The Circular Firing Squad Of American Police Violence

Continued leg­isla­tive, judi­cial, and exec­u­tive con­spir­a­cy to uncon­sti­tu­tion­al­ly solid­i­fy state pow­er in the United States, backed by a woe­ful­ly illit­er­ate pub­lic, has giv­en police unfet­tered pow­er to kill and maim.
A Florida deputy went to a home to do a wel­fare check and end­ed up killing the 88-year-old in his own home. It is not the first time that police have gone to some­one’s home, claim­ing they went there to check on the home­own­er’s wel­fare and end­ed up killing the home­own­er in their own home.
Given the con­tin­ued solid­i­fy­ing of police pow­er by the American Government, this prac­tice will con­tin­ue to take inno­cent lives.
Hillsborough County, Florida deputy Anastacia Castillo answered a neigh­bor’s call to check on the occu­pant of their neigh­bor’s home whose garage door was report­ed­ly ajar. The deputy arrived and con­tin­ued to announce her­self, knock­ing on walls open­ing doors through­out the home all by herself.

Here the lying coun­ty Sheriff Chad Chronister paints a pic­ture of the killer-cop as a sym­pa­thet­ic vic­tim who had no choice but to kill the elder­ly man in his own home.

She then pro­ceed­ed to the sec­ond floor, where she con­tin­ued to announce that she was from the Sheriff’s office, and final­ly, some­one answered from a bedroom.
You will see the entire episode in the video, includ­ing the ludi­crous claim by the coun­ty Sheriff that there was noth­ing else the deputy could have done dif­fer­ent­ly after she shot and killed the armed 88-year-old in his own home. The deputy heard a gen­tle­man’s voice indi­cat­ing he was home and armed with a firearm.
At this point, the deputy had every oppor­tu­ni­ty to exit the man’s prop­er­ty and await oth­er pro­fes­sion­als to deter­mine what exact­ly was happening.
From her reac­tion to the gen­tle­man, she already took the view that he was the home­own­er, which means that he was well and need­ed no police help.
Instead of back­ing out of the house, she switched to what police typ­i­cal­ly do; she began bark­ing orders to the man to put his weapon down.
In 2019 Police in Fortworth, Texas, shot Atatiana Jefferson through a win­dow of her own home, killing her after going to her home to do a wel­fare check. In that case, the Fortworth police depart­ment sought to fab­ri­cate a false nar­ra­tive by releas­ing the image of a gun found in miss Jefferson’s home with­out sup­ply­ing a con­text for doing so.
This, how­ev­er, is America, where there are more guns than peo­ple. Miss Jefferson had every right to have a gun in her own home.
Corrupt cops with dozens and dozens of com­plaints against them and even some who have com­mit­ted crimes are kept employed by cor­rupt depart­ments to con­tin­ue com­mit­ting crimes against those they are sworn to protect.
How do trained police offi­cers go to some­one’s home to check on their wel­fare become the instru­ments of their farewell?
Contrary to the (com­plain­ing) that the Hillsborough County Sheriff and their adher­ents tell you, deputy Castillio was not faced with only a sin­gle choice.
She had every oppor­tu­ni­ty to safe­ly back out of the home until help arrived; (not more police help; more police help would only have result­ed in more bul­lets in the deceased’s body).


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The home­own­er had no duty to put his weapon down in his own home. He did not call the police; he had com­mit­ted no crime.
To a ham­mer, every­thing is a nail. Sending armed wannabe Rambos to check on peo­ple in their own homes is the stu­pid­est thing to do. Still, police con­tin­ue to answer calls to go to peo­ple’s homes to check on them, result­ing in untrained, igno­rant cops killing peo­ple’s loved ones who are in dis­tress or suf­fer­ing from some med­ical sit­u­a­tion that makes them unable to deal with vio­lent, aggres­sive cops.
Ask your­selves what would this cop have done if she was a British unarmed police offi­cer? Would she not have backed out of the house and await­ed the prop­er help, and would­n’t that result in the home­own­er being alive?
A neigh­bor who knew the mur­dered man said he was deaf and prob­a­bly awak­ened from his sleep and had not put a hear­ing aid in his ears.
From all indi­ca­tions, he had no idea the intrud­er in his home was a cop- that did not stop a gung-ho cop from putting three bul­lets into the 88-year-old’s body, killing him in his own home.
If cit­i­zens can­not be free from Government intru­sion and mur­der­ous assault in their own homes, where are Americans safe?
The first irony; The deceased man was Ronald Ehrich, was a retired police offi­cer with 23 ‑years of ser­vice to law enforcement…
The sec­ond irony; there are so many func­tion­ing illit­er­ates in American soci­ety who cel­e­brate this shoot­ing believ­ing this was a brave offi­cer who was faced with the sin­gu­lar choice of shoot­ing and killing Ronal Ehrich.
A real police offi­cer would have known right away that the home­own­er had not called for help, had com­mit­ted no crime, and had no duty to obey police com­mand tak­ing the fore­gone into consideration.
To add insult to injury the poor deaf man was killed not know­ing he was killed by some­one who is sup­posed to know better.




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.