This was in front the White House yesterday.

America enters week (3) three of a fed­er­al shut-down orches­trat­ed by a minor­i­ty of the minor­i­ty par­ty in one of the three branch­es of the Government. So much for best mod­el of Government when a minor­i­ty seg­ment can hold the major­i­ty of the Federal Bureaucracy hostage. So much for a sys­tem which allows one ego-mani­a­cal Senator to grind the coun­try to a halt.

Over the last few blogs I have sys­tem­at­i­cal referred to the Republican Part as the Confederate/​Republican Party. Some of you have asked why I believe the Republican Party is to be seen in the same light as the old Confederacy? I point you to the poli­cies which obtained after the Civil War . 

Jim Crow Laws enact­ed then . Stand your ground laws now. Chain Gangs then. Prison Industrial com­plex now. Poll Tax and mas­sive vot­er sup­pres­sion then. Voter Id Laws,poll-tax) obsta­cles to vot­ing now. Talks of nul­li­fi­ca­tion and seces­sion then. Talks of nul­li­fi­ca­tion and seces­sion now. Talks of States Rights then. Talks of states Rights now. Lynchings then. Increased police and vig­i­lante killings now.

There is ample evi­dence which, if not ignored shows that the Republican Party now rep­re­sents the Southern Confederacy. Does any­one believe this fuss in the Nation’s Capitol is about (Obama-Care), The Affordable Care Act? If you do you are woe­ful­ly mis-informed . The peo­ple who dreamed up this conun­drum do not think so , they have since dropped that talk­ing point after clos­ing the Government down and now blame Obama for the shut-down. Many in the Lame-stream-Media laments that Republicans had no strat­e­gy to get out of the impasse they cre­at­ed, I dis­agree. Ted Cruz the present day Joe McCarthy, is a lot of things , stu­pid not being one of them. As I wrote before, House and Senate Republicans may have been blind vic­tims to Pied-Piper Ted Cruz’ strat­e­gy , but Cruz knew exact­ly what he want­ed to do.

TedCruz-GageTed Cruz.

Once Cruz had the coun­try grind to a halt he went on the road. He gath­ered the usu­al rab­ble, Sarah Palin and oth­ers sur­round­ed by the most vile big­ots and pro­ceed­ed to blame Obama for the shut-down he ini­ti­at­ed. What that says is, Cruz has zero respect for the intel­li­gence of the peo­ple he wants to leads as pres­i­dent. Cruz believes you are too stu­pid to see through his strat­e­gy which is as clear as day if you open your eyes. The Confederate/​Republican Party is unable to rec­on­cile that a black man is sit­ting atop the Federal Bureaucracy. They are unable to accept a black man at the zenith of pow­er cre­at­ed by over 400 years of racial priv­i­leged. What we are wit­ness­ing is actions of a spurned lover. If I can’t have you, no one else will, I will take you down with me in a heap of ashes”.

That is what the calls of “we want our coun­try back” and “impeach Obama” are all about.


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