The Inherent Contradiction Of Being A Black Republican.….…


I’m no fan of Republican pol­i­tics the Republican par­ty apart from being a den and refuge for racists is also an enclave for hyp­ocrites. Let me has­ten to say this cri­tique is in no way an endorse­ment of Democratic values.
So I just watched Ben Carson famed Nuero-Surgeon give a press con­fer­ence on tele­vi­sion. Carson is the very first Doctor to suc­cess­ful­ly sep­a­rate Siamese twins. He’s a Brilliant man who pro­fess­es his Christian faith and strong affin­i­ty for tra­di­tion­al values.
I must say I was impressed with Carson. I had not both­ered lis­ten­ing to him or any oth­er Republican so far this sil­ly sea­son. On the face of it Carson seemed like a rea­son­able man . He espous­es Family, God and Country (not nec­es­sar­i­ly in that order).In fact Carson speaks elo­quent­ly on some of the very issues we talk about reg­u­lar­ly in this forum regard­ing the black community.
Personal Responsibility.
I was par­tic­u­lar­ly thrilled that he spoke decid­ed­ly on the issue of chil­dren being born to unwed moth­ers, link­ing that phe­nom­e­non direct­ly to some of the very stub­born chal­lenges fac­ing the African-American com­mu­ni­ty today. Asked by reporters whether he would meet with “Black-Lives Matter-Activists” ? Carson said he would !
Carson Elaborated, “Black-Lives Matter should include more words includ­ing those being aborted.……
Now do you see why no mat­ter how ratio­nal and sane they sound ini­tial­ly once you let them speak you real­ize that Republicans are all full of crap? Carson came from poor and very hum­ble begin­nings , through hard work and decid­ed appli­ca­tion he rose to become a famed Nuero Surgeon. I am with Carson when he speaks on the issues of per­son­al respon­si­bil­i­ty, edu­ca­tion, and respect . However when Carson uses lan­guage which insu­lates him from white cri­tique , sug­gest­ing that he does not know that what black activists are say­ing is that black lives mat­ter (too) Then Carson show him­self to be just anoth­er pan­der­ing house negro to the Plantation owners.

Carson >“All lives matter” !!!

Ben Carson speak­ing in May of this year said “Black Lives Matter’ move­ment amounts to “polit­i­cal cor­rect­ness going amuck,” argu­ing that the con­ver­sa­tion around police vio­lence against African-Americans should be “a lit­tle more mature.” “If you hire a plumber and he does a bad job, do you say all plumbers are bad? Let’s go out and kill them? I don’t think we do that,” he said on NBC’s “Meet the Press”, reit­er­at­ing an argu­ment that he made in the wake of the Baltimore riots ear­li­er this year. “We need to be a lit­tle more mature, but cer­tain­ly in cas­es where police are doing things that are inap­pro­pri­ate, I think we ought to inves­ti­gate those prompt­ly and jus­tice should be swift.

Ben-Carson Republican candidate for president of the United States..
Republican can­di­date for pres­i­dent of the United States..

Okay on this anal­o­gy I am tempt­ed to take back all the nice things I pre­vi­ous­ly said about Carson. Plumbers do not kill peo­ple. If plumbers were killing peo­ple when they are sup­posed to save lives I believe it would be fair to expect peo­ple to have dras­tic neg­a­tive reac­tions to them doing the oppo­site of what they are sup­posed to do. This may be a good time to remind the good­ly Doctor Carson that police are just plumbers of a dif­fer­ent name.
Secondly Carson miss­es the point by a mile when he plays into the nar­ra­tive of those who do not mind the wan­ton and whole­sale killing of black peo­ple. Ben Carson must know that when he says all lives mat­ter he is destroy­ing the very basis of the claim made by black lives mat­ter activists who have read­i­ly con­ced­ed that white lives mat­ter and they want their lives to mat­ter as well. Saying “All lives mat­ter” is a fun­da­men­tal denial of the fact that for many in law enforce­ment the lives of black youth are expend­able, and yes sim­ply does not mat­ter that much.
Carson like oth­er Republicans hyp­o­crit­i­cal­ly talks about Abortion and the sanc­ti­ty of life yet they care pre­cious lit­tle about life out­side the womb. They espouse bud­get cuts which dec­i­mate the most vul­ner­a­ble. They close schools and build jails which ensures the sur­vival and growth of the prison indus­tri­al com­plex. They sup­port the unmit­i­gat­ed lack of restraint or account­abil­i­ty when it comes to police crimes against the black community.

A typical Lilly-white crowd as this one which greeted Mitt Romney's wife in 2012..
A typ­i­cal Lilly-white crowd as this one which greet­ed Mitt Romney’s wife in 2012..

So the ques­tion becomes , why are Republicans sup­port­ing a black man for President of the United States? Presently Carson is polling sec­ond only to Donald Trump the white seg­re­ga­tion­ist car­ni­val bark­er, whose idi­ot­ic rants are start­ing to wear on even some Republicans .
Is it that Republicans can­not gar­ner any cred­i­ble amount of black sup­port but they are inclined to have their own ver­sion of black­ness? A black­ness which par­rots their nar­ra­tive despite the dis­taste­ful racists things they say and do to blacks?
Why not ?
They already have one on the Supreme Court who does their every bid­ding blind­ly. Why not sup­port anoth­er Oreo-Cookie for show?
In the end the Republicans will not nom­i­nate Ben Carson for President . Like their staged blacks at Republican con­ven­tions Ben Carson is just a show­piece which will even­tu­al­ly be tucked away after they have made their point .
It’s always the same with his kind.…