The Fallacy Of False Equivalence:

Republicans start­ed a mas­sive cam­paign of obstruc­tion­ism against the new­ly elect­ed Barack Obama in 2008, even before the pres­i­dent was inau­gu­rat­ed the machin­ery was already in place not just to make Obama a one term pres­i­dent but to make him such a fail­ure, his record would be a dis-qual­i­fi­er to all oth­er African-American upstarts who ever got the grand idea they want­ed to be president.

Like every­thing else which has its Genesis in bad faith, this men­tal­i­ty became a mon­ster; the more they hat­ed Obama the more far right they lurched. That con­di­tion I char­ac­ter­ized as Barack Obama derange­ment syn­drome. As it got big­ger and big­ger it forced the par­ty far­ther and far­ther to the right, those with­in its ranks who were not true believ­ers were sum­mar­i­ly discarded.

Former Governor Charlie Crist of Florida, Long time Senator Richard Luger of Indiana, The late Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, and a litany of oth­ers were rou­tine­ly dri­ven from the par­ty. Others kept quite or pros­ti­tut­ed them­selves on the altar of right-wing con­ser­vatism to avoid hav­ing to face pri­ma­ry oppo­nents from their right flank, chief among them Arizona John McCain, and South Carolina’s Lindsay Graham.

McCain and Graham, two sen­a­tors who were once thought to be voic­es of rea­son with­in an increas­ing­ly unrea­son­able reac­tionary Republican par­ty, have become two of the most stri­dent and bel­li­cose with Obama derange­ment syn­drome, often times rais­ing eye­brows as to the rea­son­ing behind their stance.

As the par­ty moved far­ther to the right on the issues the par­ty became swal­lowed up to the point it is now almost impos­si­ble to dif­fer­en­ti­ate the dif­fer­ence between the lunatic fringe and the par­ty, some have con­clud­ed there are no dif­fer­ences between the two, they are one and the same.

As an out­sider I have long argued that the Press has failed dis­mal­ly in its duties to point deci­sive­ly at the rad­i­cal­iza­tion and obstruc­tion­ism of the repub­li­can par­ty, but even more that than that, he press has failed to speak clear­ly and deci­sive­ly about the harm the repub­li­can par­ty is caus­ing the coun­try ‚because of its rad­i­cal far right agenda .

What the Press has done is to use it’s time instead to con­flate the two par­ties into a dys­func­tion­al mush of what is wrong with Washington DC.

The main stream media has long been labeled pro-left, pro-demo­c­ra­t­ic or more recent­ly the elit­ist left media, of course the source of this label­ing is the rad­i­cal lunatics on the right who have fought this psy­cho­log­i­cal war­fare with the press, cow­ing the vast major­i­ty of what would have been object media enti­ties into cre­at­ing a false equiv­a­lence between what they do and those on the oth­er side who chose to point to their dysfunction.

At the cen­ter of that fear may very well be found the rea­son that the Press, or what I pre­fer to call, the lame-stream Media is reluc­tant to stri­dent­ly call out the Republican Party on its ide­o­log­i­cal lunacy.

Norm Ornstein and Thomas Mann have made careers as polit­i­cal sci­en­tists who focused on non-par­ti­san analy­sis and eschewed sin­gling out either par­ty for bad behav­ior. That changed with the pub­li­ca­tion of their book, It’s Even Worse Than It Looks, which lament­ed that American pol­i­tics had become more dys­func­tion­al and that the Republican Party bore the brunt of the blame for the most recent offenses.

And after they made this argu­ment, no one treat­ed the news very seri­ous­ly. Francis Wilkinson writes in Bloomberg about pos­si­ble rea­sons why their the­o­ry failed to catch on:

It’s hard to imag­ine a more whole­sale indict­ment from two emi­nent polit­i­cal sci­en­tists, each with a decades-long track record of non­par­ti­san analy­sis. It’s equal­ly hard to imag­ine the press qui­et­ly absorb­ing a sim­i­lar­ly pedi­greed indict­ment of the Democratic Party; the élite press, in par­tic­u­lar, would like­ly talk of noth­ing else. Yet main­stream news out­lets, while giv­ing the authors fair­ly promi­nent play, seem to treat the their the­sis as nei­ther new nor news.

What gives?

Perhaps it’s the soft big­otry of low expec­ta­tions. The most anguish over the state of the Republican Party seems to flow from con­ser­v­a­tives in var­ied states of excom­mu­ni­ca­tion, such as David Frum, Bruce Bartlett and a cadre of smart, young writ­ers who object to the empow­ered-state vision of Democrats but can’t abide the devo­lu­tion of the Republicans. Many lib­er­als, hav­ing per­haps nev­er giv­en suf­fi­cient cre­dence to con­ser­v­a­tive thought in the first place, regard the book’s premise with a know­ing shrug. Elected Republicans, nat­u­ral­ly, dis­miss the book as par­ti­san hack­ery (though for­mer Republican Senator Chuck Hagel gave it an enthu­si­as­tic blurb). Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, with char­ac­ter­is­tic def­er­ence to facts, denounced the authors as “ultra, ultra lib­er­al.” But the authors – and their cen­trist dis­po­si­tion — are well-known. Perhaps their the­sis is, too. It’s just that no one knows what can be done about it, or by whom.http://

There are no sur­pris­es in the fact that the Neanderthal minor­i­ty leader from Kentucky would igno­rant­ly dis­miss these two men as lib­er­al extrem­ists, after all what Mitch McConnell can­not under­stand he labels and hates.

Conversely for­mer sen­a­tor Chuck Hagel has always been a sane and rea­son­able sen­a­tor and human being.

On issue after issue the American media has fall­en short of its oblig­a­tions, maybe the mis­sion state­ment have changed, if this is so, then it is only prop­er that the media tell the American peo­ple it no longer seek truth irre­spec­tive of where it leads,or that it no longer is the guardian of our democracy.

It appears that the media hous­es that are not in the pock­ets of the far right are pet­ri­fied of being labeled left­ist that they acqui­esce with the talk­ing points of the far right and in too many cas­es find com­fort in the moral dis­hon­esty of false equivocation.

Fox News is a pro­pa­gan­da tool of the far right , it prop­a­gates and dis­sem­i­nates false-hoods, smear and pro­pa­gan­da, con­verse­ly MSNBC built their fol­low­ing on lit­er­al­ly fact check­ing and ridi­cul­ing FOX and Republicans in gen­er­al, this actu­al­ly start­ed with for­mer host Keith Olberman who had beef with FOX’s blow-hard Bill O’Reilly.

Yet there is a con­cert­ed effort with­in the media fra­ter­ni­ty to make the false par­al­lel that FOX and MSNBC are basi­cal­ly doing the same thing. This could­n’t be fur­ther from the truth. Even those who fan­cy them­selves media-crit­ics like CNN’s Howard Kurtz has fall­en vic­tim to mak­ing that disin­gen­u­ous parallel.

That moral cow­ardice on the part of the media, has lit­er­al­ly embold­ened the forces of the far right into adopt­ing much more author­i­tar­i­an prin­ci­ples into their platform.

No one chal­lenged the Bush Administration when Cheney clear­ly was man­u­fac­tur­ing evi­dence to launch America into an ille­git­i­mate war of choice, and after it was proven beyond a shad­ow of a doubt that the Iraq war was car­ried out on fab­ri­ca­tion and lies, no one was held account­able to this day, despite the tens of thou­sands of dead and maimed Iraqi’s and Americans.

The war on women:

The war on Immigrants:

Voter Suppression:

The war against Organized Labor:

The war against Gays and Lesbians:

The war against the poor and most vulnerable:

On issue after issue, what now obtains as the Republican par­ty has been clear and unequiv­o­cal­ly rad­i­cal poli­cies against the mass­es, and toward a cho­sen sub sec­tor, yet the Media have remained impo­tent­ly silent.

As I write this peo­ple in the State of Wisconsin have had their rights to col­lec­tive bar­gain­ing stripped away from them, work­ers in Michigan just saw their Republican Governor sign away their rights under what is called (right to work) which is Union bust­ing in a nut-shell .

Thus far 28 States have adopt­ed so-called right to work laws, which strips away work­ers rights to col­lec­tive­ly bar­gain for bet­ter pay and work­ing con­di­tions, those rights were the cor­ner­stones which built the mid­dle class in this country.

At the cen­ter of these dra­con­ian anti-Union laws are rich Billionaires, who are fun­nel­ing huge sums of mon­ey into what appear at first glance to be legit­i­mate grass-roots organ­i­sa­tions, but are noth­ing more than shell groups designed to dis­tort the truth and deny work­ers their rights.

On this and oth­er mat­ters of grave National inter­est the media is com­plic­it in its silence.

When the Unions are cas­trat­ed there will be no buffer between the dirty mon­ey of Charles and David Koch Sheldon Adelson and aver­age Americans.

These afore­men­tioned Billionaires and oth­ers have spent hun­dreds of mil­lions of dol­lars in the elec­tions of 2012 try­ing to turn back the rights of ordi­nary peo­ple to vote, to orga­nize and join Unions, and to have a say in their democracy.

On the occa­sion of the last elec­tion they were defeat­ed but not deterred, they are even more deter­mined to buy this democ­ra­cy, strength­ened and buoyed by the Supreme Court Citizens United Decision, which allows huge sums of mon­ey to flood the polit­i­cal sys­tem under the guise of free speech.

Labor orga­nizes, sup­ports work­ers and ordi­nary Americans, they get out their mem­bers to vote, this makes orga­nized labor the mor­tal ene­my of bil­lion­aire Industrialists like Charles and David Koch, who shroud their nefar­i­ous activ­i­ties with legit­i­mate phil­an­thropic donations.

The chal­lenge to ordi­nary Americans are their inabil­i­ty to under­stood the seri­ous­ness of these issues, and their incli­na­tion to vote and sup­port caus­es and leg­is­la­tion that are dia­met­ri­cal­ly opposed to their own self-interest.

And yes on these crit­i­cal­ly rel­e­vant issues the lame-stream media(Press) is silent.