­tra­tive engage­ments as also resources . I have nev­er sug­gest­ed that with an improved edu­cat­ed Force that crime and cor­rup­tion would have ceased ‚that would have been a fool­ish posi­tion to take . The real­i­ty is as you have men­tioned , that for many of the new inclu­sions the Force is not an ide­al option, but a means to an end . The improve­ment means, that I no longer have to cringe when our com­mand­ing offi­cers pub­licly artic­u­lates their per­spec­tive in pub­lic . As to the qual­i­ty of polic­ing , many of the expe­ri­enced detec­tives have left the force , this has left a void and have trans­lat­ed into inept inves­ti­ga­tions and can be attrib­uted to the immense unsolved cas­es and non con­vic­tion of crim­i­nals .If one were to make com­par­i­son with our era , I would dis­agree that inves­ti­ga­tion was of the high­est qual­i­ty , espe­cial­ly with solv­ing crime . I need not remind you how our astute detec­tives solved crimes then , I need not remind you too of the manip­u­la­tion of crime sta­tis­tics for expe­di­en­cy . I will not go any fur­ther ‚but you should by now get the pic­ture There are now more watch dog groups then than now mak­ing it vir­tu­al­ly impos­si­ble for inap­pro­pri­ate behav­ior to be swept under the table and a vig­i­lant press that has been doing an excel­lent job at uncov­er­ing dirt , jux­ta­pose that to present time and this has seri­ous implications .

  5. Mike , if my mem­o­ry serves me , did he not say that the mat­ter was being appealed to the British based Privy Council . If that is the case it would seem to indi­cate and qual­i­fy as being ” far removed ” . I just think the inter­view was ill advised and an exer­cise in futil­i­ty . I sup­pose every­one has his means of deal­ing with their issues and I will not be crit­i­cal on this position .

  6. Mac you make me laugh, I am the first to agree with you that in some instances the senior offi­cers are able to artic­u­late their points more effec­tive­ly and with greater clar­i­ty. Lord knows I can relate to the cringe factor.However I believe you think I am 1) removed from what is hap­pen­ing in the JCF, because of geog­ra­phy, 2)I am opposed to the JCF, the JCF has no greater friend.With that out of the way, I will sim­ply say this. If you believe sim­ply just be able to speak with a lit­tle bet­ter grasp of the queen’s English means a bet­ter or a force get­ting bet­ter , God help Jamaica.These guys have access to com­put­ers, face/​book is a wealth of infor­ma­tion, they have bet­ter vehi­cles, they have bul­let proof vests. What they do not have with­out ques­tion is local knowl­edge, dedication,they can­not cul­ti­vate infor­mants, they take no risks and they have no com­mit­ment to the cause. I am dumb­found­ed that you believe cor­rupt force which is unable to solve a case of pre­di­al lar­ce­ny is bet­ter. Am I say­ing that there weren’t meth­ods used back then which are scoffed at today? No! Am I say­ing that data can­not be manip­u­lat­ed ? No!In fact I allud­ed to these vices in my Article. However I know what peo­ple like Dadrick Henry , myself and oth­ers did the right way, I say that with­out equivocation.I also say that against the back­drop of acco­lades from Judges and Defense lawyers alike. This force is inept, cor­rupt , and inef­fec­tive. If you believe a ques­tion­able 30 % clear up rate is progress, if you believe 7 % of those case going to court is ok, and if you believe an even more dis­mal con­vic­tion rate , and even less on appeals is progress, I am dumb­found­ed. Never mind though the cops have degrees and they speak bet­ter, you make me laugh friend.

  7. I am unaware of any men­tion of the privy coun­cil, I stand to be cor­rect­ed , he may have, I was respond­ing to your com­ment based on what I believed to be the Jamaica court of appeals, I could be wrong on that.

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