How iron­ic, Mit Romney is now whin­ing that the President and his sur­ro­gates are telling lies on him, this in ref­er­ence to an Ad by Bill Burton’s Priorities USA http://​www​.pri​or​i​tiesusaac​tion​.org/ which fea­tures a steel-work­er ‚Joe Soptic talk­ing about his wife dying from can­cer after the steel plant where he worked was closed by Romney and Bain Capital. Bain Capital is the com­pa­ny Romney owned and oper­at­ed which took over busi­ness­es loaded them up with debt then filed for bank­rupt­cy. This prac­tise saw work­ers thrown out of their jobs, loos­ing their homes, and health insur­ance, usu­al­ly result­ing in dire hard­ship for for­mer employ­ees, while Bain Capital, Romney and their share-hold­ers reaped huge cash wind-falls.

As is usu­al when lib­er­als fight back the moral­i­ty police comes out of the wood-work gnash­ing their teeth that the Ad has gone too far. The brain-dead Morning Joe pro­gram on MSNBC spent an entire seg­ment moan­ing about the Ad, with the dim-wit­ted Mika Bresinski putting on a full dis­play of why she is an intel­lec­tu­al light-weight, with very lit­tle to asso­ciate her with her estab­lished father. Scarborough and the oth­er talk­ing-heads were more than hap­py to spend that entire seg­ment lament­ing the Priorities Ad , but are total­ly inca­pable of get­ting either Romney or any of his cam­paign sur­ro­gates on their show to defend his two-year long cam­paign of lies and dis­tor­tions against pres­i­dent Obama.

Mitt Romney is a patho­log­i­cal liar, ask Newt Gingrich who now con­ve­nient­ly sup­ports him .http://

Romney Care

Mitt Romney’s entire cam­paign is built on lies. The very notion that his sig­na­ture health care law, Romney care in Massachusetts, is some­how dif­fer­ent from the Affordable Care Act, Obama-care is a farce and a ter­rif­ic stretch of the truth, and Romney knows it. Romney was once proud of this piece of leg­is­la­tion and he has trum­pet­ed its suc­cess before this elec­tion cycle. Interestingly Romney is now unable to talk about this pos­i­tive piece of leg­is­la­tion he craft­ed because of the fear he has for the far-right nut jobs that have now tak­en over the repub­li­can party.

Mitt Romney

The argu­ment that his plan was craft­ed for his state, and not for the whole coun­try is the biggest piece of baloney this side of the Mississippi, there is no cred­i­bil­i­ty to that incred­u­lous asser­tion , at least none that makes sense to any­one except the fools on the right. The infer­ence inher­ent in that idio­cy is , the fact that his plan works and is loved by the peo­ple of Massachusetts is a suc­cess makes it a non-starter for the entire country.

Apologising for America

Mitt Romney nev­er miss­es a oppur­tu­ni­ty to paint the pres­i­dent as an apol­o­gis­er-in-chief , he stri­dent­ly asserts that President Obama has apol­o­gised to for­eign lead­ers for America’s transgressions.

Despite the fact that this lie has been debunked over and over again by inde­pen­dent fact-check­ers, who them­selves assert that this pres­i­dent has nev­er apol­o­gised for America , Romney refus­es to allow facts to get in the way of his appease­ment-lies, designed to assuage the lunatic hate mon­gers on the right.

I cringe at play­ing the dev­ils advo­cate for even a sec­ond but let’s just assume that President Obama had apol­o­gised to , let’s say the Iraqi peo­ple for the inva­sion of their coun­try which killed arguably hun­dreds of thou­sands of their coun­try-men, how would that be a bad thing?

What if pres­i­dent Obama had apol­o­gised to the nations which had their Nationals water-board­ed as per the orders of Bush/​Chaney ‚con­trary to the Geneva Conventions which out­lawed tor­ture, how would that be a bad thing?

What if the pres­i­dent had apol­o­gised to Cuba for over fifty years of block­ade, how would that be bad? I could go on and on but I stop here.

Mitt Romney is a mem­ber of the Mormon Faith, the Church of Latter Day Saints, I am not con­ver­sant with their teach­ings , yet I would wager that they preach for­give­ness, I would also wager that they teach that redemp­tion comes through con­fes­sions and ask­ing for for­give­ness. Maybe Mitt Romney has not been attend­ing church, maybe Romney believes that send­ing a large check will get him into Heaven.

It behoves Mitt Romney to acquaint him­self with the prin­ci­ples of hon­est, fideli­ty to the truth, con­fes­sions of the heart and ask­ing for forgiveness.

Maybe Romney should acquaint him­self to the prin­ci­ple of doing onto oth­ers as he would have them do onto him.

The truth is Mitt Romney more than like­ly had zero to do with that poor lady’s death , yet he is sim­ply get­ting a taste of the snake-oil he has been ped­dling for the last five years he has been run­ning for president.

You spit in the sky it falls in your face, kar­ma is a… you know what I mean? Why not run a decent cam­paign? Why not out­line a pol­i­cy ‑strat­e­gy that you hon­est­ly feel will be bet­ter than the one being pur­sued by the present Administration? How about truth and hon­esty mis­ter Romney ?

You see what­ev­er you do tend to have a boomerang effect, you lie , lies comes back to haunt you, is pow­er worth your cred­i­bil­i­ty and hon­or? You have mon­ey and lots of it , how about stand­ing for some­thing big­ger than your­self? How about telling the racists on FOX and all over hate radio that you want to be dif­fer­ent, that you do not hate pres­i­dent Obama, you sim­ply don’t agree with his policies?

Naaah that would be way beyond what could be asked of you, after all it does not mat­ter how you win , it’s just that you win, right?

Take a look in the mir­ror and ask your­self what would my father George Romney do? I’ll tell you he sure would stand for some­thing, can you?

George Romney