The Critical Role Women Play In Jamaica’s Culture Of Crime And It’s Boomerang Results.…

Over the years I have talked exten­sive­ly about the seri­ous cri­sis of crime in Jamaica. I have also offered up tan­gi­ble, work­able solu­tions which I fun­da­men­tal­ly believe will result in a seis­mic bend in the arc of crime.
The solu­tions I have offered over the years have been tried and proven meth­ods and prac­tices which are not nec­es­sar­i­ly unique to Jamaica but are tai­lored to suit our Jamaican prob­lem backed up by years of expe­ri­ence and research.

Women march in sup­port of crime lord Christopher Duddus Coke..

All too often in my com­men­taries I speak direct­ly to the part women play in the ever evolv­ing cul­ture of crime.
In ‚many cas­es women are far more instru­men­tal in the com­mis­sion of crimes than their male coun­ter­parts with the excep­tion of actu­al­ly pulling a trigger.

Women are provo­ca­teurs of crime. They active­ly goad , cajole and even ridicule men into com­mit­ting crimes. In many instances hav­ing sex­u­al rela­tions with many women rests direct­ly on whether men are able to sup­ply the pro­ceeds from crime or not.

Women have been crit­i­cal in the nur­tur­ing of crim­i­nals like now impris­oned don Zeeks

Women act as coun­selors, they aid and abet their male coun­ter­parts in their capac­i­ties as moth­ers , girl­friends , sis­ters and friends to men whom have made deci­sions to live out­sides the bound­aries of the laws.

Over the years I have writ­ten exten­sive­ly about this and have been the recip­i­ent of much push-back , not to men­tion ridicule and ver­bal assaults for dar­ing to relay those truths.

One of the most con­tro­ver­sial and top­i­cal issues is the abuse of women , both ver­bal and physical.

One of my obser­va­tions as a police offi­cer in our coun­try and hav­ing worked many years ago in a law office in my adopt­ed home is that when we get into the meat of the mat­ter , many women will con­fess to have been the first to throw a blow in a con­fronta­tion with their sig­nif­i­cant other.
As incon­ve­nient a truth as that is to women and their sup­port­ers , deny­ing facts does noth­ing to solve problems.

Notwithstanding, the nar­ra­tive is gen­er­al­ly cen­tered around the notion that men should nev­er put their hands on women.
How about every­one, men and women, keep their hands to them­selves, how about a sce­nario in which our peo­ple do not see phys­i­cal vio­lence as the only means to con­flict resolution?
That aside, the point of this Article to to address the role women have played and con­tin­ue to play in the smol­der­ing caul­dron of crime which is threat­en­ing to engulf the entire Island.

Christopher (Duddus)Coke

Jamaican women have been at the tip of the spear in the enhance­ment and fur­ther­ance of the objec­tives of the Island’s crime fig­ures as long as we have had crim­i­nal activity.Much of their activ­i­ties have been roman­ti­cized and even laud­ed when they should have been con­demned and punished.
This is his­tor­i­cal, from fig­ures like Three Finger Jack , to Rigen, Coppa, Sandokan, Starky, Anthony Brown and George Flask , Jim Brown, Duddus Coke, and every oth­er crim­i­nal , Jamaican women have been con­sis­tent in pro­vid­ing aid and com­fort , offer­ing up even their bod­ies in the process.

Why then would any­one be sur­prised that the demon­ic killers have now turned on of all peo­ple, women?
There are instances where women have out of fear for their lives and that of their fam­i­lies suc­cumbed to the dic­tates of area dons.
I want to make it clear that I am not in any way try­ing to deny them that fear born out of their desire to survive.
It is the women who par­tic­i­pate in crim­i­nal con­duct as acces­sories before and after the fact , or as prin­ci­pals even, that must take respon­si­bil­i­ty for this.

As I have said in pre­vi­ous arti­cles, from my expe­ri­ences, Jamaican crim­i­nals love to eat and they love sex.
Find out where their moth­ers and girl­friends live and you have dra­mat­i­cal­ly increased you chance of find­ing them.
Jamaican women have been will­ing par­tic­i­pants and exu­ber­ant sup­port­ers of the pur­vey­ors of the Island’s cul­ture of crime.
They are equal­ly as guilty as the men.

Jim Brown

The sup­port they offer extends beyond the bound­aries of phys­i­cal sup­port but can be seen in their lying state­ments that they were wit­ness­es to police sum­mar­i­ly killing want­ed gang­sters in their bed at 3.00 am.
Their mass pres­ence on demon­stra­tion lines over the last sev­er­al decades in sup­port of the Island’s most blood thirsty crim­i­nals has been tremen­dous in the Nation’s advance into a Narco and crim­i­nal state.

There is no way that you sow into per­pe­tu­ity with­out reap­ing a harvest.
That is not to say that Jamaican women have not already paid dear­ly . They have lost their sons and hus­bands , their nephews, broth­ers and boyfriends , their cousins , uncles and friends.
But the thing we must nev­er for­get is that wild ani­mals are wild ani­mals who have no conscience.
They like the smell and the taste of blood .

That includes all blood
It was just a mat­ter of time before they turned on women.
The rash of killing of women and girls was a long time com­ing. Many women know who the killers are, yet they chose not to assist law-enforce­ment with infor­ma­tion, despite the myr­i­ad avenues avail­able for them to do so in con­fi­dence and safety.

Whether we under­stand or not that this is a fight , not just for the soul but the very exis­tence of our coun­try the facts remain that it is.
Our coun­try is very far gone despite the rhetoric you hear about progress made.
There is no progress or pros­per­i­ty in this Serengeti of mur­der and mayhem.
As long as the INDECOM Act which was cre­at­ed by Bruce Golding to neuter law enforce­ment remain the inces­sant slaugh­ter will increase.
The cow­ard­ly ani­mals who take life at will know they have the upper hand against law enforcement.
Much more blood will run until a stu­pid peo­ple real­ize that they must unite against the com­mon enemy .
Crime !