The Failings Of The JCF Are So Egregious That I Now Regretfully Call For Its Disbandment.

The sto­ry of Cult-leader Kevin Smith reads like a com­pli­cat­ed sequel that keeps chang­ing with each sea­son of pro­duc­tion. On Monday morn­ing, the cur­tain came down in the final scene when Smith and a police offi­cer were killed in a motor vehi­cle acci­dent report­ed­ly close to the Linstead Bypass in Saint Catherine. Two oth­er offi­cers are report­ed­ly in seri­ous con­di­tion from the same accident.
Smith, the leader of Saint James-based Pathways International Kingdom Restoration Ministries, was arrest­ed sev­er­al days ago after two peo­ple were killed in what the church char­ac­ter­ized as a Roman Catholic-style sacrifice.
Arrested with Smith were 41 oth­er peo­ple asso­ci­at­ed with the Pathway ministries.
The police went to the premis­es to inves­ti­gate alle­ga­tions of abuse of a female parish­ioner; before they could gain entry to the build­ing, one man and one woman had their throats slashed by the pas­tor as anoth­er church mem­ber assist­ed him believed to be a police offi­cer. (We have been unable to con­firm if, in fact, a mem­ber of the JCF was involved in that ritual).

Smith’s sto­ry reads like the Bedward sto­ries we grew up hear­ing about in Jamaican. It reeks of the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas, in the ear­ly ’90s. Others have likened it to the Jim Jones Saga in Guyana, cul­mi­nat­ing in the November 1978 mass murder/​suicide of mem­bers of Jones’s Peoples Temple in Jonestown, Guyana.
The police con­firmed Kevin Smith’s death on Monday, but his death leaves tongues wag­ging and a moun­tain of con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries churn­ing on social media about whether foul play was involved in Smith’s death.
For one, not a fan of con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries, I am still a lit­tle befud­dled at the coin­ci­dence and tim­ing of his death, just when he was being trans­port­ed to (MOCA), Major Organised Crime & Anti-Corruption Agency to be for­mal­ly charged accord­ing to the police.
Speculations are rife that he was about to name names, so he may have been killed, but by whom, I have no idea? How could a motor vehi­cle acci­dent be orches­trat­ed to ensure his death is beyond me.
That said, Jim Brown was alleged­ly burned to a crisp in a Kingston jail just before he was sched­uled to be extra­dit­ed to the United States to face seri­ous crim­i­nal charges. To date, there has been no account­ing of how a man could be set ablaze in a jail cell with­out any­one being held accountable.

Before the Church killing, I had nev­er heard of Kevin Smith, nei­ther had I heard of Pathways International Kingdom Restoration Ministries. So this arti­cle has very lit­tle to do with the now-infa­mous cult leader who just hap­pened to die just before he was to face the music. It smells fishy; it smells Jeffery Epstein-[ish]. These coin­ci­dences make it dif­fi­cult not to think that there is more to this than meets the eye.….…..or not.
I feel a sin­gle emo­tion from the whole affair; it is dis­gust at the Jamaican police. People are free to be sheep if they so choose. God gave all of us the abil­i­ty to think for our­selves. Those who choose to allow oth­ers to manip­u­late them men­tal­ly prob­a­bly deserve what­ev­er out­come they are exposed to.
I believe human life is close to what we see on the Serengeti; the weak and care­less get eat­en by the strong and calculative.
It is sim­ply the way life works; some are sim­ply food for others.
Having said that, the police depart­ment con­tin­ues to put for­ward a face that gives the impres­sion that because Antony Anderson can speak English bet­ter than.…..say Joe Williams did; or because Stephanie Lindsay’s more elo­quent pre­sen­ta­tions are more accept­able to the fakes-and frauds in the gat­ed com­mu­ni­ties uptown, the force has been transformed.
To that, I cry bull­shit. Scratch the sur­face, and the same old Barney Fyffe prac­tices are right there; the police force con­tin­ues to be a laugh­ing stock.

https://​www​.face​book​.com/​w​a​t​c​h​/​?​r​e​f​=​s​e​a​r​c​h​&​v​=​9​8​0​7​4​9​9​0​2​5​0​7​9​5​5​&​e​x​t​e​r​n​a​l​_​l​o​g​_​i​d​=​c​8​2​2​c​2​6​f​-​3​528 – 4b5b-b13f-d7cc952d6232&q=kevin%20smith%20chatting%20with%20police

This kind of unpro­fes­sion­al­ism is pos­si­ble because there is a lax­i­ty at the top. There is no lead­er­ship nor account­abil­i­ty, the Commissioner of police should resign imme­di­ate­ly. They con­tin­ue to shame those of us who served with pride and dis­tinc­tion in this proud agency.
A video of Kevin Smith sit­ting at the police sta­tion with no hand­cuffs, chat­ting it up and laugh­ing with police offi­cers is a despi­ca­ble and shame­ful dis­re­gard for pro­to­col. ‑Protocols that I dare­say once existed.
All of the fore­gone would have mil­i­tat­ed against a Kevin Smith con­vic­tion had he lived. How can police offi­cers have a mur­der accused out­side a cell with­out hand­cuffs on, chat­ting with him as if there is no care in the world, and allow that he be video­taped and placed on social media?
Where is the super­vi­sion, in this a major case that made inter­na­tion­al news? How could this be possible?
These are the kinds of things that these stu­pid police offi­cers do because there is no lead­er­ship. One would have imag­ined that in a sit­u­a­tion like this, the sus­pect would have been trans­port­ed imme­di­ate­ly to Kingston, away from the per­va­sive cor­rup­tion that has plagued the Area One Police and Montego Bay police in par­tic­u­lar for decades.
The prin­ci­pal agency in the coun­try respon­si­ble for secu­ri­ty has zero ideas on how to secure a sin­gle mur­der sus­pect; I am try­ing to imag­ine The sce­nario under which a junior offi­cer trans­port­ing a high-pro­file mur­der accused cross-coun­try could be killed in an acci­dent along with the high pro­file subject?
The fail­ings of this depart­ment are so egre­gious that I am now call­ing for its disbandment.



Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.