The Idea That The Black Community Is A Community That Fully Embraces Homosexuality, Lesbianism, And Transsexuality Is A Damn Lie.

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It starts as the first drop of rain or snowflake; in short order, the ground is cov­ered with snow or sat­u­rat­ed with water. America has always had a seri­ous hatred for its black cit­i­zens. The ani­mus nev­er went any­where; it was always under the sur­face as the storm clouds hov­ered just over­head until they became too heavy, and down came the downpour.
All it requires in the United States is that Black Americans demand equal treat­ment under the law, and imme­di­ate­ly the hatred comes rush­ing to the sur­face in a tor­ren­tial gush of putrid anger.
People con­tin­ue to expect and even argue that America is get­ting bet­ter racial­ly, and I beg to dif­fer; things are not improv­ing. The hatred that char­ac­ter­ized America since its incep­tion is just as ran­cid and tox­ic today.
The can­cer of racism is being taught and hand­ed down from gen­er­a­tion to gen­er­a­tion of white peo­ple. Unfortunately for Blacks who want to be accepted.….…..just to get along, their quest for a just and equi­table soci­ety remains a mirage in a desert of dead­ly racial hatred.
You can leg­is­late con­se­quences, but you can­not change peo­ple’s hearts. You can make it so that crimes com­mit­ted against peo­ple with race as a motive are met with swift and deci­sive jus­tice but in the hearts of peo­ple remain hatred and animosity.
It was the law that Blacks were 35 of a human being. It was the law that Blacks had no right that a white per­son was oblig­at­ed to respect. It was the law that inter­ra­cial mar­riage was a felony.
Since the gov­ern­ment and the courts were heav­i­ly invest­ed in writ­ing, pass­ing, and val­i­dat­ing unjust laws against its own cit­i­zens, why are we sur­prised that the aver­age per­son would be steeped in racial hatred?


Donald Trump under­stood that if he stoked the seem­ing­ly dying embers of racism that lay smol­der­ing under the ash­es, he would get a mas­sive realign­ing of the American polit­i­cal order along racial lines.
Experts argue Trump has approx­i­mate­ly 48% of the elec­torate on his side. Pew Research report­ed that in 2016 48% report­ed vot­ing for Hillary Clinton and 45% for Donald Trump; by com­par­i­son, the offi­cial nation­al vote tal­ly was 48% for Clinton and 46% for Trump. This is not sci­en­tif­ic; how­ev­er, if we were to build out that vote and extend it to the entire US pop­u­la­tion of 330 mil­lion and assume that if every­one could vote, the num­bers would remain the same, Trump would have 151, 800,000 on his side.
Donald Trump strate­gized that he did not need to appeal to non-white vot­ers; he did not need them. It would make no sense to run a white pow­er cam­paign and appeal to non-white vot­ers simultaneously.
The more out­ra­geous his rhetoric, the more hard­ened his white sup­port became. His strat­e­gy won him the pres­i­den­cy in 2016, and even though he lost the pop­u­lar vote by two per­cent­age points, he was elect­ed pres­i­dent in the anti-demo­c­ra­t­ic elec­toral college.

Republican Governor Brian Kemp, sur­round­ed by white men, signs the vot­er sup­pres­sion bill into law while the Slave Plantation Painting Hangs In the Background.


The assault in Florida by Ron DeSantis on African/​American his­to­ry should be a wake-up call for the forty-some­thing mil­lion blacks in the United States.
Ron Desantis, who has pres­i­den­tial ambi­tions, is not unaware of Trump’s dis­re­spect to blacks dur­ing his cam­paign and through­out his dis­as­trous four years in the white house.
Desantis has made it clear that he will be tak­ing the same path but more so to the right of Donald Trump. Consequently, Desantis has set him­self up as the mod­ern iter­a­tion of George Wallace.
Still, it will con­tin­ue with a few com­plaints and protests here and there but no con­cert­ed sus­tained black pow­er actions that make it clear those actions will not be tol­er­at­ed. Brian Kemp signed anti-vot­ing laws in Georgia under a pic­ture of an old slave plan­ta­tion flanked by six oth­er white men, and blacks did nothing.
Desantis’ barefaced attack on Black History, or what he char­ac­ter­ized as the “woke mob” is the equiv­a­lent of what was hap­pen­ing dur­ing the Civil Rights fights of the 1960s.
In the 1960s, the black com­mu­ni­ty had iden­ti­fi­able lead­ers they could dis­par­age and even­tu­al­ly assas­si­nate; today, there is no stand­out leader in the black com­mu­ni­ty, even among the elect­ed US Senators.
The FBI’s J Edgar Hoover’s Cointelpro pro­gram ensured that Black lead­ers were ter­mi­nat­ed. So Malcolm X, Medgar Evers, Dr. King, and many more were terminated.
Today poten­tial black lead­ers are gun-shy to step for­ward in lead­er­ship part­ly because of the threat that their own gov­ern­ment pos­es to their phys­i­cal exis­tence and part­ly from fire com­ing from their own ranks.
Black Americans are the most vicious against their own kind; not only do they ques­tion the edu­ca­tion­al qual­i­fi­ca­tions of poten­tial lead­ers, they bad mouth their very right to speak on the issues.


Without an iden­ti­fi­able head of black America, it becomes dif­fi­cult to decap­i­tate black lead­er­ship through tar­get­ed assas​si​na​tions​.No lead­er­ship head, who do you tar­get to kill?
So the next best thing is to attack the entire race, which Ron Desantis is doing in Florida to out-Trump Donald Trump as the next pres­i­den­tial con­test begins to take shape.
The vilest, most rep­re­hen­si­ble can­di­date who can show nean­derthal whites that they will be bet­ter at keep­ing blacks in their place will be the next Republican stand­out for 2024.
The prob­lem with attack­ing edu­ca­tion and whether black his­to­ry is taught in Florida’s schools, uni­ver­si­ties, and col­leges will most assured­ly back­fire on Desantis and oth­ers try­ing to sup­press black history.
Obviously, Ron Desantis is not a stu­dent of his­to­ry, or he would have known that the more you try to sup­press knowl­edge, the more curi­ous peo­ple become to learn. He would have known that despite the many and var­ied attempts to remove the bible from the earth, it is the book with the largest num­ber in print by far.
I am not con­cerned about a small-time igno­ra­mus posi­tion­ing him­self as a lit­tle god; what con­cerns me are the issues that some with­in the black com­mu­ni­ty have tak­en onto them­selves as they take the lib­er­ty to speak for the entire black community.
The idea that the black com­mu­ni­ty is a com­mu­ni­ty that ful­ly embraces homo­sex­u­al­i­ty, Lesbianism, and trans­sex­u­al­i­ty is a damn lie.
A bunch of unmar­ried col­lege-edu­cat­ed women who hate men, who are engaged in les­bian and left­ist fem­i­nist ide­ol­o­gy speak for them­selves and those they rep­re­sent; they do not speak for the major­i­ty of black fam­i­lies in the United States.
Therefore, con­sci­en­tious black Americans must unshack­le them­selves from this most vocal part of the black com­mu­ni­ty that ties black­ness to hard-left fem­i­nism, hatred of men, homo­sex­u­al­i­ty, Lesbianism, and trans­sex­u­al­ism. I am con­fi­dent I speak for the major­i­ty when I say that most black peo­ple and fam­i­lies do [not] align with the foregone.
We see it dai­ly when­ev­er the ques­tion of race comes up; this vocal ele­ment in the media, which is black and homo­sex­u­al, black issues are tied to homo­sex­u­al­i­ty, Lesbianism, and transsexualism.
It is not who we are. This must be con­demned like we con­demn the likes of Donald Trump, Brian Kemp, and Ron Desantis.




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.