The Degenerative Ignorance Of Racism

If I have to explain that your dif­fer­ent skin col­or, the way you talk, the things you have, and where you live do not make you bet­ter than some­one else, just dif­fer­ent, maybe you are inferior.
If I have to explain that God made Fish of dif­fer­ent col­ors, shapes, and sizes and that he made flow­ers, some with thorns, of dif­fer­ent col­ors, oth­er­wise, they would all be just bush­es, that he made them with dif­fer­ent fra­grances in his wisdom.
That he cre­at­ed a cor­nu­copia of col­ors and sizes, shapes, and vari­a­tions to make this world inter­est­ing and fun, not unin­ter­est­ing and dull…
If I have to explain all of that to a human being or any group of humans who are sup­posed to be the most intel­li­gent of God’s cre­ations, then maybe we need to revis­it the idea of what con­sti­tutes intelligence.
No, Sir, Madam, you are not bet­ter, just dif­fer­ent. If all of that is out­side your abil­i­ty to grasp, you are infe­ri­or, not superior.

White racism is per­va­sive in America because the con­ver­sa­tions are being held around the periph­ery and not direct­ly address­ing the can­cer­ous tumor that con­tin­ues to eat away at the nation.
Whites who enjoy the priv­i­leges of insti­tu­tion­al­ized racism are reluc­tant and, in most cas­es, refuse to address the issue because they are so used to the perks and priv­i­leges of racism they do not want to give them up. Some don’t even know they are enjoy­ing them.
They will tell you out­right that their ances­tors did not own slaves or that they arrived in America long after slav­ery was abol­ished. Hence, they bear no respon­si­bil­i­ty for what hap­pened before their ances­tors arrived.
Racism is, as I have said repeat­ed­ly, a bad case of igno­rance and illit­er­a­cy, and there is only one cure for that igno­rance, a con­tin­ued edu­ca­tion­al approach.
If you are white in America and you are not stopped and beat­en or mur­dered by police, you are enjoy­ing the fruits of white priv­i­lege. If you live in com­mu­ni­ties designed to keep Blacks out, com­mu­ni­ties with bet­ter roads, bet­ter schools, clean drink­ing water, bet­ter hos­pi­tals and fire ser­vices, com­mu­ni­ties with­out bus depots or huge penal insti­tu­tions, and com­mu­ni­ties in which your chil­dren are not hound­ed by race sol­diers who mur­der them, you are enjoy­ing white privilege.
If you can get a busi­ness loan from a bank or cheat the gov­ern­ment out of tax­es and flaunt it, you are ben­e­fit­ing from white privilege.

Blacks, for their part, will nev­er achieve the desired result, which is to end racism in America. For starters, they are too cute for their own damn good when they talk about the issue. The short­est dis­tance between two points is a straight line. Blacks love to have con­ver­sa­tions about hav­ing con­ver­sa­tions, and they love to have con­fer­ences to deter­mine when and where to have con­fer­ences. Substantively, hard­ly any­thing gets done in the process. Additionally, African-Americans would rather crit­i­cize those who step for­ward to lead than deal with the hell they have lived under for hun­dreds of years.
For starters, racism is not a virus that pops up; and no one knows where it came from or how to find a vaccine.
Racism in America exists because those who ben­e­fit from it want it to con­tin­ue. So let us stop with the niceties and address the issue of racism in America.
Racism is an igno­rant and divi­sive con­cept pro­mul­gat­ed in America by white peo­ple against Black peo­ple and oth­er races.
It is an idea that cre­ates set asides for Caucasians at the expense of every­one else.
Unless we stop pre­tend­ing that there are no per­pe­tra­tors, only vic­tims, we will nev­er solve this hor­ri­ble dilem­ma. There must be sus­tained pres­sure applied to this igno­ble prac­tice and its prac­ti­tion­ers, fail­ing which the cor­ro­sive can­cer of white racism will be around a hun­dred years from now with our great-grand­chil­dren cry­ing out for help as this gen­er­a­tion is.
Martin Luther King, the most vis­i­ble fig­ure to emerge from the Civil Rights strug­gles of the 1960s before his pass­ing, warned Blacks about ‘the fierce urgency of now.’
In seek­ing to dri­ve home the need for rad­i­cal and imme­di­ate change, King said dur­ing his I have a dream speech in 1963, “We have also come to this hal­lowed spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of now. This is no time to engage in the lux­u­ry of cool­ing off or to take the tran­quil­iz­ing drug of grad­u­al­ism.

As much as I am dis­gust­ed by whites who ben­e­fit from racism, I am dou­bly dis­gust­ed by Blacks who use cute lan­guage to describe white racism. Racism, as it stands in America, is a con­struct of oppres­sion cre­at­ed by white peo­ple to oppress Blacks and oth­er races.
There I said it, and it was­n’t hard at all. Unless this sub­ject is broached frontal­ly, as I have done here, white per­pe­tra­tors will sniv­el and bul­ly their way out of tak­ing responsibility.
Laws can­not change peo­ple’s hearts, but it does change behav­ior. Laws go a long way in curb­ing bad prac­tices, but how can the prob­lem of racism which is writ­ten and anchored into the laws passed by leg­is­la­tures, be remediated?
If I had the answer to that ques­tion, I’d be a wealthy man, but I don’t.
The sad real­i­ty is that racism is a white con­struct designed to ele­vate and keep the Caucasian race above all oth­er races and keep it there regard­less of the con­se­quence to the oppressed races.
It is real­ly as sim­ple as that and should be addressed from that rather sim­plis­tic per­spec­tive. We lose sight of the prob­lem when we attach sophistry to the prob­lem-which is what Blacks love to do. We love to hear our­selves talk, so we add flour­ish and sophistry to the con­ver­sa­tions, which then become about peo­ple show­cas­ing their edu­ca­tion rather than address­ing the problems.

White peo­ple who enjoy the fruits of racism are con­tent to see Black folks jock­ey­ing to show who is the most ver­bose and elo­quent because they know noth­ing will be changed by ver­bosi­ty or eloquence.
Racism is not going any­where in America; it was birthed in the repub­lic; it is drilled into each gen­er­a­tion of young white chil­dren because their par­ents believe they have a god-giv­en right to the land they stole, and that’s the bot­tom line.
Every oth­er race must assert its own right to agency, auton­o­my, and self-deter­mi­na­tion with­out flinch­ing or ced­ing an inch of space.
Unfortunately for the repub­lic, there are some who would rather sub­ju­gate them­selves to sec­ond-class cit­i­zen­ship while they await their turn at being assim­i­lat­ed into the racist con­struct of American whiteness.
Hello Raphael Cruz, Marco Rubio, et al.




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.