The Images Do Not Lie, Our Police Needs Training And Support…

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So often, I write on the sub­ject of Jamaican police’s lack of train­ing that I sound like a bro­ken record. Many of my for­mer col­leagues have said it is a lost cause; many argue that the force is beyond repair, even as politi­cians, prog­nos­ti­ca­tors, and pon­tif­i­ca­tors tell us about the new JCF and how cour­te­ous offi­cers have become.
It is as if a well-trained, pro­fes­sion­al, com­pe­tent, and cour­te­ous police depart­ment is mutu­al­ly exclu­sive. Having con­sumed the cool-aid thrown into the well of the Jamaican ecosys­tem by Carolyn Gomez, Terrence Williams, and Horace Levy, and oth­ers, we now have a coun­try that believes the Government’s first respon­si­bil­i­ty is to pro­tect crim­i­nals, not law-abid­ing Jamaicans.

The Police depart­ment has been repur­posed to fit that new belief, and now we have a police depart­ment that is com­plete­ly clue­less and inept, inca­pable of attack­ing crim­i­nal­i­ty in our coun­try in a way that makes crim­i­nals rethink com­mit­ting crimes.
The JCF has become a dump­ing ground for posers and self-absorbed indi­vid­u­als who are sin­gu­lar­ly focused on what they can get from the JCF, not how they can contribute.

The images speak for them­selves; offi­cers are not exhibit­ing train­ing in sub­du­ing offend­ers or esprit d corps the uni­ver­sal code of offi­cers look­ing out for the safe­ty of oth­er offi­cers. Either they are not trained in the afore­men­tioned, or they are too afraid of the sys­tem crim­i­nal­iz­ing them for doing their jobs. This is exact­ly what Carolyn Gomez, Horace Levy, and Terrence Williams want­ed to see in their cam­paign to neuter the police force com­plete­ly. They have suc­ceed­ed beyond their own imaginations.

This is not an indi­vid­ual act of care­less­ness, cow­ardice, or incom­pe­tence by an offi­cer. It runs deep­er; it smacks of care­less­ness, cow­ardice, and incom­pe­tence, but we see this kind of behav­ior from offi­cers all the time. Officers are social­ized to believe that when a col­league is com­mit­ted to an arrest, it is up to them to effec­tu­ate that arrest. 
This male offi­cer is the worst iter­a­tion of what is wrong with the JCF. Separate and apart from the fact that it is an offi­cer’s respon­si­bil­i­ty to assist in sub­du­ing and cuff­ing a sus­pect, it is out­ra­geous that a male offi­cer would stand around while a female col­league is wrestling to bring a sus­pect under con­trol, male or female.
This male cop is garbage and a lia­bil­i­ty to the secu­ri­ty of his col­leagues; trust me, I know I worked with cops who ran away while I was shot and bleeding.

Even though this female offi­cer was res­olute and did not allow the sus­pect to over­whelm her, her lack of train­ing was evi­dent. She should have tak­en the sus­pect to the ground and sub­dued her. Officers have no respon­si­bil­i­ty to pro­tect a sus­pect who has decid­ed to fight with them. As a young con­sta­ble doing the beats in down­town Kingston, a woman did exact­ly what the woman in these videos did to this female offi­cer, to me.
I guar­an­tee that woman nev­er con­tem­plat­ed ever doing that to anoth­er police offi­cer; even more com­mend­able, the judge, hav­ing heard the evi­dence of what she did, made an exam­ple of her.
Of course, that was when we had anti-crime judges in our coun­try. It is hard to dis­tin­guish judges today from crim­i­nals based on their rul­ings, but that is a dif­fer­ent con­ver­sa­tion for anoth­er day.

Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.